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  1. #1
    hdftby100 is offline New Member
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    Combatting Acne during/after cycle

    I just finished up a cycle of test cyp (200mg/wk) and Deca (200mg/wk) about 6 weeks ago. It was a 20 week cycle and was my first. About week 14 I started to get bad acne on my back and shoulders. I went to a dermatologist and he first gave me Benziq (no effect), then something a little stronger (no effect) and now I have been taking retin-a for about 3 weeks. The retin-a seemed to start working but I have had no significant improvement. I want to start another cycle but I really want the acne to clear up and prevent it from coming back. Suggestions? I may ask for Accutane. How can I cycle that along with the test cyp and deca? Can I take both together?

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sorry guy,, i dont know much about the acne thing. I was thinking about doing the same cycle,,, wut were ur gains?

  3. #3
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    Tanning and acne soap help, but basically suck it up and be man. To quote Ufa: "Welcome to Hotel California".

  4. #4
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I resulted to taking 2-3 showers per day. My skin is naturally oily and gear makes it like Exxon Valdez.

    I have herd accutane is the best. I also herd it gets worse before it gets better with accutane, so be prepared.

  5. #5
    KOON is offline New Member
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    How long does acne usually last..........

  6. #6
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Depends on the person I would guess. For me it starts to get bad mid cyc and lasts way past the end of my cyc. I have never really timed the duration of the acne on my back and shoulders.

  7. #7
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    order proactive kind of pricey but works well

  8. #8
    orton4 is offline Member
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    try to get something from the tetracycline family before you use accutane... im on minocycline and its been helpin me... but the blemishes will take a few months to go away

  9. #9
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    Start taking Vitamin B5 (aka pantothenic acid). It's really cheap if you buy it in bulk. Take about 10 grams per day.

  10. #10
    hdftby100 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger
    Sorry guy,, i dont know much about the acne thing. I was thinking about doing the same cycle,,, wut were ur gains?
    I was actually very pleased with the first cycle. It was more of an HRT. Started week 1 at 167 lbs. The first 12 weeks I was gaining about a pound a week and I was told that I would see a difference at about week 3 in the gym. Didn't take that long. Ended off week 20 at 187 lbs. I did an off cycle for 3 weeks and kept all of the gains. Of course, after the off cycle my gym gains came to a halt so be prepared. But I guess keeping 20 lbs of muscle I have no complaints. If I had dieted better (my diet was pretty good but room for improvement) I'm sure I would've also dropped some more body fat than I did, but I did not gain any body fat. My next cycle I am gonna do just an 8 week on. Still concerned about the acne and want it to get better before I start again.

    Good luck, dude.

  11. #11
    hdftby100 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Depends on the person I would guess. For me it starts to get bad mid cyc and lasts way past the end of my cyc. I have never really timed the duration of the acne on my back and shoulders.
    Were you doing anything for the acne and if so, what were you doing/taking?

  12. #12
    Persian is offline New Member
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    best to take accutane 1nce u finish with gear totally ....

    accutane is pretty harsh ....

  13. #13
    krajtb07 is offline New Member
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    Accutane is very harsh, I am taking it currently and in a way wish I would have not started. As the guy said above, acne will worsen before getting better. It has made my whole body, especially around my lips extremely dry and honestly painful. With that said some people don't have this problem. Just be sure the acne is bad enough because there is a lot of side effects

  14. #14
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    lol had the same problem.. try plain dawn dish soap.. honestly worked for me.

  15. #15
    SaintofKillers is offline New Member
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    I have had an acne problem for about 2-3 weeks after my cycle ended. Mainly on my back but some on my chest. I started taking Flaxseed Oil, OMEG-3 and Ester C and it seemed to have worked pretty well. It was very bad at first, to the point that my back was sore to touch. This made it much smaller and not as frequent.

    I don't know if there are any proven effects, but it's worked for me so far. Tanning helps too, just make sure you wash off the lotion thoroughly afterwards.

  16. #16
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    Sorbaline cream is traditionally used as a skin emolient whowever can be used as an alternative to soap, you lather it all over your body and wash it off well. It's cheap and you can get a large pump bottle for a few bucks. Soap is acnes worst nightmare and it is actually bad for your skin, drys it out - strips the skin then your glands work overtime to emoliate the skin. Use it along with whatever oral medication you use; ie Accutane. I use it all through my cycles and I only get a few dots after 2-3 weeks following cycle during P.C.T. Also, an AI throughout the cycle helps too. You should be using one anyway, ie Liquidex/Letro.

  17. #17
    hdftby100 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by krajtb07
    Accutane is very harsh, I am taking it currently and in a way wish I would have not started. As the guy said above, acne will worsen before getting better. It has made my whole body, especially around my lips extremely dry and honestly painful. With that said some people don't have this problem. Just be sure the acne is bad enough because there is a lot of side effects
    What is the dosage amount of accutane you are currently taking? How quick was the improvement, if any? Did you try Retin-A first or the B-5?

    Thanks for all the help guys.

  18. #18
    spooledup's Avatar
    spooledup is offline Banned
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    Beta sitosterol works great for my acne. It is a DHT inhibitor that works much like propecia. It's much more effective than saw palmetto (which also contain phytosterols) as a DHT inhibitor.

    I tried evrything for acne including accutane, and with winstrol it got terrible for me.

    Beta sitosterol is readily avaiable, balances cholesterols levels, and is inexpensive.

    It works almost immediately (2-5 days).

  19. #19
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    I was actually very pleased with the first cycle. It was more of an HRT. Started week 1 at 167 lbs. The first 12 weeks I was gaining about a pound a week and I was told that I would see a difference at about week 3 in the gym. Didn't take that long. Ended off week 20 at 187 lbs. I did an off cycle for 3 weeks and kept all of the gains. Of course, after the off cycle my gym gains came to a halt so be prepared. But I guess keeping 20 lbs of muscle I have no complaints. If I had dieted better (my diet was pretty good but room for improvement) I'm sure I would've also dropped some more body fat than I did, but I did not gain any body fat. My next cycle I am gonna do just an 8 week on. Still concerned about the acne and want it to get better before I start again.

    Good luck, dude.
    Thanks guy, appreciate it.

  20. #20
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    I use hand sanitizer when I break out and for razer bumbs it works just fine for me.

  21. #21
    hdftby100 is offline New Member
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    Just got some of the B-5 at Vitamin Shoppe so we will see how it works out.

  22. #22
    b-rock12 is offline New Member
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    I've been off my cycle of Sest 250 for about two months and my acne is still pretty bad! I went to the Doc and she gave me doxycycline for an oral and tretinoin for a cream. I've used it for about three weeks and not working the best! I'm going back to see if I can get something else! BETTER!!

  23. #23
    krajtb07 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2006
    I took 40 mg of accutane a day. I tried all the stuff for acne and accutane actually cured it

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