Thread: Building muscle protocol
12-22-2006, 04:10 AM #1
Building muscle protocol
Recently the contents of thread have been going down hill and i think its about time we got some serious discussions going on building muscle tissue, so lets debate on whats the best protocol for building new muscle tissue?
For me the best way of building new muscle tissue is-
6-8 wks priming pre-cycle (carb cycling)
short burst cycle - test based 3 compounds
GH started while priming at a maintenance dose then while on cycle high dose GH throughout
High calorie clean diet started on day 1 of cycle - increasing throughout the whole cycle, 24hr commitment!!
PCT - until fully recovered then prime again to next cycle or bridge to next cycle with a low dose test and prime to be started straight away when bridge starts
Training- very heavy intense dropsets to total failure alternating from pre-exhaust isolation movements then compound first week - to compound movements then isolation second wk,
this kind of training cant be ran for a large number of wks so it falls nicely into a short cycle and prime protocol
24hour commitment and dedication throughout every issue above gives me gains in muscle tissue and fat loss which satisfies my goals.Last edited by marcus300; 12-22-2006 at 04:14 AM.
12-22-2006, 05:33 AM #2
Do you have a link to your old thread on PRIMING?
Also, would static training fall into your drop set isolation week?
12-22-2006, 06:10 AM #3Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
could you give me an example of what YOU mean by static training?
come on guys what the best procedure for you to build muscle??
12-22-2006, 06:25 AM #4
I have always used pretty basic styles (12 weeks on 12 weeks off usually) of cycling so I can't really comment on "the best" for me. I will be trying short burst cycles next year so I will give a good comparison then.
As far as diet goes I carb cycle during cutting and slowly increase clean cals while bulking. Seems to work fine for me.
I have xperimented with a few training styles and find the best growth for me occurs when I change things reguarly, reps,excercises,rest periods,split,set style ect.
I have noticed an odd thing concerning muscle growth, I find that one muscle group will grow above all others for a while, I can really "feel" it while training and get noticable growth. This will stop after 4 weeks or so and another bodypart will start to develop quickly while the others just maintain. The only part of my body that this does not occur is my damn biceps!
12-22-2006, 06:32 AM #5Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
12-22-2006, 08:44 AM #6Anabolic Member
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As for training I like to preform all the intensity stuff like, forced reps, drop sets, negatives, super-sets only on cycle when hormone levels are super high and primed for muscle building. In Pct I back of the intensity somewhat, as the body need to repair/recover itselves. Once your hormone levels are low(as in the start of a PCT) your body(atleast my body) cant handle to continue to be pushed to the limit, until my T-levels are up again.
Also I never stop my Pct. I found it to be a big atvantage to run aromatase inhibitors all the time between cycles to keep testosterone high(unless you are cruising ofcourse). By doing this my T-levels are around 1000ng/dl+, and that makes it much esier to keep muscle tissue and strengh so I can take longer breake between cycles.
12-22-2006, 08:52 AM #7Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by vitor
12-22-2006, 10:40 AM #8
Great subject Marcus.
I've yet to come to an absolute conclusion as I'm still experimenting with a few things. But I can tell you I received the largest growth spurt when I "primed" or depleted for my last contest and the rebound was unreal.
I got started dieting late because the contest was sprung on me when I was 8wks out and around 12% BF, I came in at right under 4%. The 4-6wks following were unbelievable, I'm still not sure what happened, I followed the contest with high dosages of Test Prop and GH for 6wks and LBM piled on like no other, I was also doing a form of HIT training and eating an extremely clean diet high in calories.
Before this experience I would do something like Beast was saying, 12wks/12wks generally and it got me to a certain point but nothing to brag about, slow steady growth (8-12lbs/year consistantly for 6-7years). I'll try your prime coming in April so I'll have more feedback.
12-22-2006, 11:20 AM #9Originally Posted by I**mfkr
thanks for the input its more or less the same thing as me, very intresting
12-22-2006, 11:26 AM #10Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
cholesterol is slightly up, nothing major,
Yeah, there is a very noticable difference in my natty traning, I dont loose strengh or size between cycles anymore after starting this.
12-22-2006, 01:02 PM #11
I stay in the 6-8 rep range and sometimes venture into the 10-15 range at the end of a exercise, to really exhaust the muscle.
Heavy compound movements are essential.
I also never do the same workout twice for each muscle group. Change exercise combinations and use super sets.
Two days "on", one full day "off" works well for me.
Never primed before but will be looking to do it leading to my cycle coming Feb/March time next year.
12-22-2006, 01:04 PM #12Originally Posted by vitor
12-22-2006, 08:18 PM #132/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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Hell, I am still learning.....
12-23-2006, 09:57 AM #14
come on guys post your best protocol for building muscle tissue, surely there are more than us who have built muscle!!!
dont be shy
12-23-2006, 10:10 AM #15
I'm a skinny rake so i'll stay out of it
12-23-2006, 01:19 PM #162/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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Well just to add my .02, building strength and building size have been pretty different routines in comparison.
Less volume and frequency for strength and much more volume and moderately more frequency for "size".
I am just trying to combine them both.Last edited by guest589745; 12-23-2006 at 01:21 PM.
12-23-2006, 02:15 PM #17Banned
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Originally Posted by vitor
I (think) I read a post you saying your going to use myogenx.I`m on day 20 and it`s great stuff.Are you going to use it with an aromatase inhibitors all the time? or for PCT and Perhaps in cycle.It`s a very interesting approach (aromatase inhibitors) vitor
Experimental and Avant Garde yet a great idea.The longer your in the game the more open minded I have become.My conclusion is it`s 70% diet.You get a number of guys here that just hang in this section (regulars) ,and you here the same shit I lost half my gains ETC.I`m still learning about perfecting this art.The Reality is it`s more intricate that AAS cycles.I`m sure most guys here dont eat Protein by the hour: build muscle by knowing what type of protein to eat—and when to eat it - Fuel.This type of energy is great your body and increases sex performance.A good rule of thumb is to strive for gaining one to two pounds of muscle per month. I put on heaps of mass at a benchmark of 3,500 calories daily. Don't get carried away with eating too many calories too soon, however,I do apply a Paleolithic Diet which will reduce your calorie intake.
When you're trying to add muscle, protein is as important as any barbell or training partner,sex parners,AAS--perhaps even more so, because you grow between workouts. But just as with comedy, romance,rugby tackle or hitting the boss up for a raise, timing is everything.
Timing your protein intake for before and after your workouts heavily impacts your fitness goals.I`m not a big Believer in very high protein,it`s all about how often you take it.It`s very similar to Perfecting an andriol cycle,you have to take a dose every hour while your awake to produce Optimal exceptional results.
The thing I polished up recently,and the pounds are coming. My biggest mistake was probably trying to use the same weights and same intensity (i.e., training beyond failure) But when you get ready for a major diet, your goal should shift toward maintaining muscle and reducing the injury factor. This is especially true if your energy and body fat levels are low and you're pushing your muscles and joints hard. Also, when dieting and training hard I dont sleep well,why I hate tren . which means you can't focus as well. All those factors increase your risk of injury. This also increases your risk of being catabolic because you're applying all that stress, and lack of calories and rest make it harder to recover.I concluded the most effective and aggressive ideology is downshift to training to failure only, or even subfailure, stopping 1-2 reps short of all-out effort. This gives enough stimulation to maintain the muscle while you concentrate on reducing body fat.
What are peole vibes on slin? Ran it a few times but I find it lame,yet when you talk to heavy-weights in the game in Engalnd I hear the same shit.It`s all about slin,Realistically, insulin is most effective when used in the 30-40 iu's a day range, with some professional bodybuilders using 3 times that amount!
12-23-2006, 02:21 PM #18Originally Posted by goose4
I wonder how much dextrose etc they gotta eat with that to prevent going hypo
12-23-2006, 02:23 PM #19Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by goose4
I dont se a point with using a test-booster on cycle when being shut down anyway, especially since I dont get it for free lol...
Ime glad you liked it mate
12-23-2006, 02:36 PM #20Banned
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Originally Posted by vitor
Well what that freak guy said MR roberts,it that if you use it during cycle it will act like HCG .I can tell I`m not in cycle,but my balls are bigger,I`m pretty sure,as I touch and play with them daily Strictly for scientific research I never liked HCG,so I`m hoping to exploit this.I use to inject an injectable form of telsac during cycle,which was awesome,but I have to go back to india for that
On a side note,yes the threads have been poor,but what can you expect when you ban some cool guys here,Pinn,new york mike,jovette,even ross added Excitement and lots of money to this place,the traffic that guy got for this place was crazy.
12-24-2006, 08:27 AM #21Originally Posted by goose4
12-24-2006, 09:08 AM #22Originally Posted by marcus300
I think that the thread you mean is this one:
12-24-2006, 11:55 AM #23Banned
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Like most things in life,it`s not about the Physical form it`s about mental state to reach goals.I`m a very Emotional guy,so It`s a big part of this game for me.In the quest for survival for you true goals. Burnout is a potential mental nightmare for any person that is hardcore. It can turn a competitor who was once positive, happy and focused, into a negative, depressed and withdrawn grouch. How do I know? Because I've been there.A few years ago I gained 0 pounds in a year. If you want to continue to grow for years to come, you need to understand that burnout can grind your body to a halt, just like an injury can. the power of the mind is being constantly recognized as a huge influential tool. Through the use of effective goal setting and visualization,I have taken my physique to the next level. Many pro and experienced bodybuilders do not put their success down to their training or their genetics. Instead they attribute the strength of their mind-set as the key to achieving physique greatness. Former Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates talked in-depth about how he beats genetic superiors than him due to his mental strategies, and how the focused mind-set he had adopted constantly kept him striving to be the best. Dorian once said that if Flex Wheeler had his mind-set that Dorian himself would be in serious trouble."Burnout is defined as a psychological, emotional and physical withdrawal from a formerly pursued and enjoyable sport as a result of excessive stress which acts on the athlete over time" A quote from Sport psychologist Smith.You kind of live and learn,mentally if I`m drifting away,I can make Adjustment to get back on track.If you dont, things build up,thus increasing the risk of burnout.
When marcus put the title Building muscle protocol,it makes you think what is the best appraoch.Lets look at the great arnie everyone knows how legendary his routines were. Most people do not even attempt to try them out. Labeling them as too high in volume, or too unorthodox! Phrases such as, 20 sets for biceps, that’s stupid, ring throughout many an ear these days. However, I still maintain that Arnold did what it took to develop a freaky body. His physique reflected his training style, just as your body is reflected in a mirror. Therefore, the question is not who’s training style was more sane for today's standards. But rather, who’s training style was more insane! I firmly believe that an awe inspiring physique will always follow an insane approach to lifting. Dorian illustrated this, as well as Arnold. Not to say, that you should not stay within the realm of science, only that you realize that the science of this sport is an extreme one. You get concerned first of all with a mental perception. What you want to look like, what you want to be like as far as the contours of your body.I like to put my mind literally inside of my muscles.
I will just leave quote from arnie.His Building muscle protocol.
``The body isn’t used to the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th rep. But that’s what makes it grow! Going through that pain barrier, experiencing the muscular pain, aching, and continuing to go on and go on. That’s what divides a champion from everyone else. If you can go through this pain barrier, then you may get to be a champion, if you can’t go threw it, then forget it. And that’s what most people lack. Having the guts to go threw, the guts to go in and say I don’t care what happens! If it aches, or I fall during a workout, I don’t care. I know it could happen, but I have no fear of fainting in the gym. I've thrown up many times while I was training, but it doesn’t matter, because its all worth it.``Last edited by goose; 12-24-2006 at 11:57 AM.
12-24-2006, 02:03 PM #24
Passing out is fun....
12-24-2006, 06:10 PM #25Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by goose4
I understand what youre saying here, ive been there too and it isnt fun! Mental burnout/depression is a terrible state of mind to be in, and will set you back in all importent things like, training, career, privat live etc...
Thank god for Prosac LOL...
12-26-2006, 06:52 AM #26
12-28-2006, 06:59 AM #27
Anybody else on how they best build muscle tissue, eg - cycle,compounds,diets,training???
if everybody contributes we will have a good study on what works for the majority
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