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  1. #1
    wguttrid's Avatar
    wguttrid is offline Junior Member
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    DNP Question's on how to proceed.

    Hi guys,

    Been a while, but have a question. Will give my stats and where I am at right now, currently I am on week 8 of a Test Ent and Test Prop cycle. The dosages I have taken are Test E (500mg/wk) and Test Prop (300mg/wk) which I dose as EOD. Have made good steady gains on this cycle which I am happy with. I am 6'2, weigh about 240lbs and approx 16%bf.

    I am going away to the Caribbean for a week before xmas and have been reading about DNP and hoping to drop a quick 10 pounds or so. Have coming to me 20 caps -250mg ea. (thinking of trying either a 7-14 days cycle of DNP at 200mg-250mg a day and taking all precautions and supplements). Been researching this and have a couple questions.

    1.) Can I continue taking my Test cycle while on DNP? Not sure if this is wise, as I am carrying little water weight as it is on this cycle. From what I have researched you also carry extra water while on DNP but lose it about 5 days upon completion of DNP. Is there health risks of taking DNP with Test E/Test Prop?? Is this advisable or not and what are reasons.
    2.) Should I come off the Test E/Test Prop cycle and start DNP cycle only the following week?
    3,) Should I come of the Test E/Test Prop and wait 2 weeks to clear the body of this and then start DNP?
    4.) Can I use the DNP for one - two weeks and then start back up with Test Prop only. Still not sure as I was originally planning on running this Test only cycle up till January timeframe and then giving my body a break until late summer early fall cycle.

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    DNP can be run during cycle without interruption or any contraindications (drug or chemical clashes).

    Be very careful with DNP, it is a phenol - a corrosive poisonous crystalline acidic compound.


  3. #3
    wguttrid's Avatar
    wguttrid is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks been researching and came across some posts related to AAS and DNP at the same time but they were from early this year and last year. Thanks for confirming I can stay on the Test while taking DNP.

    Plan on giving this stuff the out most respect, first day I try it I plan on only taking 100mg and seeing how my body reacts.

    Have most of the supplements as well as T3, luckily work in an office so I don't exert to much through the day.

    Will be happy with 10 pound reduction or so.

    Any other advice?

  4. #4
    wguttrid's Avatar
    wguttrid is offline Junior Member
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    Just thouht, have letro on hand. Could I take this stuff after the DNP to help shed the water weight?

  5. #5
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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  6. #6
    wguttrid's Avatar
    wguttrid is offline Junior Member
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    That is an awesome thread, printed it out to read throughly and high light some stuff. Alot to digest.

  7. #7
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wguttrid
    That is an awesome thread, printed it out to read throughly and high light some stuff. Alot to digest.
    glad i could help.

  8. #8
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just to be thorough, here are my answers to all your questions in the best way I can explain and possibly help you.

    1.) Can I continue taking my Test cycle while on DNP?

    You can do this, however it's my firm belief that it is a waste of AS since you will be unable build muscle and your body will most likely stall gains since you'll be trying to be strict on the DNP to maximize fat loss.

    2.) Should I come off the Test E/Test Prop cycle and start DNP cycle only the following week?

    This one is trickier because you have several options. You should probably be doing your cycle like this to minimize PCT and maximize your gains:

    (Assumes 14-17 days for the Enanthate to clear the blood and Prop clearing in 48 hours)

    Day 1: Last day of Enanthate (250mg shot)
    Day 2-8: Nothing
    Day 8-17: 150mg Prop/ED
    Day 18-20: 50mg Prop/ED
    Day 21: Begin PCT

    Proper PCT regiment starting Day 21 going for 21 days.

    Day 21-25: PCT going on
    Day 26-36: DNP 200mg/ED
    Day 37-42: PCT will finish up but you need to gently increase caloric intake so that your body is at full strength when you conclude the DNP.

    That is how I would run the DNP so that you can create the anabolic rebound after you conclude your DNP 5 days before the end of your PCT. I find that I typically lose some gains by the end of my PCT, so the rebound is going to help you prevent losing hardly anything if the DNP doesn't get any muscle itself.

    Your body will be forced to grow even when you finish here because you will be so depleted that the increase in cals over a short amount of time is like tweaking a car. Your body has a big chance of helping you maintain your gains if the DNP is thrown in during PCT.

    That way
    3,) Should I come of the Test E/Test Prop and wait 2 weeks to clear the body of this and then start DNP?

    This is my choice given the above statements.

    4.) Can I use the DNP for one - two weeks and then start back up with Test Prop only?

    Just save the gear for a later cycle. Give your body some time to recover before using again.

    Just a note for anyone that will choose to model the DNP the way I shared:
    I hope that this post was informative and helpful. All information herein supplied based on personal experience and literature I have read concerning the subject. Nothing here is meant to be regarded as scientific fact as I am not a Licensed Medical Professional or Doctor, but I have successfully incorporated them into my training and find them highly effective.

    Whew. I'm spent after that one.

  9. #9
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    Dnp sound too much of a risk to me good luck though

  10. #10
    wguttrid's Avatar
    wguttrid is offline Junior Member
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    Hey guys, just a question on the half life, so after every 36 hours, only half remains. So if one had a peak of 540mg in there system (200mg a day dose), after 36 hour only 270mg would remain, then after another 36 hours, only 135mg would remain, then after another 36 hours only 67.5 etc....

    So it woudl take approx. 9 days for it to leave your system.

    Would that mean that if one had a peak of 1080mg (400mg a day) it woudl take 19 days to leave the system.

  11. #11
    wguttrid's Avatar
    wguttrid is offline Junior Member
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    Hi just another question, read somewhere in my researching that the powder seems to stay in the system longer versus the crystal kind. Is this true??

    (The kind I have on hand is cyrstal dosed at 250mg/pill.)

  12. #12
    wguttrid's Avatar
    wguttrid is offline Junior Member
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    Any info to add guys, is appreciated.

  13. #13
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    1.) Can I continue taking my Test cycle while on DNP ? Not sure if this is wise, as I am carrying little water weight as it is on this cycle. From what I have researched you also carry extra water while on DNP but lose it about 5 days upon completion of DNP. Is there health risks of taking DNP with Test E/Test Prop?? Is this advisable or not and what are reasons.

    Take it while on cycle. I dont think I would use it during PCT since your body is in a sensitive state. maybe after pct if you are positive you are recovered.

    2.) Should I come off the Test E/Test Prop cycle and start DNP cycle only the following week?

    I would start taking 250mg when you recivie them and run them for 20days(hopefully you are running longer then 10wks.) When you come off you might want to get on some lipo-6 or something.

    3,) Should I come of the Test E/Test Prop and wait 2 weeks to clear the body of this and then start DNP?


    4.) Can I use the DNP for one - two weeks and then start back up with Test Prop only. Still not sure as I was originally planning on running this Test only cycle up till January timeframe and then giving my body a break until late summer early fall cycle.

    use it on cycle.

    Also why are you running test e and test p. stick with one ester test. you are not benefiting from taking a long ester test with a short one. if i were you I would drop the enth and take 100mg ED/150-200mg EOD of prop

  14. #14
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Excellent info, thinking about trying it myself.

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