I am a medical resident doing my training in Internal Medicine and I've just been reading this forum for the past 2 days. I am amazed at how many people, even women, take dangerous medications for the sake of looking good without considering the consequences. For example clenbuterol can cause fatal arrhythmias and heart attacks, and I noticed that some people said that they developed chest pain after ingesting clenbuterol. This is called angina pectoris and its due to the heart muscles working too hard and not getting enough oxygen (called myocardial ischemia). This can result in myocardial infarction and has been documented in many countries (like Mexico) where there's illegal supplementation of beef with clenbuterol and simillar B-adrenergics.

Not to mention that anabolic steroids themselves can also cause elevations of LDL / VLDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and this further puts a load on the heart making anabolic steroid users good candidates for heart bypass surgeries at very young ages. I guess steroid users keep the cardiologists happy though.

I also noticed people mentioning other side effects of steroids like: pissing blood! This is not a good sign: it's called drug induced interstital nephritis and can cause irreversible changes in the kidney that will only appear 10-15years later and cause irreversible kidney failure. Again these people might be candidates for kidney dialysis, you know being hooked up to a machine 24 hours a day for the rest of your life!!!!!

I forgot to add that anabolic steroids also cause changes in the liver like liver adenomas and peliosis hepatitis which can rupture and cause fatal bleeding!!!
Also chronic steroid cocktail intake will cause elevations of the liver enzymes AST/ALT and in the long term can cause liver damage. Oh sorry I forgot, the liver cleanse and total body cleanse are going to protect you!

Oh and did I mention that steroids also produce cardi*****ly with reduced ejection fractions (like i"ve been reading on this board) which is irreversible!!!! Yeah I know cardi*****ly doesn't sound too bad, it just means growth of the heart. How bad can a bigger heart be, right? But this will cause congestive heart failure which is irreversible and fatal.

Well, take care everyone and I hope you guys enjoy your big muscles (and balls the size of marbles) while you can.....