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  1. #1
    FlyByU's Avatar
    FlyByU is offline Associate Member
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    Aussies be careful!

    Some of you may have already read this posted on another site. If you order anything illegal from overseas (this includes "research products", not just AAS), you are taking a big risk. You may get lucky a few times, but it's not worth taking that risk repeatedly given the consequences. Better to stay local even if you have to pay more. If you're not sure whether a particular item is prohibited, contact the TGA.

    IMPORTANT - All members please read


    This is a message to all our valued members at Aussie Corner from the team of Aussie Mods here at Bolex.

    Most of you will have read DDD's thread about his unfortunate incident recently with the Australian Customs Service. If you havent you should, here it is.


    What you all need to be aware of is that this is not an isolated incident, there are quite a number of similar ones happening that have not been openly discussed. There is a deliberate and targetted campaign by Customs to tighten up border control on AAS (in any form) making its way into Australia. Make no mistake people, they are going hard on this and have implemented more stringent screening of mail, esp from "hot" destinations such as China, Thailand etc.

    We cannot state this any more strongly. IF YOU ATTEMPT TO IMPORT A PROHIBITED SUBSTANCE YOU ARE DICING WITH DISASTER AND WILL GET CAUGHT. Getting the 6.00 am knock at the door and your entire premises turned upside down is no laughing matter, do not take this lightly.

    Just because you got a few packs in the mail form an overseas source does not make you clever, resourceful or smarter than the authorities. It just means you got lucky and that luck just ran out.

    We also want to stress that this forum is a community of people with similar interests who post here so share info on their passion for BBing. This is not, never has been and never will be a place to "get hooked up".

    This might sound silly when considering that international sources advertise on the site but these have NEVER been an option for Aussies. Leave these to the folk in countries where AAS is legal and/or they are not dealing with the best Customs service in the world. Make no mistake people that what Aussie Customs are and while you might think this sucks, they are just doing their jobs.

    The vast majority of the BBing community (whether they use performance enhancing meds or not) are great people. They work steady jobs, pay their taxes, raise families, pay off a mortgage and make a positive contribution to society. We would hate to see anyone else have their life turned upside down due to making some bad decisions in an attempt to further their BBing ambitions.

    It just not worth it.

    Have a safe and Merry Xmas

    The Aussie Mods

  2. #2
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Damn bro that sucks, luckily i live in the states so no worries here

  3. #3
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    hey, what's the link? it's blocked out.

  4. #4
    Addy's Avatar
    Addy is offline Junior Member
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    Melbourne Australia
    yeah im interested in that link too!

  5. #5
    Hephens's Avatar
    Hephens is offline Member
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    Gee gladly not doing this again, I had 1 pack siezed awhile ago dumbass forgot it was australia here was sending steroids to and just sent them in a pack like so straight away they got siezed and the customs over here are watching me now. So i can't have anything to do with purchasing gear or anything they gave me a call cause after i got the siezure a few weeks later i made another purchase from another source and customs called me and told me to refund my money cause i am under the suspicion of purchasing more AAS, they even watch your bank details to see if u have been sending money or what not, BUYERS beware. I sent my money through western union, But just play them smart and i rekon u can get any gear into australia.

  6. #6
    Hephens's Avatar
    Hephens is offline Member
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    I would really like to no after this cause i get my stuff from a ugl and packed in sachets if they would get siezed over here now?

  7. #7
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    I here they are really tough there. that sucks!! beware

  8. #8
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    in my lounge
    Guys - I even had a simple batch of ECA, which was sent to me from UK, seized by Aussie Customs when I lived there and received a nice lil letter orderin me to attend an interview at the magistrates court in sydney! So believe me they are not jokin over there and it's gotten way past the point where one can receive mail unchecked from so called "non sus" countries - it's a pain in the ass but it's just the way it works in Oz. Some of my mates over there hav resorted to combining their 8week hols in Thailand and Bali with 8week short cycles and the brought the PCT stuff (HCG excluded) back to Oz in Aspirin and other general Tab packages .... may sound like a drastic measure but it does indicate quite clearly how difficult things are over there in terms of AAS.
    Plus - as far as I know (&I might be wrong) not only dsitribution of AAS but also posession can result in serious trouble down under.

    just my 2cents on that issue

  9. #9
    yautja's Avatar
    yautja is offline Junior Member
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    flybyu has got it right, aussie customs are very harsh and catch most of what comes in the country.

  10. #10
    FlyByU's Avatar
    FlyByU is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hephens
    I would really like to no after this cause i get my stuff from a ugl and packed in sachets if they would get siezed over here now?
    They're onto those sachets now aka Stealth injectables, so if you've been successful in ordering them in the past and want to try again, I would definitely think twice!
    That link is from the 'bolex site. Read the thread started by DDD, titled "Raided".

  11. #11
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    that sucks... thats all i got to say... now what are we going to use for a pct???

  12. #12
    yautja's Avatar
    yautja is offline Junior Member
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    pm me for the link.
    Last edited by yautja; 12-27-2006 at 01:53 PM.

  13. #13
    Hephens's Avatar
    Hephens is offline Member
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    Sep 2006
    pm me the link to dude i really want to read it.

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