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Thread: bycep shots?

  1. #1
    iwannagetbig! is offline New Member
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    bycep shots?

    i have to start giving myself my own shots from now on, my girl use to do it for me but we broke up. i figured the easiest place to shoot yourself is in your bicep, i told my buddy about it and he said bicep shots arnt good and easy to get infected. he told me about some guy that took a bicep shot and it got infected, and a chunk of his muscle was lost. i thought it was kinda bullshit, but i thought i would check on here first, so are bicep shots ok?

  2. #2
    coram12 is offline New Member
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    Yes bicep shots are alright. Just be very clean when doing it and take the shot right after the shower. I made the mistake of taking a shot in my right bicep when I did not just get out of the shower and it was like peircing through a brick. "It Hurts like ****" also my bicep was red and sore for about 4 days. I shot my biceps on a weekly rotation. While i was on my cycle I had 6 injection spots and biceps was 2 of them. Just remember there are alot of viens in that area so be careful

  3. #3
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    i've heard that bicep shots are pretty painful, especially if you're not experienced and don't have big biceps... i don't know your situation and experience, but do what you will.

    depending on what you're shooting and how you're shooting it, I would definitely go with quad or glute injections if possible... they are usually not too painful depending on what you're using because they're pretty big muscle groups.

    good luck,

  4. #4
    ghoul000's Avatar
    ghoul000 is offline Associate Member
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    haha he`s talking about the video he saw run on TV, "the man's arm that exploded" Don't listen to that nonsense. Don't go right for the biceps. Quads are very very easy to inject yourself, but first few times the aftermath is rough. So be pre paired. Doing delts yourself is very easy, very little pain, just do not inject a large amount into them. Injecting biceps can be painful. If your useing short ester's like test prop. Spot injecting will work and they'll grow. If your using a longer ester....quads and delts are your thing man. Pain in injection can be due to type of gear your useing..would of been helpful if you said what kind you are useing.

  5. #5
    iwannagetbig! is offline New Member
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    im using deca 300 and test 350, thanks for the info fellas, yeah i think im gonna do a quad shot instead, im kinda being a pussy about doing it myself for the first time, anybody got a link of all the injection spots?

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    they hurt me like hell



  7. #7
    ghoul000's Avatar
    ghoul000 is offline Associate Member
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    http://w w w.s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m /index3.htm

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    Can search forums its easy to inject. Be prepaired to be sore man...Id rather inject it in my nuts vs another quad.

  8. #8
    iwannagetbig! is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    http://w w w.s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m /index3.htm

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    sweet! right on time too, i was hoping sombody would post it befor i had to go to work, good looking out

  9. #9
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Don't go right for the biceps.
    Why not?

    I never understand advice like this. And also people saying its EASIER to get biceps infected. That is a huge laugh. A muscle is a muscle, your body doesnt develop infections based on WHERE you inject, that is one of the biggest loads of rubbish I have heard in my life and anyone who believes it is not thinking properly.

    Please I would love for someone to explain to me why why why if you use proper injecting technique your bicep would be more likely to get an infection than somewhere else.

    Honestly, the parroting that goes around and the idiotic comments you always seem to hear of on AR that "some dude at the gym" or "my friends friend" said is just impossibly stupid. I cant understand where this crap starts.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    When I'm on i do ed injections. I do bies and tries. Not painful at all. I use a 25g 1'

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