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  1. #81
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
    Jay-Ace is offline Member
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    I think that Dr.Puerto should come back and post when he fails his medical degree!!

    I've never heard such BS spouted from 1 guy and I've worked in medicine which is full of dickheads!!

  2. #82
    Baba is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PuertoRico1978
    I am a medical resident doing my training in Internal Medicine and I've just been reading this forum for the past 2 days. I am amazed at how many people, even women, take dangerous medications for the sake of looking good without considering the consequences. For example clenbuterol can cause fatal arrhythmias and heart attacks, and I noticed that some people said that they developed chest pain after ingesting clenbuterol. This is called angina pectoris and its due to the heart muscles working too hard and not getting enough oxygen (called myocardial ischemia). This can result in myocardial infarction and has been documented in many countries (like Mexico) where there's illegal supplementation of beef with clenbuterol and simillar B-adrenergics.

    Not to mention that anabolic steroids themselves can also cause elevations of LDL / VLDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and this further puts a load on the heart making anabolic steroid users good candidates for heart bypass surgeries at very young ages. I guess steroid users keep the cardiologists happy though.

    I also noticed people mentioning other side effects of steroids like: pissing blood! This is not a good sign: it's called drug induced interstital nephritis and can cause irreversible changes in the kidney that will only appear 10-15years later and cause irreversible kidney failure. Again these people might be candidates for kidney dialysis, you know being hooked up to a machine 24 hours a day for the rest of your life!!!!!

    I forgot to add that anabolic steroids also cause changes in the liver like liver adenomas and peliosis hepatitis which can rupture and cause fatal bleeding!!!
    Also chronic steroid cocktail intake will cause elevations of the liver enzymes AST/ALT and in the long term can cause liver damage. Oh sorry I forgot, the liver cleanse and total body cleanse are going to protect you!

    Oh and did I mention that steroids also produce cardi*****ly with reduced ejection fractions (like i"ve been reading on this board) which is irreversible!!!! Yeah I know cardi*****ly doesn't sound too bad, it just means growth of the heart. How bad can a bigger heart be, right? But this will cause congestive heart failure which is irreversible and fatal.

    Well, take care everyone and I hope you guys enjoy your big muscles (and balls the size of marbles) while you can.....
    You joined this site to tell us that?

  3. #83
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    must have been doing his community service for being arrested for DUI or other rec drug usage......lolol

  4. #84
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    I do agree however that clen is garbage.

    I have a shit load sitting here i've been planning on dumping for the last couple months. I'd like to find a suitable disposable method tho.

    A friend asked me about it.. but i wouldn't give that shit to anyone i cared about.

    Sure, there are means to counteract the micro-trauma it can generate to the heart tissue... but honestly i don't feel it's worth the trouble.

    I've used it probably twice in the past... wouldn't again.

    I wouldn't touch that shit with a 10-foot pole.

    Ephedrine is a lot safer imo... CNS and heart-tissue-wise imo.

    Results minus the feeling of the walking dead.


  5. #85
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    i think we shamed him away. either that or maybe we've finally enlightened him to the fact that he doesn't know his @ss from his elbow when it comes to all this. either way, i find this thread quite amusing. not too often i read through a full 3 pages of a thread, but it had enough laughs in it that it was worth it.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I do agree however that clen is garbage.

    I have a shit load sitting here i've been planning on dumping for the last couple months. I'd like to find a suitable disposable method tho.

    A friend asked me about it.. but i wouldn't give that shit to anyone i cared about.

    Sure, there are means to counteract the micro-trauma it can generate to the heart tissue... but honestly i don't feel it's worth the trouble.

    I've used it probably twice in the past... wouldn't again.

    I wouldn't touch that shit with a 10-foot pole.

    Ephedrine is a lot safer imo... CNS and heart-tissue-wise imo.

    Results minus the feeling of the walking dead.



    Clen or Ephedrine I stay away from. Anything that directly effects the heart is not wanted by me.

    I don't see why so many use that shit. I could see bodybuilders using to get into contest shape, but there's ppl running it with 15% BF and even 20%+ BF, which is ridiculous.

  7. #87
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Never ran clenbuterol myself, never intend to.

    However, I believe it has a rightful place somewhere along the line...
    Must be used properly though.
    By people that are well educated in proper use and are responsible enough to not take it in rediculous amounts, which could very well bring about heart related issues as well as many other issues.

    I was wondering if this thread was ever going to get back to it's original point. Doc Rico had to throw it way off course, and I think he deserved every bit of bashing he got in this thread.

    Anyway, like I said, IMO clen has it's uses if used properly. And it has it's risks.
    Be smart brothers, use responsibly.



  8. #88
    Getbig06's Avatar
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    I guess Dr. Puerto Rico doesn't want to admit that using (NOT ABUSING) steroids is no different than taking any other medication and that abusing ANY medication could create problems, not just juice. But I found an interesting piece on steriod use, it's a short 13 min video I feel everyone should watch. It comes in 2 parts.

    pt 1:
    pt 2:

  9. #89
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Getbig, if you read through the previous posts in this thread, you'd see that there was a post I made in here with a link to that's one part too.

    None the less, good refresher. I thought it was an appropriate add on for this particular thread...maybe a good eye opener for the threadstarter.



  10. #90
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Getbig, if you read through the previous posts in this thread, you'd see that there was a post I made in here with a link to that's one part too.

    None the less, good refresher. I thought it was an appropriate add on for this particular thread...maybe a good eye opener for the threadstarter.



    Too late,he started a new one w/them


    I cant believe I wasted time
    reading this crappy thread
    you started,you got owned
    several times here..gobble,gobble

  11. #91
    Getbig06's Avatar
    Getbig06 is offline Associate Member
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    My mistake... I did start a thread with it in it too.

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