Hi all, I am planning on starting my first cycle in Feb.
here are my stats before going to the dr:
Male, 36, 6'2", 265lbs. Yea I am a bit overweight but in pretty good strength condition. I am getting a physical Jan 18th...more about that in a bit.
my cycle I got was a "newbie" cycle per one of the posts:
Newbee cycle #2:

Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
wk 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
wk 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
wk 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT 3 tabs per day

22 x TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE IRAN 250mg/ml (best brand)
2 x NOLVADEX 10mg, 100 tabs by ZENNECA
3 x CLOMID 50mg, 10tabs by IP CHINA
1 x CLENBUTEROL 40 mcg by HUBEI PHARM CO (Size: 50 tabs)

question on injection, since this is 250mg/ml, I am assuming a break open 2 of the ampules and suck them both up in a syringe and inject the whole 500mg at once?? pin = 1.5" 23ga.

I read in the newbie forum that some folks here suggest taking clomid the whole time?? this cycle calls for just the enan injections until week 13. and I am assuming from reading in the newbie section, I start the PCT for this cycle 2 weeks after my last injection of enan??

On the dr visit, what should I ask him to test for. I am thinking I cannot say "he doc, I am about to go on a cycle and needed all my hormone levels tested" how should I go about asking to get the right tests done?

I am also taking quite a few supplements and protein now:
juiceplus (good stuff imo)

Anything else I should add.
Regards from a newbie