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  1. #1
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Bridging/ Cruising between cycles

    ok i have seen a few of these threads and most people suggest not to bother

    but its been a while and thought i'd open up the discussion once more

    I am cycling 4 weeks on and 4 off

    but part of me is thinking what is the point in doing PCT for 4 weeks just so i can go on another cycle as soon as i finish?

    is there any point in bringing back my natty test levels if i am just going to suppress them again almost immediately?

    would it perhaps be better to cruise with say 25mg ED var or 10mg ED Dbol in between cycles

    but would this give my receptors enough rest in order for sufficeint gains on my next cycle

    thoughts please?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Its very hard to fully recover after when you have been CRUISING/BRIDGING/COASTING, the best gains are produced when your body is fresh and clean from gear if the priming is done correctly gains are amazing with each new cycle,

    with every successive cycle after bridging/cruising you will have to keep increasing the dose just to get some kind of gains out of the cycle because basically your never off gear,your body gets use to what it is having so a increase is needed,

    Ive been on all year round in the past with bridging cycles together and personally i would rather fully come off recover and maintain without any kind of cruising, the gains are far better and my body responds more,

    Why saturate your body with AAS you end up starting hrt sooner? i wouldn't advice any younger BB to start bridging/cruising unless your willing to pay the price of it. your better off using various other compounds to increase Test levels naturally and to help recovery and maintain, all other avenues are worth trying before you think about cruising,

    If your natural test levels are low at such a young age and are impossible to bring back up then the damage as proberly already been done from your previous cycles, the FEELING being off cycle is rubbish and makes us all contemplate going back on sooner than we should be this only ends up with more damage, in the long run most of us are going to be on HRT more and more younger people are on it due to AAS,

    I fully understand if you feel like rubbish and you cant hold onto muscle tissue from cycles, maybe some form of HRT is needed if so around 100-125mg per wk is all you need, people should consider the risks when staying on cycle or gear,i would have blood work done and all other methods of bringing your levels back should be ran before this option,

    If you compete then yes this could be something to look at....otherwise,for the novice person who cycles its just madness

  3. #3
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Its very hard to fully recover after when you have been CRUISING/BRIDGING/COASTING, the best gains are produced when your body is fresh and clean from gear if the priming is done correctly gains are amazing with each new cycle,

    with every successive cycle after bridging/cruising you will have to keep increasing the dose just to get some kind of gains out of the cycle because basically your never off gear,your body gets use to what it is having so a increase is needed,

    Ive been on all year round in the past with bridging cycles together and personally i would rather fully come off recover and maintain without any kind of cruising, the gains are far better and my body responds more,

    Why saturate your body with AAS you end up starting hrt sooner? i wouldn't advice any younger BB to start bridging/cruising unless your willing to pay the price of it. your better off using various other compounds to increase Test levels naturally and to help recovery and maintain, all other avenues are worth trying before you think about cruising,

    If your natural test levels are low at such a young age and are impossible to bring back up then the damage as proberly already been done from your previous cycles, the FEELING being off cycle is rubbish and makes us all contemplate going back on sooner than we should be this only ends up with more damage, in the long run most of us are going to be on HRT more and more younger people are on it due to AAS,

    I fully understand if you feel like rubbish and you cant hold onto muscle tissue from cycles, maybe some form of HRT is needed if so around 100-125mg per wk is all you need, people should consider the risks when staying on cycle or gear,i would have blood work done and all other methods of bringing your levels back should be ran before this option,

    If you compete then yes this could be something to look at....otherwise,for the novice person who cycles its just madness

    ok fair point

    but what about pct in between cycles

    is it even necessary to eat all that clomid / nolva in between cycles?

    just seems pointless for such a short OFF period

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    ok fair point

    but what about pct in between cycles

    is it even necessary to eat all that clomid / nolva in between cycles?

    just seems pointless for such a short OFF period
    The off period should be long enough for you to recover, also the compounds used in pct should be the ones what work best for you to bring your levels back up quick,

    Bridging/coasting is an option but you must realize the consequences and if your willing to risk it go with it,

  5. #5
    G-Force's Avatar
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    but is there any point in recovering for such a short period

    could i just go the 4 weeks off without any pct to speak of?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    but is there any point in recovering for such a short period

    could i just go the 4 weeks off without any pct to speak of?
    Depends on what your trying to achieve and goals, if your competing then a bridge should be something you look at, are you willing to inject yourself for the rest of your life? hrt may come sooner if constant use of AAS are used,

    Are you fully recovered by 4 wks off? are you lossing any muscle while you are having 4 wks off? if not why bridge?

    you know the risk of bridging or using a low dose inbetween cycles so if you are willing to risk it you have your answer.

  7. #7
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Depends on what your trying to achieve and goals, if your competing then a bridge should be something you look at, are you willing to inject yourself for the rest of your life? hrt may come sooner if constant use of AAS are used,

    Are you fully recovered by 4 wks off? are you lossing any muscle while you are having 4 wks off? if not why bridge?

    you know the risk of bridging or using a low dose inbetween cycles so if you are willing to risk it you have your answer.
    i dont think u understood my question marcus

    bridging aside - is it really necessary to do a full pct if you are going back on in 4 weeks anyway?

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    i dont think u understood my question marcus

    bridging aside - is it really necessary to do a full pct if you are going back on in 4 weeks anyway?
    i dont know you tell me? are you lossing any size muscle tissue during off period? do you feel 4 wks is enough because i dont, if 4 week cycle is what your doing then a full recovery is needed and then a prime before the next cycle, this would be far more than 4 wks off,

    i will say again it all depends on what your trying to achieve and your goals, if your competing then a bridge inbetween cycles would look better but you must understand the risk's involved, if your just cuycling to look good and feel better than a full recovery is needed and good time off before the next cycle,

    do you think its necessary for what your trying to achieve/goals?

  9. #9
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    i dont think u understood my question marcus

    bridging aside - is it really necessary to do a full pct if you are going back on in 4 weeks anyway?
    I don't see that pct for 4 seeks then jumping back on is going to work. What AS are you running? some long esters take up to 4 weeks to leave system fully so you would be running PCT while compound is still active and supressing you then jumping straight back on. I would not bother running PCT or even better take a longer off time and run proper PCT.

  10. #10
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I don't see that pct for 4 seeks then jumping back on is going to work. What AS are you running? some long esters take up to 4 weeks to leave system fully so you would be running PCT while compound is still active and supressing you then jumping straight back on. I would not bother running PCT or even better take a longer off time and run proper PCT.

    i'm not running long esters beast

    last one was var/dbol and test suspension

    one before was tren /prop/winny

    gaining well so far and loving it

  11. #11
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    i dont know you tell me? are you lossing any size muscle tissue during off period? do you feel 4 wks is enough because i dont, if 4 week cycle is what your doing then a full recovery is needed and then a prime before the next cycle, this would be far more than 4 wks off,

    i will say again it all depends on what your trying to achieve and your goals, if your competing then a bridge inbetween cycles would look better but you must understand the risk's involved, if your just cuycling to look good and feel better than a full recovery is needed and good time off before the next cycle,

    do you think its necessary for what your trying to achieve/goals?

    no i'm not loosing much size inbetween cycles - and no i am not competeing so will take on board what u said about bridging and not do it


  12. #12
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I don't see that pct for 4 seeks then jumping back on is going to work. What AS are you running? some long esters take up to 4 weeks to leave system fully so you would be running PCT while compound is still active and supressing you then jumping straight back on. I would not bother running PCT or even better take a longer off time and run proper PCT.
    Funny you made that post because if I'm not mistaken, it's EXACTLY what you are doing...........

  13. #13
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    Funny you made that post because if I'm not mistaken, it's EXACTLY what you are doing...........
    as stated in my log I have begun to cycle again due to a competition in the new year. As also stated the situation is not ideal but I am taking a risk in order to compete and win. I am fully aware that what I am doing is a risk to my health and that is why i would not advise others to do the same.
    I really do not know why I am even explaining myself to you. You have the hump with me because I am fed up with banging my head against a wall giving you advice which you never take therefore I have given up trying. Instead of looking for faults in my posts you would be better off going and eating and try and put some muscle on your 130lb frame.

  14. #14
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    anywhere my son lives
    what columbus not taing advice? LOL

  15. #15
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force

    bridging aside - is it really necessary to do a full pct if you are going back on in 4 weeks anyway?
    Ofcourse it would be necessary even when only taking 4 weeks off...You will be shut down again when going on again obviously, but you will have had higher T-levels in the off weeks which is very importent unless you wont to suffer permenant supression. I would atleast take 6 weeks off though.

    When you have cycles with compounds that aromatase, you will an estrogen spike when coming off, those 4 weeks off you would have low testosterone levels and high estrogen levels(depends a bit on what compounds you use), and that hormone ratio makes recovery difficult,
    because estrogen will inhibit the hypotalamus/pituitary,
    so less LH will be produced, and you will remained supressed.

    The whole point with Pct compounds clomid, nolva etc is to block the Pituitary from estrogen activity to get the HPTA going again.

  16. #16
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Ofcourse it would be necessary even when only taking 4 weeks off...You will be shut down again when going on again obviously, but you will have had higher T-levels in the off weeks which is very importent unless you wont to suffer permenant supression. I would atleast take 6 weeks off though.

    When you have cycles with compounds that aromatase, you will an estrogen spike when coming off, those 4 weeks off you would have low testosterone levels and high estrogen levels(depends a bit on what compounds you use), and that hormone ratio makes recovery difficult,
    because estrogen will inhibit the hypotalamus/pituitary,
    so less LH will be produced, and you will remained supressed.

    The whole point with Pct compounds clomid, nolva etc is to block the Pituitary from estrogen activity to get the HPTA going again.
    good post thanks vitor

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