12-05-2006, 10:46 PM #1
Winter Cycle- D-1 Football- Need Some Help
Whatsup fellas its been a while since i have posted on here. I have previously ran one cycle in the past which consisted of:
Dbol - 30mgs/day 1-4
Test Suspension 500 mgs/week 1-10
My stats are:
21 years old
295 pounds
15% bf
40 time- 5.06
225 max- 33 times
I just threw some numbers up so you can have a clue of what your working with.
What I am looking for is some extra size/strength/and explosiveness going into my senior campaign. Conditioning/cardio/agilities/and plyos are all part of my daily life. I am not a rookie when it comes to working out but I am always open to any comments that will be benificial. As long as I can continue to grow like a weed this offseason I will be playing at the next level.
I have an extremely tight window I am dealing with and this is the cycle I have been coming up with over the last 6 months. After I finish my last shot of winstrol i will have around one and a half months till testing is a possiblitiy leaving me clean totally of drol and just sneaking by with winny. Any input/corrections would be awesome. Thanks brothers!
New Cycle: Starting in two weeks. Already have most gear.
HGH- 4iu’s/day for 4 months total
Drol- 50mg/day week 1-4
Test Suspen.-750 mg/week w.k 1-9 (could run a couple more weeks if nec.)
Winstrol- 50mgs/day week 5-9
Letro- .25mcg/day week 1-9 (a tad gyno prone, actually just scared of it)
Clomid- PCT week 9-12
Clen - 9-12 using pyramid technique
12-06-2006, 12:06 PM #2
I dunno much about the cycle man, but your avatar is cool as hell
12-06-2006, 12:21 PM #3
dont you guys get tested?
12-06-2006, 12:25 PM #4Associate Member
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Originally Posted by hipnoticstylz94
12-06-2006, 02:28 PM #5Junior Member
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agreed, drop the winny especially if you are an athlete, it will kill your joints. Drop that and you look good, I dunno about detection times though. If youre worried about that you can run a longer cycle and use the steroid cleanse offered on this site!
12-06-2006, 05:02 PM #6Originally Posted by hipnoticstylz94
12-06-2006, 06:40 PM #7
actually susp can be shot once AM which will simulate natural test producion pattern in a way.. so he shud be fine
12-06-2006, 07:23 PM #8
To those that are against winny. I have heard a lot of cases of it drying out the joints but with using test and gh wouldnt that help to keep them lubricated? My cycle needs to be as short as it is because i can start getting tested again in spring ball and if i take what is listed I should be able to be clean right on time. I have never messed with prop so I am not sure how i will react. Susp. worked amazing the first time so i would like to stick with what i know. Anyways if winstrol is going to be that terrible for me i will cut it out. Thanks brothers
12-06-2006, 07:26 PM #9
Also will 4iu's a day be sufficient or should i bump another iu or two? I have heard a bunch of different opinions. Also I have heard a lot of different ways to run it. Some ppl say everyday, some say eod, some say 5 on 2 off. Which way is more practical? Thanks again
12-06-2006, 07:31 PM #10
No ****in way man, got to drop the drol, long detection time, don't use prop,longer detection time than susp, suspension will stay under the radar if you drop it in enough time before you could possibly get tested, it's all about not getting caught, don't **** yourself over when trying to make it to the next level.
12-10-2006, 02:22 PM #11
So your saying that if I injected my suspension in the morning 1ed injects would be fine? Also anyone have input on the GH?
12-10-2006, 02:40 PM #12
D1 football/Senior/Olineman next year as well here... I've done extensive research on the NCAA's drug testing and would recommend this...
We usually get tested once in winter training or spring ball. However they only take a couple upperclassemen and mostly young guys. Just to be safe tho, you must take short acting esters,
Suspension and Dbol ...done them both but they give me way too much water bloat no matter what I take to counter that. I will only use suspension the first week to jump start cycles... I just want lean mass gains, i'm already 310lbs and just wanna be harder.
I've been on HGH blue tops @ 6iu/day since 2adays. I am and would stay on growth for the better part of a year to see the full benefits from it.
this winter:
I'm going with prop (2 weeks for good t/e ratio) at 100mg/day weeks 1-10
paired with Tbol, like dbol and anavar (which I love) but not as much bloat. at 50mg/day weeks 4-10. clears in about the same time as the prop.
On winny: don't do it... I've never used it but have seen several players who have been injured or in great pain while on it. Anadrol ...this drug is a pure strength drug, I would not use it for retainable lean mass gaing.Last edited by Housemoney; 12-10-2006 at 02:44 PM.
12-10-2006, 02:50 PM #13
House thanks for your help brother....We have a bowl game coming up here but not for a few weeks so I am planning on starting growth in the next few days...I dont know if my guy can get me Tbol but i will look into this...Do you run your GH everyday at 6 iu/day? what if i did something like this then:
GH forever at 6iu/day
prop 100mg/day 1-10
suspension 75mg/day 1-4
Tbol 50mg/day 4-10 like you said
would taking susp. as a kick start be effective in this dose?
12-10-2006, 02:55 PM #14
also being a big guy what would you use to stay away from gyno? i dont have it but i am paranoid as all hell like everyone else in the world. Should i take something daily at a low dose or just keep an AI on tap? i would like to avoid an AI if at all possible
12-10-2006, 03:20 PM #15Banned
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im not familiar with their testing, but why stop GH at 4 months? i would start is at 3iu/ED and work it up to 6+iu/ED and continue to run with it..what do they test for exactly? this could help people around here further put together something for you..
as for winny ive never had joint problems ::knock on wood:: but i guess its not worth the chance...house seems to have the better idea for you since hes in the same scenerio...ill ask a few of my friends for some help also..
12-10-2006, 03:23 PM #16
thanks aadrenaline...I just said around 4 months cuz thats all the kits i have as of now i can always add to it when it comes down to it. As for winstrol I have never tried it but i have a few teammates on it and they get strong as an ox and look vascular. With taking proper joint therapy plus the gh and test I cant figure how it will dry me out to the extent of the pain ppl say. Thanks for your help man
12-10-2006, 03:26 PM #17Banned
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yea you might be able to get away with it..its a chance
i mean if you want take it if you start to feel like your drying out discontinue it..or try var.
when i was on winstrol i got hard as a rock man..i havent tryed var but i think im going to next time..
have you thought about running tren for like 4-6weeks?
tren with susp. and winny would be a nice HARD ass cycle
12-10-2006, 03:36 PM #18
Damn, congrats on the bowl game! We didnt get the bid this year!
On HGH: Most of the knowlegable members of this forum say your HGH dose should be measured weekly not daily. I started 2X a day at 1.5iu's (3/day) and moved up over the first couple weeks to twice that 2X/day at 3 iu's (6/day) all sub-q. In the last month I have switched to 6 iu/s midday IM...I like this much better, one less poke is nice. The only reason guys are going to the 5/2 is for lifers who think it will help keep their natty growth around and to save a little money. If i stay on growth longer than a year, I may switch to 5/2. another thing... I wouldnt mess with the Clen , Take T4 with your growth, this seems to work great for everyone i've talked to.
On Gyno...I ran proviron twice now while on cycle, that worked the best for me. I've also ran arimadex, but didnt like it as much as proviron. I have letro on hand but have never used it, just for a rainy itchy nipple day.
Also, i have checked with the resource exchange commitee and all of the PCT/+ drugs, clomid, nolva, aromasin , letro HCG are banned, however I'm not sure if their tested for... How often do you hear of someone testing positive for one? I would bump your PCT up for a full 4 week run following your bowl game, prior to your winter cycle... if you have time. nolva 20mg/day, HCG 500ius/10days, aromasin 25mg/day
12-10-2006, 03:36 PM #19
gotta stay away from tren with NCAA but i love suspension and have been dying to try winny...I was originally going to run it at the end for about 5 to 6 weeks...take care of my joints and see how it treated me ya know? im more worried about strength than size. Being that I am 300 i dont care what happens with weight. Im all about strenght and cutting down more and more BF
12-10-2006, 03:37 PM #20
^^^^addrenaline, please do not go out of your element...TREN ACT is detectable for up to 5 months... not for us drug tested athletes.
12-10-2006, 03:39 PM #21
with HGH, you could also throw some aflutop in there for better joint lubrication..if you are dead set on the winny
Ive just seen too many guys try winny and wish they would have never taken it to try it.
12-10-2006, 03:42 PM #22
House thanks again man. Its nice having someone who is comparable in size(doesnt usually happen that way with me lol) and similar goals. Thanks for the heads up on T4 as well I will incorporate that in PCT. I will run gh everyday then. I will start off around 4 ius a day at 2 ius/2xed everyday and see how that works for me. Money isnt a problem when in the near future I will be able to have as much as I need hopefully. I have never heard of anyone at least on my squad testing positive for pct items. Who knows though it would be my luck lol.
12-10-2006, 03:45 PM #23
House do you see anything wrong with running suspension as a kickstart to my cycle? prolly just a mild dose 75 mg/day for the first 4 weeks with prop being 100mg/day. If i cant get a hold of Tbol i may be forced(haha) to use winny at the end prolly weeks 4 or 5-10.
12-10-2006, 03:45 PM #24
Ive also got some Tri-flex for joint pain if i go the winny rout
12-10-2006, 03:46 PM #25
I've never been tested, however the tackle who plays next to me is the same height and weight as you (not nearly the athlete however) and gets picked 2/3 times they come around a year. Have you been tested? Do you get tested like us? Once in winter/springball and 1-2 times from 2adays to bowlgames?
I don't wanna chance it... i'm even debating on adding IGF and insulin to my HGH T4, totally undetectable shit run!
12-10-2006, 03:48 PM #26
naw, suspension will be fine for the first week or two, one shot in the AM will be fine.
12-10-2006, 03:50 PM #27
yes we get tested just like that. The NCAA has been around last week and picked up about 10 guys and tested them just for the hell of it. They can come whenever they want now with us being bowl eligable and a lot of time on our hands. I have infact been tested 2 times by the NCAA boys in my 3 years here. luckily they came at times when i wasnt active! Whats the whole thing behind IGF? I have been doing a bit of research and I guess I am still just unfamiliar with its benifits?
12-10-2006, 03:51 PM #28
ok good deal on the suspension. I am in love with it. Also can i take the prop in the same shot at the suspension in the am? with the pain i will endure with both compounds I would love to minimize this to one shot a day if possible. The only reason I am unsure is obviously one is water based and one oil.
12-10-2006, 03:55 PM #29Banned
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Originally Posted by Housemoney
im not familiar with the drug test panels..which is why i asked in a previous post what you were tested for...i also said ina previous post to pay more attention to what you have to say as you are in the same situation.
12-10-2006, 03:57 PM #30
adrenaline your alright man he was just looking out. no big deal. I would absolutely love to try tren once. unfortunately with what I do that wont be possible for quite some time
12-10-2006, 03:57 PM #31
Yea i've mixed them but I prefer not to...my ass got really sore after the last time doing that. I would just take the suspension by itself once a day in the AM, for the first week-10days.. Then just switch to prop, prop kicks in very quickly as well. Hit prop EOD at 1.5... I have to cut my prop with cotton seed oil cuz i get sore as hell from it.
yea not to sound condesending addreneline but there is alot of misinformation floating around on here..especially on drug testing
12-10-2006, 04:03 PM #32Banned
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Originally Posted by Housemoney
oh i know that...figured for myself i would ask anyways to get somewhat of an idea of what they exactly look for in tests.
12-10-2006, 04:03 PM #33
so you think i should just take suspension for a couple weeks then switch over? dont take both from the beginning? why not hit prop ED like you mentioned earlier? If i will benifit more ED with prop i will do it. I would just hate to stick myself twice a day with this potent shit
12-10-2006, 04:11 PM #34
Yea, I hate sticking myself 2X per day or even once a day (with anythin larger than an insulin needle). You don't have to take both together right away, test is test, however, suspension is pure test with no ester, which is why it absorbes and clears so fast! Prop is a very fast acting ester as well but it gives you time so you can go EOD without your test levels looking like a roller coaster
Once per day with suspension is fine. I just try to minimalize pokes while making sure my blood levels stay in aceptable ranges. You will get sick of poking yourself every day and after 2 weeks will not want that. This is why I stick PROP EOD, with its ester it is fine to do that.
so after day 10 of ED suspension, (day 11) hit 1.5 of PROP EODLast edited by Housemoney; 12-10-2006 at 04:13 PM.
12-10-2006, 04:15 PM #35
Oh ok. I gotcha brother. Thanks for your help tonight my man. Got a football meeting i must attend but I will return with my questions Im sure. Thanks again!
12-10-2006, 07:30 PM #36
i'll be around bro...
12-10-2006, 10:48 PM #37
Hey fellas just made a move with my guy tonite. This is what I went with:
GH 5iu's/day 6 months or so
suspension 1-2 75mg/day
prop 2-10 150mg/day
winny 50mg/day 4-10
hopefully this all goes well and i will get the results im looking for. Thanks for all your help fellas. I will try and keep you guys posted throughout
12-10-2006, 11:23 PM #38
Yea, let us know how that goes.....
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