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  1. #1
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Question about keeping gains

    Well, I've been reading and reading and reading...

    I've read few articles that seem to indicate that the gains from test enan/cypion are hard to keep. People will start loosing them slowly... Is it true?

    I'm planning to do a test enan only cycle, but now I'm having second thoughts in light of these findings. I don't want to gain 15lbs of muscle to lose it within two months.

    If that's semi true, would stacking it with winstrol /equipose/masteron /deca /dynabol/primobolan depot improve overall muscle retention?

    Any insights would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    i did a cycle test-e only before and so far while still working out im progressing even more. Gota keep hitting the weights hard after the cycle is over, and continue doing so until you DIE. lol jp

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    If you have not met your genetic potential than you should keep most of your gains, that is if your diet is in check.

  4. #4
    Metodi Tzanov's Avatar
    Metodi Tzanov is offline New Member
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    adding proviron (masteron ) 50mg/day will surely harden your muscles and help you keep gains. also use it in your pct. a good pct will help you keep most of your gains but not sure of a good pct.

  5. #5
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    The idea that one doesn't keep much of his gains after a test cycle is simply this: a good portion of that is water. If you did a winstrol only cycle, which I don't necessarily recommend, you could actually have gained the same amount of muscle as a test cycle, but not the same amount of total weight because you will not retain water with the 'strol.

    You will WANT to lose the water weight as it doesn't do much except make you look bigger and raise your BP.

    If you gained 15 lbs. over the cycle and kept 8 or 10 that's a pretty solid gain all things being considered.

    Here a few steps to keep the MUSCLE though and not necessarily all the water weight as well:

    1) Have an effective PCT program ready with all the right goodies (HCG , clomid, nolva and arimidex , etc.)

    2) Lower your volume, but keep the heavy weights intact along with the good solid growth-hormone producing MULTI-JOINT MOVEMENTS in there. The biggest bodybuilder happens to powerlift on a consistent basis to keep his muscles large, dense and strong...Ronnie Coleman by the way.

    3) Keep the protein up and get plenty of sleep.

    That's about it brother. There can be a few more details thrown in there but that is the jist of an effective "off" time regimin. Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    well said jdavis. BTW that's some azz in your avater there.

    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    The idea that one doesn't keep much of his gains after a test cycle is simply this: a good portion of that is water. If you did a winstrol only cycle, which I don't necessarily recommend, you could actually have gained the same amount of muscle as a test cycle, but not the same amount of total weight because you will not retain water with the 'strol.

    You will WANT to lose the water weight as it doesn't do much except make you look bigger and raise your BP.

    If you gained 15 lbs. over the cycle and kept 8 or 10 that's a pretty solid gain all things being considered.

    Here a few steps to keep the MUSCLE though and not necessarily all the water weight as well:

    1) Have an effective PCT program ready with all the right goodies (HCG , clomid, nolva and arimidex , etc.)

    2) Lower your volume, but keep the heavy weights intact along with the good solid growth-hormone producing MULTI-JOINT MOVEMENTS in there. The biggest bodybuilder happens to powerlift on a consistent basis to keep his muscles large, dense and strong...Ronnie Coleman by the way.

    3) Keep the protein up and get plenty of sleep.

    That's about it brother. There can be a few more details thrown in there but that is the jist of an effective "off" time regimin. Hope this helps.

  7. #7
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metodi Tzanov
    adding proviron (masteron) 50mg/day will surely harden your muscles and help you keep gains. also use it in your pct. a good pct will help you keep most of your gains but not sure of a good pct.
    Mesterolone...not masteron

  8. #8
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    keeping gains all depends on how your diet and trianing was. if your holding alot of water from your cycle then you will lose most of that water weight. if you trained hard and built some good quality muscle then most of it can be keepable. with a good pct plan you can keep most of it. this is from my own experiences.

  9. #9
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys, starting to feel better. Yes, I understand the water gain. I'm hoping to keep it to a minimum as I'll be running arimidex during the cycle. My diet is pretty good already.

    Here is my plan:

    1 – 10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1 – 11 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 11 A-dex .25mg ED

    week Nolva hcg aromasin vit E
    12 20mg ED 500iu ED 20-25mg 1000iu
    13 20mg ED 500iu ED 20-25mg 1000iu
    14 20mg ED 500iu ED 20-25mg 1000iu
    15 20mg ED 20-25mg
    16 20mg ED 20-25mg
    17 20mg ED 20-25mg

    In light of my goals, to gain quality muscle (keep as much as possible), would this suffice or should I add something else in there (I know some think that it is too much, but reading about some of the issues, gyno, acne, etc, I'd rather be safe)?

    I've been reading a few good things about proviron . Do you think I should add it in there? One concern that I have for proviron is that it will increase DHT in your system and too much DHT floating around can contribute/cause male pattern baldness and prostate enlargement.

    Thanks again.

  10. #10
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    I would drop the nolva during cycle and the hcg for pct.

  11. #11
    jwandmore is offline New Member
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    my experience

    by just doing a cycle of test i would lose 75 percent of my gain, when i do a cycle of test and eq i would lose about 65 percent. on average i keep 4 to 5 good pounds of muscle. I do 2 cycles a year. I started at 148 lbs 4 years ago, now im 167lbs, 54years old. Im shooting at 15 lbs a end of cycle. After your cycle you still have to keep the protien up , the lifting heavy, also for me i try to take in enough carbs to sustain my body, nothing more.

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