I am nearing the end of my cycle now, finished my last shot today of T-Eth and will continue my WInny till the 2 week half life is over then i will start my PCT.

Question is, how much Strength loss should I Anticipate? I am pretty lean due to all the cardio I do, so I only went from 170 - 185 on my cycle but definately improved strength all around. I assume I will lose some strength once this is over but will it be drastic and can I recover that strength loss relatively fast?

Also should I expect to see more side effects pop up? The only one i really had was a little acne on the back. What about water weight / fat gain?

(this is my first cycle and i was doing it with my buddy who would have been on his 5th, but he met this girl and quit mid cycle and now I am f'ed haha)