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  1. #1
    NastyDHL is offline New Member
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    Exclamation doctor prescribed to hgh for defiency..can i use it to help with weightlifting?

    I am prescribed to HGH because of a disease I have that inhibits my pitituary gland from producing enough HGH. I am also 19 years old and I was wondering if there was any way to use my HGH to gain results in weight lifting. I have a month till basketball season and want to gain muscle. Any responses appreciated.

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    It will help in recover after training.

  3. #3
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    well, how much of it will you be taking per day? if he's just replacing the amount a normal person would produce, it wouldn't cause much of any dramatic change. considering you've been deficient in it though, for you it might, at least initially.

    hgh will help you lean out and bulk up both. it's a great drug from what i've heard, though i've yet to use it myself. many even call it the long sought after "fountain of youth", cause it has so many benefits to it. you'll be in a better mood, have more energy, recuperate faster from workouts, among many other health benefits. the only point where it causes negative sides is in a few rare cases where people are succeptible to certain side-effects or when excessive doses are used, at which point it can dramatically adversely affect the body, far worse than gear ever could IMO.

  4. #4
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    yup .. u can see that with ppl who have the opposite problem (a tumour that produces too much GH), they usually die before 40 due to cardiovascular complications... To thread starter: have u had this condition for long? how did they diagnose it? how tall are u (u said u plyed BB)? Ur GH supplementation wont certainloy hurt ur bodybuilding aspirations... how helpful it is? - that I cant answer cause I havent used it yet.. go to the GH section, lots of info there.. all I can say is that it also depends on ur dose but I woulod assume they are gonna be monitoring ur levels so that u wont exceed the physiological limits very grossly.

  5. #5
    NastyDHL is offline New Member
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    I take 3.4 a day...I'm not sure what unit it is in but I am sure anyone who has experience with the drug can guess what its measured in...i'm guessing mg's...anyway, i was diagnosed with the drug when i was about 13 and i was one of the shortest people in my grade at about 5'1''. I don't know how long I have had this condition, the doctors aren't sure what caused it. They diagnosed it by hooking me up to an IV all day and testing my blood many times. The drug is very defintely helpful in my growing and maturation process...I doubt i would be past 5'3 without it and now I am 5'10 and still growing. I can boost up my dosage as much as I want considering I have a surplus supply of the medicine and I administer it to myself. If i was to take creatine, would a raised level of hgh doses multiply the effects of creatine? I am looking to bulk up quickly and possibly boosting the amount of hgh I give myself each night for about a month until the season begins to help improve muscle growth. Thank you for the feedback and advice everyone.

  6. #6
    NastyDHL is offline New Member
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    also, i can take a raised dose for a couple months seeing as i only get tested twice a year

  7. #7
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    If it is for a medical reason I am cautious to give any advice but will anyway. Do not do this without a doctors supervision. If one wont find another until you get one that cares about your health and not their opinions about a lifestyle. 3.4 iu is a big dose for never coming off... I would not mess with your disease.

    What disease is it called???

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