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  1. #1
    Z12's Avatar
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    Any smokers out there??

    I'm a newbie, never done a cycle, but I've been doing my research. I'm almost 24, 5'-11" tall, 180 lbs, been lifting for 6 years but more seriously for last 3. My diet is very healthy, but I do need more meat/protein. Unfortunately, I am a smoker (cigarettes - +/- 12 per day), have been since 15 yrs old. Before I start my cycle, I plan on either cutting way back on the smokes (+/- 4 per day), or quitting completely during the cycle. I've quit for short times before, so it wouldn't be a problem. Has anybody done a cycle as both a smoker and a non-smoker before? If so, what were the differences between the two? Obviously, I get ZERO cardio exercise, so this is a concern as I know my system will be pretty stressed. Smart thing would be to quit, but I do enjoy those sweet cigarettes so I'd prefer my 3 a day. Anyways, thanks for the advice guys.

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z12
    I'm a newbie, never done a cycle, but I've been doing my research. I'm almost 24, 5'-11" tall, 180 lbs, been lifting for 6 years but more seriously for last 3. My diet is very healthy, but I do need more meat/protein. Unfortunately, I am a smoker (cigarettes - +/- 12 per day), have been since 15 yrs old. Before I start my cycle, I plan on either cutting way back on the smokes (+/- 4 per day), or quitting completely during the cycle. I've quit for short times before, so it wouldn't be a problem. Has anybody done a cycle as both a smoker and a non-smoker before? If so, what were the differences between the two? Obviously, I get ZERO cardio exercise, so this is a concern as I know my system will be pretty stressed. Smart thing would be to quit, but I do enjoy those sweet cigarettes so I'd prefer my 3 a day. Anyways, thanks for the advice guys.
    I see problems man, first of all I think you need to get you're diet in check and gain a little more mass naturally, you should be close to you're genetic limit before considering aas. Being a smoker for almost 9 years and getting no cardiovascular exercise at all is a MAJOR NO NO. Too many health risks mixing aas with the chemicals in cigs.
    I would suggest you quit smoking and train naturally for a good while, get you're diet straight and become aerobically fit before considering this dude.

  3. #3
    willBbig1day is offline Junior Member
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    No expert or nothing but heres my 2 cents. I have worked out for years and took supplements but always felt like I could do better because I was a smoker. I have always told myself once I quit I would do a cycle or two well I havent had a smoke in 4 weeks I think i am past the hard part now. I wouldnt see the point in spending your money on a cycle while your still smoking. why try to improve your outside while and not take care of your inside. Anyway smoking restricts blood flow which in turns will reduce pumps and so forth. Anyway I dont want to preech to ya. I just have say crap like this to KEEP myself from thinking about smoking. Quitting sucks but it can only get better from here. If I was you I would just quit anyway 12 cigs. a day isnt a whole lot I was smoking 1 1/2 packs a day. I sure there a lots of people on here that will tell you that its ok to smoke while on a cycle but thats most likely because they smoke too. Well good luck

  4. #4
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    i got friends who juice and smoke. ive always hated smoke. thing is both juice and smoking increase risk of heart disease so doing both is bad idea. like you said any cardio will be hell, and thats an important factor in bodybuilding. just get some chewing tobacco instead

  5. #5
    Z12's Avatar
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    Yea, I think I'm coming to that conclusion. I guess I'll quit a few weeks before my cycle. Like I said, I've done it many times so it won't be a problem. Like they say, "quitting is easy, I've done it a thousand times." As far as my diet is concerned, I think I'll be in good shape. It's quite healthy, I just need a lot more meat, eggs, etc., which is no problem. My girlfriend is vegetarian, so I've been eating a lot of what she cooks - won't be able to do that any more.

  6. #6
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z12
    Yea, I think I'm coming to that conclusion. I guess I'll quit a few weeks before my cycle. Like I said, I've done it many times so it won't be a problem. Like they say, "quitting is easy, I've done it a thousand times." As far as my diet is concerned, I think I'll be in good shape. It's quite healthy, I just need a lot more meat, eggs, etc., which is no problem. My girlfriend is vegetarian, so I've been eating a lot of what she cooks - won't be able to do that any more.
    Quiting usually means stopping permanently doesn't it? Not just stopping for a little bit and starting back up.

  7. #7
    Z12's Avatar
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    As far as training naturally, I think I'm close to my natural limit. I've changed up my workout a lot lately, tried different things, but I haven't made any noticable gains in about 5 mos - that's part of the reason I'm here. I'm sure I could gain a pound or two over the next year if I stuff my face and bust my ass, but that doesn't help my motivation.

  8. #8
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    you need to drop the smokes man. I fell into the same trap briefly, and I still find myself having 1 or 2/day sometimes, but I never buy them. You need to stop buying them, if you buy them then its easy to smoke. And as a firefighter I cannot even begin to explain how many respiratory calls we run, and 80-90% of them are smokers. I'll see somebody hooked up to a dyalisis machine half ****ing dead w/ a pack of smokes in their shirt pocket and it makes me think "shit, I dont wanna be like that dirtbag"

  9. #9
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    i havent done both but i have done 3 cycles while smoking. but this makes me think about after my 3rd cycle i moved to german to live with my wife. i quit smoking for about 3mons and i was making gains like i was on AAS. ok maybe a little less, but i damn sure havent made gains like that before naturally. maybe it was because i took my craving out on food, or cause i lived 250yds from the gym. i dont know. hell quit smoking and do a cycle. use ur addiction to ur advantage. eat, eat, eat.

  10. #10
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    off topic, but i love your sig mike

  11. #11
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    just give up buddy. I did feel a lot better and now i can run without choking!

  12. #12
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crash187ct
    off topic, but i love your sig mike

    If only she were in every thread bouncin

    I agree on quiting..It will only help in the long run.
    The key is...quit once,and be done with that habit.

  13. #13
    Z12's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advise guys. I guess I will quit, at least for my cycle. Life is just so much easier continuing to smoke. Yea Mike, I've been staring at that girl for 10 minutes now - those are real, right?? Yea, they are.

  14. #14
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    **** smoking, what a waste of time/money.

  15. #15
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    Think of it this way, when you quit smoking, you eat that much more cause the cravings, use this to your advantage

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