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  1. #1
    kamchez is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005

    what would happen if u would run clomid during cycle ?


    I know that aas shuts down your natty test production during cycle,
    deca is an example ... so if Test E + deca = increased sex drive.

    would it help or be a waste to do clomid during a cycle for a better sex drive.

    if so ...why ?

    by the way .. I know that you can run hcg , proviron 50mg ed etc...

    but Im still wondering why you cant run clomid during the cycle ?

    any input would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    punk_bbuilder's Avatar
    punk_bbuilder is offline Senior Member
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    It would mess with your HPTA too much...Id say bad idea as far as hormone respones and mood swings. I know some that run pre contest...exact reasons id have to look up..and at this point im too tired

  3. #3
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bigger loads...Thats about it.

    Clomid isnt strong enough to combat the shut down by anabolic steroids ..

  4. #4
    kamchez is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005
    thanks for the responses guys ..

    the reason I asked is because im running Decar+Test E (4th week) and im starting to feel the loss of sex drive and thought about upping my test E dose abit or take clomid during the cycle ,

    well.. I could always get hcg , arimidex , proviron or something for my sex drive... any ideas of which ones would give the quickest raise in sex drive.

  5. #5
    kamchez is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by punk_bbuilder
    I know some that run pre contest...exact reasons id have to look up..and at this point im too tired
    hey .. why would someone run clomid during a cycle (pre contest) ?

    will clomid do anything at all during the cycle ... im currently doing :

    Week 1-10 - Dec 400mg
    Week 1-12 - test E - 500mg

    PCT - week 13-14

    I do NOT want to get shut down , I've lost my Sex drive already and have a hard time getting it hard :P

    I've ordered some HCG and was thinking about running it 500 IU ED - 5 days (2 days off) for 2 weeks.

    and hope that this would help me out abit.

    Im also doing , 200 mg B6 , Vitamin E , 20 mg nolva , and 150 mg clomid ED

    guys I want my sex drive back ! any inputs on what I can do / should do.

    I also ordered some proviron so I can run it 50mg ED for 20 days.

  6. #6
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamchez
    hey .. why would someone run clomid during a cycle (pre contest) ?

    will clomid do anything at all during the cycle ... im currently doing :

    Week 1-10 - Dec 400mg
    Week 1-12 - test E - 500mg

    PCT - week 13-14

    I do NOT want to get shut down , I've lost my Sex drive already and have a hard time getting it hard :P

    I've ordered some HCG and was thinking about running it 500 IU ED - 5 days (2 days off) for 2 weeks.

    and hope that this would help me out abit.

    Im also doing , 200 mg B6 , Vitamin E , 20 mg nolva , and 150 mg clomid ED

    guys I want my sex drive back ! any inputs on what I can do / should do.

    I also ordered some proviron so I can run it 50mg ED for 20 days.
    You will get shut down. Deal with it.

    You're loss of sex drive probably doesn't have much to do with the "shut down"...It could be another factor. The loss of sex drive from hormonal suppression would be compensated with the exogenous test.

    Stop the clomid becuase you are wasting it. Like I said, it isn't strong enough to fix your suppression issues while on cycle.

    Try waiting a week or two until the test levels build up. Then, if you are still dealing with sex drive issues, try the hcg or proviron .

  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'd use something else for the sex drive. Go with proviron , or tong kat, or Horney Goat weed.

  8. #8
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    during cycle nothing will help ur hpta to start working again even clomid so hcg will be better as it acts like lh & fsh and take care of ur balls but clomid will act as anti e & a weak one so its useless

  9. #9
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    like hosam said...

  10. #10
    kamchez is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005
    great guys !

    thanks alot !

    I'll stop wasting the clomid now and save it for my pct ,

    I've ordered some HCG 2 x 5000 iu that I will run for 2 weeks (500iu ED 2 days off)
    the last 2 weeks of my cycle.

    and some proviron that I might run for 20 days .

    for now ... I'll just wait for the test to kick in

    thanks again !

  11. #11
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    yeh proviron is ur best bet, clomid on cycle will do jack

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