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  1. #1
    irondiezl3 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006

    question for advanced users

    I finished my first cycle about 3 months ago and have a few questions.

    First is it normal to keep most strength gains? Ive barely lost any strength in any mucle group or exercise maybe 10% drop at most.

    Ive lost a little size but no where to the size before i started.

    i thought you go back to the way you started? im guessing thats maybe due to me training hard after still and eating alot still?

    also i know im gunna take some ridicule for this but at the time i couldnt get my hands on any pct's i know thats terrible but my guy was mia and i couldnt find anyone else. I was scared to death i was afraid to lose it all grow some females pecs get fat. But to my surprise i barely gained fat have almost all my strength and everything seems to be ok. Am i just really lucky or is it because it was my first cycle and I didnt go crazy on the sauce my frist time?

    age 23
    height 5 10
    weight 215

  2. #2
    irondiezl3 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006
    but one more thing i deffinantly notice the loss of the massive pumps,faster healing,and appetite so those did go away.

  3. #3
    Iron freak's Avatar
    Iron freak is offline Associate Member
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    some people are dif.I never loose any weight,mabe five pounds due to water.but I play it smart after cycle,pct,still eating properly.but I have buds that loose it all and mostly due to diet and stop training.or you could have had bad shi* and the gains you got were due to mind then you would not loose any after cycle.

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I see a lot of guys losing everything after cycle. These are the guys who dont know what PCT is. You are incredibly lucky to have kept anything. I think it was very irresponsible of you to miss PCT.

  5. #5
    Vegas67 is offline Member
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    You are young...have lots of natty test, good genetics, still training hard and eating.....consider yerself lucky. Dont let it happen again!

  6. #6
    irondiezl3 is offline Junior Member
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    i kno i had tests done doc said just minor damage to liver nothing to worry about and my blood pressure was a little high but i got it back to normal i train hard rest alot and eat a ton. But from what i heard i figured i just got lucky never would do that again. I wanna do another cycle not right now few more months atleast same amount of time i was on cycle but i cant stand the water weight. my face got so bloated i wish there was something that can keep it out of the face too.

    i was really scared about not pct so i made sure to compound as much as possible squats,benchpress,military press,deadlifts hoping that would help keep loss to a minimum maybe that helped a little.

  7. #7
    irondiezl3 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006
    i try to keep cardio to a minimum if i do it 3 times a week 20 mins max at a level pace instead of fast running can i be safe to not lose any muscle cause right now im only doing cardio once a week and i know thats not enough i just like bulking up but ive seen guys bulk and do cardio and barely lose any muscle at all. i always figured they were genetically gifted.

  8. #8
    odix's Avatar
    odix is offline Member
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    Jul 2006
    run letro or arimidex everyday, no bloat for me or water weight

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