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  1. #1
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006

    Possible mild gyno question....

    I have been on AAS for the past week (first cycle) so I dont think my problem has anything relating to AAS use..... anyway..

    I noticed in the mirror today that my left nipple is a little swollen and that my left pec is a little fuller underneath the nipple.. I felt underneath the left nipple and there is a possible very minor little nodule/lump (nothing definitive or major) I have been using HGH for a little over a month so far and I have started using Propecia at .5mg for the 4 weeks too in anticipation of AAS use.... I had my E2 levels checked in Nov 06 and my E2 was 43 so my doc gave me arimidex to use at 1/2mg 2 x a week... I have been using Adex for the past 4 weeks as well...

    If this is mild gyno starting (who knows from where?) then what can I do to stop it... its not bad right now at all but I dont want it to get worse... could I or should I run some letro or nolva with the adex? should I increase my adex dosage? any suggestions? thanks....

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Hard to believe it gyno when you are on the adex. If you want to be absolutely sure I would get a blood test and have a look at your Estradio levels. I guess you could drop the adex and go straight to letro to play safe. Nolvadex I wouldnt bother with at this stage

  3. #3
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006
    Like I said puffiness is not not horribly bad at all... very very minor... I think it may have been a pre-existing condition in my pec from when I gained mad weight in the summer months when I tried a natural bulking cycle.... anyway should I drop the adex then and get a script for letro.... from what I have read letro should reverse this pretty easy since this is a very very minor problem....

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    Like I said puffiness is not not horribly bad at all... very very minor... I think it may have been a pre-existing condition in my pec from when I gained mad weight in the summer months when I tried a natural bulking cycle.... anyway should I drop the adex then and get a script for letro.... from what I have read letro should reverse this pretty easy since this is a very very minor problem....
    If it is gyno then Letro is the best option, and you dont need a script you can get it from the board sponcer. Just click on the blue word Letro in this post

  5. #5
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006
    If this is a pre-existing condition, then would adex prevent it from getting worse and possibly reverse it... or is letro the only alternative to reversing the start of possible gyno...

  6. #6
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Keep in mind that gyno is possible with Propercia, (b/c it lowers DHT levels, and DHT is a competive antagonist to the estrogen recepter which will decrease estrogen recpter binding.)

    Hgh could also accelerate gyno in the presence of estrogen...

    Your symptoms sounds like gyno to me(early stage). Imo yust to be safe start 1/2 adex pill ed, you might want to start Nolva to to block the E-recpter in the breast fast. (Letro takes up to 4 weeks to rise stable blood-levels, it might et worse by then).

  7. #7
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    I was aware that finasteride may contribute to gyno but I thought the adex would help prevent that... like i said its nothing to freak out about yet, I have no soreness or tenderness in my left pec/nipple.. its just a little fuller right under the nipple as compared to the right side..

    would adex if taking ed or eod at 1/2mg stop the gyno from getting worse? should I just jump on letro now while on adex.... its really not that bad at all, Im just glad that I caught it this early....

  8. #8
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    would adex if taken ed or eod at 1/2mg stop the gyno from getting worse and possibly reverse it? should I just jump on letro now while on adex.... its really not that bad at all, Im just glad that I caught it this early....

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