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  1. #1
    Njectable's Avatar
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    Possible Infection? ****ing Hope not.

    Alright so I'm in week 9 of my cycle. Running prop, enanthate , and winny, all home brewed by myself. Anyways i just started the winny on monday, first time ever running winny, so i was pretty excited, although nervous too because winny is a bitch to homebrew and get it to hold in the solution, and my batch kept crashing on me so i had to reheat it every other day to get the crystals to go back into the solution.

    Anyways to the point, i took my first injection with the winny on monday, but i had to do my test E shot that day too so i just injected both at once into my quad. Next day, Tuesday, a little painful, more painful then the prop, and a little swelling but nothing to really be concerned about. So that day i injected 1ml of winny into my right delt.

    Next day, Wednesday, there was alot of soreness, swelling, and a little redness at the site of my delt injection, but didn't think to much of it. So i injected my left delt that day with another 1ml of winny. Next day, Thursday, i notice the pain and swelling in my quad is almost gone, but my right delt is still pretty sore, and swollen, and now my left delt is starting to do the same.

    By thursday i'm kinda concerned beings the winny is giving me pain 10 times worse then what the prop gives me, so i decide to just do my 2nd test E shot for that week into my other quad, and just drink my daily 1ml dose of the winny, let me tell you, injectable oil based winny isn't the easiest thing to swallow.

    Friday now, and thankfully i notice my right delt is starting to improve, but my left is getting worse, so i decide to just drink that day's dose too untill i can figure out what the problem is here and whether the gear is sterile. So today, Saturday, i notice the redness of my left delt is starting to spread down my arm, their's still a decent size knot, and the pain seems to be maybe getting slightly better but its the spreading redness that is concerning me. I can't understand though why this is just happening to one of my injection sites, and why it didn't happen to all three if it was the gear, and i know my practises were right when i injected my left delt. So just wondering if this could just be irritation or something from the injection, it almost seems like the beginning of a rash, or is this is the tell tale signs of something more serious like an infection.

    Just need some expertise on whether i should give it a few more days and see what happens or if i should goto the doc as soon as possible and get some meds.
    Last edited by Njectable; 11-04-2006 at 02:54 PM.

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is the area of redness feverish? you feel slightly ill?...
    If so, I'd go to the doc and get it checked. If not, give it another day or so and see if things improve.
    The only thing that strikes me with an uneasy feeling is that you say the redness is beginning to progress from the injection site. That doesn't sound good.

    Good luck,


  3. #3
    Njectable's Avatar
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    the injection site is warm, and i'm dealing with a cold right now too, like coughing, and sneezing and shit so i do feel ill in that sense, but not in the sense that i need to puke.

  4. #4
    RA's Avatar
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    I would make an appointment with your doc say a couple days out. If it gets better, cancel. BUT, if you get a fever go to the er quick.

  5. #5
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    did the volume of the shot exceed 3ml/cc?

  6. #6
    Njectable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    did the volume of the shot exceed 3ml/cc?
    no, both delt shots were only 1ml

  7. #7
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxer23
    the injection site is warm, and i'm dealing with a cold right now too, like coughing, and sneezing and shit so i do feel ill in that sense, but not in the sense that i need to puke.

    Apply cool pack on site 15 mint on and 15 mints off,take somthig like Tylenol or whatever.Drink a lots of fluids, and REST......PM me if get worse.!!!


  8. #8
    diezelking's Avatar
    diezelking is offline New Member
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    As odd as this may seem i ran into the same issue when i started the cycle of winny my delt was red and it felt hot a couple of days after the shot, then it started going down to my arm, I didint pay any mind to it and just worked out harder, it eventually went away, don't mean to bash just sharing a personnal experience

  9. #9
    Njectable's Avatar
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    ya seems like alot of people notice irritation or have problems with winny injections, i read in another thread that one of the mods had the same problem with a delt shot and it spreading to his arm. Either way i'm done injecting the shit, as bad as it taste, i'll manage to get it down orally, just hoping my arm clears up soon.

  10. #10
    cleared4theoption's Avatar
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    Let us know how it works out for you. Vitamin C works wonders for some people.

  11. #11
    Njectable's Avatar
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    well monday now, seems to be drastically improving, redness is pretty much no longer an issue. Still slightly swollen, and a little tender, but its getting much better. Kinda f***ed up, wonder what the deal was.

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