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  1. #1
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    First Post on AR!

    Hello there everyone!

    I've been browsing around a whole lot on this forum and decided to finally register.

    Nice to meet everyone, let me introduce myself.

    I'm 24, been lifting since I was 17. I started out at 125lbs, and weigh close to 180 now and am 5'10''.
    I lift 4-5 days a week, about 1-1.5 hours per session and lift one muscle group a day.

    Here's a break down:
    Sunday: Chest, 265 on flat, 235 on incline (I do mid/lower one week, and upper chest alternating week)
    Monday: Back, 300 dead lift(Dead lifts, Lat pull-downs, rows, so forth so forth)
    Tuesday: Off-Day
    Wednesday: Shoulders
    Thursday: Legs, 270ish on squat (I have bad knees, that's my excuse)
    Friday: Bis/Tris
    Saturday: Off-Day

    As far as supplements and diet.
    Creatine Mono (10g/daily)
    Fish Oil (5-6g/daily)
    Protein from shakes (200g/daily)
    Glucosamine Chondroitin (2g/daily)
    Arginine (3-4 g on work out days)
    Fast Twitch/ NO Xplode (on work out days when I need a boost)
    I, of course, maintain a healthy, clean, high protein diet.

    Now for the steroids talk.
    I've been beating around the bush, thinking whether or not I should just try tribulus, or ZMA as a natural test booster. But after doing some research I have decided to get on my first cycle.

    It'll consist of just Testosterone Ethanate and Clomid. I chose test E b/c after doing my research it's a long acting test and it being my first cycle I thought I'd want that. Also I didn't want to run this first cycle with anything else just to see what kind of gains/side effects/gyno I'd feel. I'll run a 10 week cycle running 500mg/week, 250mg/2X a week. Then two weeks after my last injection, I'll get on Clomid until I run out of it.

    I am not expecting INSANE gains, just some gains to get me through this plateau. Put on maybe 15lbs, and lose about 5 from water retention after.

    What do you guys think? Also should I get off creatine as soon I my first injection? or should I wait 3-4 weeks until the effects of test kick in?

    Sorry for the LONG ASS POST, but I thought I should properly introduce myself to everyone here.

    Last edited by YupYup; 11-26-2006 at 10:03 PM.

  2. #2
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
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    Stay on the creatine if you would like. I dont like to run it though. You can put it into your PCT. What made you want to go with Clomid? If you have bad joints ( I do as well ) then take primaforce (I think) elastamine. It is really cheap and starts working almost immediately. I went from aching days after squats to only feeling muscle soreness. I also went from squating 365, which was easy it just killed my knees, to squating 455, which was much more of a struggle and tested me, in about 2 weeks. Anyways, sorry I went off :P

    The test is good and its a great idea that you want a simple first cycle. Most people want to throw in tons of shit but then you never really know whats doing what. I know some of the experienced members will come in and throw down some great advice. GL Bro.

  3. #3
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    10G of creatine is a lot. I don't think you need to drop it in your cycle but I'm not sure if 10G is necessary.

  4. #4
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    I don't think clomid would be my first choice. ...It can really mess with your mind. ...might want to think on that one some more.

  5. #5
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I think you have done you research. For your first the test -e at 500mg week is best. You will have some very nice gains with that. You should think about running an anti-e or at the lest have it on hand just incare.

  6. #6
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    I decided on Clomid b/c it helps your body produce its own test very quickly. Also the friend that I'm getting my gear from recommended it to me, being that this was what he uses for his PCT.

  7. #7
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    I think you have done you research. For your first the test -e at 500mg week is best. You will have some very nice gains with that. You should think about running an anti-e or at the lest have it on hand just incare.
    I was thinking I should get some JUST IN CASE, but my buddy was saying that I should be okay without it. If I do decide to get it I'm thinking about getting some Tamox.

  8. #8
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KNOWNasJOE
    Stay on the creatine if you would like. I dont like to run it though. You can put it into your PCT. What made you want to go with Clomid? If you have bad joints ( I do as well ) then take primaforce (I think) elastamine. It is really cheap and starts working almost immediately. I went from aching days after squats to only feeling muscle soreness. I also went from squating 365, which was easy it just killed my knees, to squating 455, which was much more of a struggle and tested me, in about 2 weeks. Anyways, sorry I went off :P

    The test is good and its a great idea that you want a simple first cycle. Most people want to throw in tons of shit but then you never really know whats doing what. I know some of the experienced members will come in and throw down some great advice. GL Bro.
    Thanks Joe!

    Yea, I want to start simple and keep it simple as I can.

  9. #9
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Looks like someone did some homework,welcome

    Test only for your 1st,you cant go wrong.

    IMO...have everything on hand,you never
    know when you'll need,and its there if u do.

  10. #10
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YupYup
    Hello there everyone!

    I've been browsing around a whole lot on this forum and decided to finally register.

    Nice to meet everyone, let me introduce myself.

    I'm 24, been lifting since I was 17. I started out at 125lbs, and weigh close to 180 now and am 5'10''.
    I lift 4-5 days a week, about 1-1.5 hours per session and lift one muscle group a day.

    Here's a break down:
    Sunday: Chest, 265 on flat, 235 on incline (I do mid/lower one week, and upper chest alternating week)
    Monday: Back, 300 dead lift(Dead lifts, Lat pull-downs, rows, so forth so forth)
    Tuesday: Off-Day
    Wednesday: Shoulders
    Thursday: Legs, 270ish on squat (I have bad knees, that's my excuse)
    Friday: Bis/Tris
    Saturday: Off-Day

    As far as supplements and diet.
    Creatine Mono (10g/daily)
    Fish Oil (5-6g/daily)
    Protein from shakes (200g/daily)
    Glucosamine Chondroitin (2g/daily)
    Arginine (3-4 g on work out days)
    Fast Twitch/ NO Xplode (on work out days when I need a boost)
    I, of course, maintain a healthy, clean, high protein diet.

    Now for the steroids talk.
    I've been beating around the bush, thinking whether or not I should just try tribulus, or ZMA as a natural test booster. But after doing some research I have decided to get on my first cycle.

    It'll consist of just Testosterone Ethanate and Clomid. I chose test E b/c after doing my research it's a long acting test and it being my first cycle I thought I'd want that. Also I didn't want to run this first cycle with anything else just to see what kind of gains/side effects/gyno I'd feel. I'll run a 10 week cycle running 500mg/week, 250mg/2X a week. Then two weeks after my last injection, I'll get on Clomid until I run out of it.

    I am not expecting INSANE gains, just some gains to get me through this plateau. Put on maybe 15lbs, and lose about 5 from water retention after.

    What do you guys think? Also should I get off creatine as soon I my first injection? or should I wait 3-4 weeks until the effects of test kick in?

    Sorry for the LONG ASS POST, but I thought I should properly introduce myself to everyone here.


    might want to keep some anti e on hand just in case, but everything else looks good bro

    best of luck to you keep us posted on your progress bro

  11. #11
    RYNO is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla
    I don't think clomid would be my first choice. ...It can really mess with your mind. ...might want to think on that one some more.
    Ditto. I would ditch the clomid and use nolva for PCT. Clomid can have some gnarley sides, at least in my experience.

  12. #12
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RYNO
    Ditto. I would ditch the clomid and use nolva for PCT. Clomid can have some gnarley sides, at least in my experience.
    Ok, so I have relayed my concerns about Clomid to my source, but he has already shipped the gear. But he assures me that if I take it before going to bed it will help with the sides (feeling emotional and "feeling like a bitch" (his exact words)). So you guys think it's worth it for me to order some Tomex for my pct?

  13. #13
    RYNO is offline Junior Member
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    I would get tamox. It's cheap in liquid form and may save you from some nasty sides. Oh BTW, taking the clomid before bed will do nothing to keep you from "feeling like a bitch." It has a half-life of several days.

  14. #14
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by YupYup
    I was thinking I should get some JUST IN CASE, but my buddy was saying that I should be okay without it. If I do decide to get it I'm thinking about getting some Tamox.
    ALWAYS have an anti-e on hand i dont care what your mate says,wat is ok for him may be completely different for you,
    get something before you start anything mate,better to be safe than sorry..............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  15. #15
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YupYup
    Ok, so I have relayed my concerns about Clomid to my source, but he has already shipped the gear. But he assures me that if I take it before going to bed it will help with the sides (feeling emotional and "feeling like a bitch" (his exact words)). So you guys think it's worth it for me to order some Tomex for my pct?
    Tamoxifen (nolvadex ) is good to have on hand anyway, just incase. I have used nolva with clomid for pct and that combo has always worked well for me.

  16. #16
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Just a quick word on your diet.

    200g of Protein from shakes is awful. I could only see 200g from shakes being resonable if you were consuming somewhere between 500-600g daily. Which for your size would be far too much.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  17. #17
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Tamoxifen (nolvadex) is good to have on hand anyway, just incase. I have used nolva with clomid for pct and that combo has always worked well for me.
    I'm convinced. I'll go ahead and order Nolvadex just in case I start to see gyno. If I don't see any gyno during the cycle I will use it with clomid as my PCT.

    Thanks bro

  18. #18
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Just a quick word on your diet.

    200g of Protein from shakes is awful. I could only see 200g from shakes being resonable if you were consuming somewhere between 500-600g daily. Which for your size would be far too much.
    Yea, I agree 500 is WAY too much for my weight.

    I take a serving (Whey, two scoops, 48g) soon as I wake up.
    Another serving (Whey, two scoops, 48g) few hours after lunch.
    Another serving (Whey, two scoops, 48g) after lifting, I lift at night.
    Another serving (muscle milk, two scoops 35g) right before going to bed
    Throughout the day I probably have about 100-130g of protein from food.
    Grand total estimate of around 300g, and I weigh about 180

    Still too much?

  19. #19
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Not too much, just too much from shakes IMO.

    You should try and get more whole food proteins, it will only help you.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  20. #20
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to AR...YupYup.

  21. #21
    rock75's Avatar
    rock75 is offline Senior Member
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    Yup Yup, welcome bro. Not everyone will react the same to clomid, i've never experienced the emotional sides that some bro's on here have, so if you have it I would use it because it does do as you state and I would definitly get some anti-e's and have them on hand in case you need them. good luck bro

  22. #22
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Welcome to AR...YupYup.
    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    Yup Yup, welcome bro. Not everyone will react the same to clomid, i've never experienced the emotional sides that some bro's on here have, so if you have it I would use it because it does do as you state and I would definitly get some anti-e's and have them on hand in case you need them. good luck bro
    Reply With Quote.
    Thanks fellas. I def. got on top of that anti-E, and ordered myself some Nolva. I'll keep everyone updated on how my first cycle goes.

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