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Thread: Third Cycle...

  1. #1
    Bruno0326 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Third Cycle...

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 171lbs

    Lifting consistantly for 3 yrs with my dad. My dad is my training partner and mentor. He has been lifting for 30yrs and is now 50, and still going strong. Since lifting and my diet change 3 yrs ago I have gone from 132lbs to 171lbs. I have really not taken lifting seriously until this past year and I can tell from my gains that determination was hindering me.

    My first cycle was a Superdrol Cycle of 10/20/30 with a gain from 152lbs to 173lbs. After PCT I weighed and maitained roughly 164. I had a lot of water retention with that cycle. I was very impressed with the results non the less.'

    My second cycle, starting PCT today, consisted of Sust.250mg ETD/ Equi. 400mg EW. I have really not gained all that much weight, about 6 lbs, howevery I have gotten a lot leaner, look bigger, and my strength has gone thru the roof. My body has acted well to this so far, no signs of any side effects. I was a little nervous about doing injectable steroids , but in the end it wasnt what I thought.

    For my third cycle I was thinking about:
    Sustanon 250 - 250mg ETD/ 1-10weeks
    Equipoise - 500mg EW/ 1-10Weeks
    D-Bol - 50mg ED/1-4weeks
    Aridimex - .5mg ED/1-10weeks and in PCT 1mg ED

    I am still not sure if this is what I want to do. Im looking for a little more than what I got from my second cycle. I want to get around a lean 185lbs. I understand that Im going to gain a little fat, I just want to stay about as lean as I am now. I want to keep my diet the same as I have gained the most from it by itself. So if there are any suggestions they would be greatly appriciated.


  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Apr 2005
    Whats your diet look like. That will most likely explain the lack of gains in the second cycle

  3. #3
    Bruno0326 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Im not going to lie, my diet for the past month has not been up to par. My fiance and I just bought a house and have been extremely busy with that, and the fact that someone broke in and flooded our entire 1st floor didnt help. I know that is why I didnt gain as much on this past cycle. While on SD I was extremely picky on the diet and followed it clear thru PCT. I ate approx 5500 to 6k clean calories a day and I could tell. Like I said Im not unsatisfied with my past cycle b/c I knew that there were flaws in my diet. I just dont want to do the same cycle. I kinda feel that the Sus/EQ cycle is more of a maintaining cycle. I think DBol /Test/Decca cycle, along with a diet like my first cycle, would help me reach my goal of 185+. I also want to see what works best with my body's chemistry. I have read a lot of negative things about Sus. and I had no problems. So Im kind of testing waters with this stuff and want to find out what works best for me and stick with it.

    Thanks for the help

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