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  1. #41
    evilsteve02 is offline New Member
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    well, then what do i do with my dbol ? i paid a lot for it

  2. #42
    evilsteve02 is offline New Member
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    i dunno this seems like it's not even worth it, steroids arn't that expensive but all the other stuff you have to add on to it kills you.... i guess i'll just sit on the dbol until someone wants to buy it, becuase i don't even care anymore, i don't want to take stuff after it, but i do so my balls work right again. i just figured if i took low levels it wouldn't be a big deal and i'd get good results, plus my diet is awesome for protein consumption, so i figued i wouldn't lose that much after i cycled off of it.

  3. #43
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have herd of people that take dbol only cycles put on 15 pounds and keep 5
    it. Thats the main reason against it is you just don't keep a lot of your gains because its mostly water. There are the dedicated few who run dbol only cycles and liked them. There are the psychological aspects of it too. You can put on 15 or 20 pounds during the cycle, but then you only keep 5 pounds. This can cause depression which would make you want to get back on another cycle. Dbol has a lot of sides, for what you would keep. You would probably be better off doing superdrol.

  4. #44
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Dont want to put on 300lbs in a week. I guarantee you dont even put on 3 lbs in a week unless its water and fat.

    Andriol is you only option and if you cant do needles get another hobby cuz AAS arent for you.
    100 percent correct. Either learn to deal with it or don't do it at all.

  5. #45
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Dont get someone to stick you... I stuck a buddy a few times cos he was too pussy, one day I hit a nerve and by the time he told me it was too late... Ever seen a 260lb guy scream and wriggle like a little girl LOL

  6. #46
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
    Astrocreep_23 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Tren Bull, what were your tbol and winny doseages like?

  7. #47
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    save your dbol and acquire all your other items add in some decca and test and youll be golden.i was scared of needles on my 1st cycle had a buddy shoot me the 1 st time he stuck the 22x1.5 needle all the way into my delt scared the crap outta me but i didnt feel a damn thing from that day forward i shoot myself 23x1 hurts less than getting your blood drawn hell it dont hurt

  8. #48
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    yo man never thought i would have the balls to inject myself but had a friend who knows his stuff come over and show me the proper technique to load and i just held it close to my quad and threw it in there like a dart and i expected the worst but ya know what nuthin.wanted to do it again after i was done call me sadist dunno.lookin forward to my next inject

  9. #49
    Teegunn's Avatar
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    There are some "oral test" alternatives, but really, they all pale in comparison to the needle. Andriol was already mentioned, but to really get much out of it, it will cost you an arm and a leg. M1T is methylized oral testosterone - and it works great. Only problem is that it is very harsh on the liver and on the body in general. Just an all around harsh oral that one would only run for 3 or 4 weeks max. There are also a couple of oral test tabs that one would let disolve under the tongue. A certain chinaman makes them. I tried them once, wasn't greatly impressed, but they definitely help. I believe the chinaman has a new one that is even more orally viable - according to him. Lastly, there are test creams available that do work. However, if you sleep with a woman or are around children, I wouldn't suggest it as it may actually rub off onto them.

    Take into consideration that all the oral/cream forms of test are not nearly as effective as the needle.

    Now all that being said, for a quick 4 week oral, I honestly would run either Superdrol or PherPlex. These two are potent and can pack on 10 to 15 lbs in one month. True PCT is needed with these however. Also, I suggest using Aromasin instead of Nolva with either PP or SD because both product cause a rise in prolactin levels - which could lead to leaky nipples. Not what a man wants. I would run Aromasin during and after the cycle, personally.

    Hope that helps. However, I also hope you are actually 22 years old, otherwise I would suggest waiting a few years.

  10. #50
    cfiler's Avatar
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    If you can't handle needles, then there is no reason to consider running a cycle.

  11. #51
    igorotsp is offline New Member
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    Say good bye to your liver bro. Someone 1 know took 10 dbols all at the same time for 2 months straight everyday. Now he's lost all his weight and diagnosed with cancer. Another friend at the gym who lived off orals most of his cycles was from 220 now down to 130 and he goes to dialysis (artificial replacement for lost kidney function due to renal failure)once a week. If your scared have someone you know inject you. I was scared of needles myself but I got use to it. My brother who's a nurse does all my injections. If your still gonna do it make sure you don't do orals for more than 4 weeks, drink 1 gallon of water thru out the day, and take milk thistle.

  12. #52
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by igorotsp
    Say good bye to your liver bro. Someone 1 know took 10 dbols all at the same time for 2 months straight everyday. Now he's lost all his weight and diagnosed with cancer. Another friend at the gym who lived off orals most of his cycles was from 220 now down to 130 and he goes to dialysis (artificial replacement for lost kidney function due to renal failure)once a week. If your scared have someone you know inject you. I was scared of needles myself but I got use to it. My brother who's a nurse does all my injections. If your still gonna do it make sure you don't do orals for more than 4 weeks, drink 1 gallon of water thru out the day, and take milk thistle.
    lol ru claiming 10 dbols a day for 2 months will give me cancer too?

  13. #53
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Anadroil is ORAL test if you have the money then go for it. And its light .....on your body just have to run high doses thats the ORIGIANAL oral test. Otherwise I would go with OT cycle... cheap ... and feels like test to me ... all good sides

  14. #54
    juicepig's Avatar
    juicepig is offline Associate Member
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    HardGainer12 are you on drugs?... no wonder your a hard gainer you must be taking M1t! I dont know one person on this board that has said any good things about m1t.. so i wouldent suggest it! The side effects are shit once again no keep gains.. orals are only good if your stacking with an injectable!

  15. #55
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    soley out of curiousity have any of you guys actually ran orals by themselves and can speak from experience on this?? because oral cycles do yield results the no test no cycle rule is stupid. if an oral cycle is done correctly you can and will gain muscle and retaining it comes from diet and proper training post cycle.

    the liver statements hold some merrit but people underestimate ur livers ability to recover. run some liver supps and definately get blood work done if your going to be on for a while. i know its a pain in the ass but its worth it. ur lipids will most likely be outta whack before ur liver values are to high.

  16. #56
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    soley out of curiousity have any of you guys actually ran orals by themselves and can speak from experience on this?? because oral cycles do yield results the no test no cycle rule is stupid. if an oral cycle is done correctly you can and will gain muscle and retaining it comes from diet and proper training post cycle.

    the liver statements hold some merrit but people underestimate ur livers ability to recover. run some liver supps and definately get blood work done if your going to be on for a while. i know its a pain in the ass but its worth it. ur lipids will most likely be outta whack before ur liver values are to high.
    i know people who do orals only and keep their gains. Everyone is different.

  17. #57
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    i know people who do orals only and keep their gains. Everyone is different.
    exactly everyone is different so he may as well try it out. it ownt kill him. i just get very anoid by the regergitation on this board "no test no cycle". 95% of the people that post those responses and the "ur liver will die" etc have no experience in the oral only area. so my recomendation is talk to some of the more experienced guys on the board through pm. you'll get better answers.

  18. #58
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    exactly everyone is different so he may as well try it out. it ownt kill him. i just get very anoid by the regergitation on this board "no test no cycle". 95% of the people that post those responses and the "ur liver will die" etc have no experience in the oral only area. so my recomendation is talk to some of the more experienced guys on the board through pm. you'll get better answers.
    At the same token just because people do it doesn't mean its the best way to go about it.

    Me personally would never run a oral only cycle.

    Good luck in what ever you do .

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