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  1. #1
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    quick test question

    really quick
    This will be my second cycle, last one was test e and it was great but it took like 8 weeks to start working. I want to add it in the next one I was trying to find out what to stack with it to get things moving a little faster. My question is some of the short ester test.. will they give me results fast and how fast. I want to gain the who cycle not just at the end. Also I dont want to wait till week eight like last time to see resluts.
    im 23

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    A shorter
    Last edited by KeyMastur; 09-25-2007 at 03:05 PM.

  3. #3
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    I was thinking about dbol and test e. that is what I have been planning on, just need to make sure the ebol is what I want to do. how fast does the dbol kick in? And what dosage should I run?

  4. #4
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Kicks in rather quickly, usually a week.

    Another simple yet great cycle :

    1-4 d-bol @ 30 - 40 mg's day
    1-10 test E @ 500 mg's week

    of course anti-e's / pct included...

  5. #5
    Getbig06's Avatar
    Getbig06 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtccm1
    really quick
    This will be my second cycle, last one was test e and it was great but it took like 8 weeks to start working. I want to add it in the next one I was trying to find out what to stack with it to get things moving a little faster. My question is some of the short ester test.. will they give me results fast and how fast. I want to gain the who cycle not just at the end. Also I dont want to wait till week eight like last time to see resluts.
    im 23
    8 weeks to kick in? Curious how many mgs you ran it at? IMO
    1-4 Dbol 50mgs ed to jump start.
    along with your test

  6. #6
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    ya of course the anti e's lol
    Umm ya that is about what I was thinking. I have never used the dbol before so I was trying to find out if people liked it. What kind of gains do you think you would get from running that cycle you just wrote down. I work out about 5 days a week. and really hard. eat right and train right. I gained like 20lbs from my last one. of course I didnt keep all that but I did keep a good bit. I kind of know what to expect from the test just not the dbol. what do you think Iwould experense in the fist 4 weeks

  7. #7
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    ya about 8 weeks for the test e to kick in, I did it two times a week @ 1 cc each time. It was just a test e cycle. Thats why im looking for a jump now

  8. #8
    lawsey000's Avatar
    lawsey000 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtccm1
    ya of course the anti e's lol
    Umm ya that is about what I was thinking. I have never used the dbol before so I was trying to find out if people liked it. What kind of gains do you think you would get from running that cycle you just wrote down. I work out about 5 days a week. and really hard. eat right and train right. I gained like 20lbs from my last one. of course I didnt keep all that but I did keep a good bit. I kind of know what to expect from the test just not the dbol. what do you think Iwould experense in the fist 4 weeks
    Everyone is different, so its difficult to predict gains. As for myself though, I ran dbol for 4 weeks at 40mgs/day (first time using dbol) to kickstart my sust and deca cycle. In the first 2 weeks I was up 13 lbs. Granted, at least half of it was water retention, but my strength spiked huge too. In my opinion, it kicks ass. Next time around I'll run some a-dex to help combat the bloat. You may want to if bloat really bothers you. .25mgs/day should be nice.

  9. #9
    theboss's Avatar
    theboss is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawsey000
    Everyone is different, so its difficult to predict gains. As for myself though, I ran dbol for 4 weeks at 40mgs/day (first time using dbol) to kickstart my sust and deca cycle. In the first 2 weeks I was up 13 lbs. Granted, at least half of it was water retention, but my strength spiked huge too. In my opinion, it kicks ass. Next time around I'll run some a-dex to help combat the bloat. You may want to if bloat really bothers you. .25mgs/day should be nice.
    i am still on my 1st is 500mg/week Test E & jumpstart with 40mg Dbol ....I will agree the Dbol works fast and got my strength up..i just took my 6th poke today and look about the same as when the Dbol ended...i did not get to bloated though....i drank TONS of water everyday and that seemeds to help. I think after my 4 weeks of Dbol I was up about 15 pounds as well.

  10. #10
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    how much water retention did you all get. can you really tell for example if you take your shirt off do you look all fat? lol I will drink alot of water and take what I can do help with it. Wow 15 lbs in 4 weeks thats awsome. So with results that fast I guess its kind of hard to hide usage?

  11. #11
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    also you gain 15lbs how much do you think your gains went up, like if I bench 235 for 4 times now, do you think after 4 weeks I could reach 250? Just wondering what kind of gains I can expect.

  12. #12
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Old school jump start, guaranteed to work: Suspension ED for the first 2-4 weeks. TE or cyp at the same time, of course.

    With suspension, sides are almost certain. I'd start Ldex on day one if I ever did the above again. You should also take your suspension dose right before you go to the gym. Most people won't do this, and I'm not advocating that anyone does. I've done it myself more than 20 times, though. PS, suspension HURTS.

  13. #13
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    as far as test e goes I know the sides, what sides come from d bol? Also what is suspension? OK dbol is ed and your saying after the workout?

  14. #14
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Suspension is 'pure' (no ester) testosterone . Fast acting, short lived. Like prop on steroids ....

  15. #15
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    why do you say it hurts?

  16. #16
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    I don't know why it hurts, but it does. It can't be crystalization or solvent burn. Some shots hurt, and this is one of them.

  17. #17
    jtccm1 is offline Associate Member
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    your talking about the dbol ? I was thinking about dbol oral. The test e doesnt burn or at least it didnt when I did it

  18. #18
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Testosterone Suspension injections are painful.

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