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  1. #1
    Bigstiffler's Avatar
    Bigstiffler is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York

    Exclamation monday is big day!

    monday starts my 3rd cycle & i'm very psyhced about it! i'm running
    test cyp 750mgs/wk wks 1-12
    anadrol 75mgs/day wks 1-4
    eq 400mgs/wk wks 1-11

    i know i should bump my dose of eq but i'll c how it goes from there.
    just wondering if i should bump anadrol up to 100mgs/day for wk3 & 4???

    other than that my stats rite now are 5'9" 196lbs about 12%fat

  2. #2
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    see how 75mg works for you if your not noticing anythign then yeah i would bump it ... all depends on you

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