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  1. #1
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Boldenone/EQ Side effects

    Hello all, in the article that Anthony Roberts posted he states that:

    "Eq will cause a suppression of your hormones, such as endogenous testosterone , so I would also recommend using injectable testosterone in any cycle containing it. Failure to do so could result in possible sexual dysfunction and other sides."

    Could anyone tell me what other sides you could get please?...

  2. #2
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    Hello all, in the article that Anthony Roberts posted he states that:

    "Eq will cause a suppression of your hormones, such as endogenous testosterone , so I would also recommend using injectable testosterone in any cycle containing it. Failure to do so could result in possible sexual dysfunction and other sides."

    Could anyone tell me what other sides you could get please?...
    you have to remember bro, that different aas compounds will provide different results from person to person, and also every person will react differently to aas usage.

    so its hard to answer your question, one bro might say he had horrible sides with a specific aas, and you could run it and have no problems.

    personally tho when i ran eq (600mg/wk 12 weeks alongside other aas) i didnt get any sides, and the only positive aspect of the compound was i got a little more vascular, this doesnt mean this will hold true for you.

    it would be in your interest to run the aas compound for yourself and see what kind of results you get.

    best of luck to you

  3. #3
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Thanks Ghost, and I agree 100% that people react different to the same compounds, I personally get massive water retention off of the same steroids friends of mine take at exactly the same dose, when they get virtually none. Even with with me using Arimidex and them using nothing.

    That's why I was asking really, I've read everything I can find on steroid profiles and just want to see if I can learn anything extra from other peoples personal experience.

  4. #4
    king6's Avatar
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    I think a cycle with test prop and eq would benefit nicely. I plan that for my second cycle.

  5. #5
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    I will be taking 600mg of Boldenone a week indefinitely. Which is why I am very interested in potential side effects.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    I will be taking 600mg of Boldenone a week indefinitely. Which is why I am very interested in potential side effects.
    I think it would be good to run test with it, that is what I would do. But if you are hard set about running eq alone, you could try running proviron with it.

  7. #7
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I think it would be good to run test with it, that is what I would do. But if you are hard set about running eq alone, you could try running proviron with it.
    The reason I'm going to run it alone is I want to avoid DHT, so testosterone is out as it converts to it and Provirion is just a methylated DHT.
    Plus Proviron taxes the liver to some degree so that's not an option for long term use either.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    The reason I'm going to run it alone is I want to avoid DHT, so testosterone is out as it converts to it and Provirion is just a methylated DHT.
    Plus Proviron taxes the liver to some degree so that's not an option for long term use either.
    Well, eq is a testosterone derived steroid , so it does convert to DHT.

  9. #9
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    Well, eq is a testosterone derived steroid, so it does convert to DHT.
    Not that I'm aware of, just DHB. And only very slightly.

  10. #10
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    The reason I'm going to run it alone is I want to avoid DHT, so testosterone is out as it converts to it and Provirion is just a methylated DHT.
    Plus Proviron taxes the liver to some degree so that's not an option for long term use either.
    is there any specific reasons as to why you want to avoid DHT based compounds?

  11. #11
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    is there any specific reasons as to why you want to avoid DHT based compounds?
    Yep, I find it really hard to urinate when using Test or Proviron etc. And I have the beginnings of male pattern baldness starting too.
    And Testosterone gives me acne. Plus I get UNBELIEVABLY horny like a dog in heat.

  12. #12
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    Yep, I find it really hard to urinate when using Test or Proviron etc. And I have the beginnings of male pattern baldness starting too.
    And Testosterone gives me acne. Plus I get UNBELIEVABLY horny like a dog in heat.
    the first problem might be caused by where and who makes the test you are administering into your body, it might be of poor quality. The second and third problems can easily be dealt with if the right precautions are taken before starting the cycle. And the third i dont see why that would be a problem?

    if you dont mind me asking, what are your stats (height, weight, age, cycle history,etc.) as their might be an alternative way to reaching your goals w/o the use of anykind of aas.

  13. #13
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    the first problem might be caused by where and who makes the test you are administering into your body, it might be of poor quality. The second and third problems can easily be dealt with if the right precautions are taken before starting the cycle. And the third i dont see why that would be a problem?

    if you dont mind me asking, what are your stats (height, weight, age, cycle history,etc.) as their might be an alternative way to reaching your goals w/o the use of anykind of aas.
    I don't mind at all. I'm 6" 1', 16 stone, 28 years old today, and have done 2 courses, the first was deca (400mg a week) and dianabol (30mg a day) for 6 weeks followed by test enanthate for 6 weeks.
    The second was just Test enanthate (750mg) for 12 weeks.
    I've been training for around 15 years +.

    And the testosterone was Schering, Testoviron , and the deca was Organon (yellow tops) and the Dianabol was a generic.
    And I did run anti-estrogens on all courses, the first course I used Proviron (50mg a day) and Nolvadex (20mg a day).
    And the second course I used Arimidex (1mg). And I already have a high sex drive so I don't need it heightened any more than it already is.

  14. #14
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    Well, eq is a testosterone derived steroid, so it does convert to DHT.
    Did you just read what you typed?

    That's like saying dbol will convert to DHT because it's a testosterone derivative.

    Oh boy.

    Only testosterone can be reduced to DHT.

  15. #15
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    Not that I'm aware of, just DHB. And only very slightly.

  16. #16
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    Could anyone tell me what other sides you could get please?...
    It'd depend on the individual.. differing from individual to individual.

    Elevated RBC is one such side.. The extent of which is dose-dependant.

    Highly elevated RBC/BP can translate to insomnia.. a side not regularly noted.

    Oily skin; acne.. both are possible.

    Really it's hard to say the extent of possible sides.

    ..and impossible to say just what YOU'd experience.

  17. #17
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    the first problem might be caused by where and who makes the test you are administering into your body, it might be of poor quality. The second and third problems can easily be dealt with if the right precautions are taken before starting the cycle. And the third i dont see why that would be a problem?
    No.. the 1st and 2nd are related to test converting to DHT

    RE: MPB and prostate hypertrophy

    The 3rd is awesome

    Problems one and two could be dealt with by administering a 'dht-blocker' to prevent test being reduced to DHT.

    Problem three can be fixed by putting his girlfriend on Var so her sex drive is as high as his is


    "hankmarvin".. What are your goals?

  18. #18
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    No.. the 1st and 2nd are related to test converting to DHT

    RE: MPB and prostate hypertrophy

    The 3rd is awesome

    Problems one and two could be dealt with by administering a 'dht-blocker' to prevent test being reduced to DHT.

    "hankmarvin".. What are your goals?
    I know that the MPB and prostate hypertrophy are DHT related, but before I took my first and second course I didn't know whether or not the DHT element would cause me any trouble and seeing as DHT is beneficial effects to strength, CNS stimulation, and estrogen supression, I didn't want to take a DHT blocker and slow my gains down if it wasn't nescesarry for me to do so.

    I now take Dutasteride (500mcg/0.5mg) every night to halt the hair loss and shrink my prostate (which it has done amazingly well), and Exemastane (12.5mg) because if I reduce DHT then estrogen goes up, as I haven't been on a course for about 2 years now and higher estrogen would have meant a lower endogenous testosterone level because of the negative feedback.

    My goals are always, more quality muscle, and less fat. But that's obviously a very general goal, but that's the only real one I can give because I remember starting training years ago as a pup and seeing myself in the mirror after training and saying to myself "if I could look like I do pumped, normally then that's how I'd love to look".
    But as you get there you think, "nah this ain't big enough" I want to be way bigger than this, (well I do).
    But I am 16 stone now and have a weight in mind of 18 stone lean, but when I get there I will no doubt like the sound of 19, then 20 etc.

  19. #19
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    On non stop year round course with a low androgenic compound like Boldenone has anyone taken tribulus in order to avoid problems with low test.

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