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  1. #1
    reppedout1 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    stomach virus-lost gains?

    hello all! i got the stomach virus pretty bad thursday, feelin ok now.i haven't been able to get to to the gym since last wednesday. during all this weekend i couldn't keep anything down,so that meant no protein,supps,basically just couldn't eat.mustered up enuff strength to do my shot friday,thats about u think all my gains r lost?i plan on hittin the gym like normal from here on out just really disgusted!!thanks!!

  2. #2
    slooby's Avatar
    slooby is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yea man i had the same thing but i was lucky and it was before my cycle. i lost 15 pounds. i got my diet back into check and started on my cycle. i gained that weight back in about 3 weeks because most of it is water weight anyways. when u get better start eating as much as you can to make up for the messed meals.. good luck it sucks but have a positive attitude and luckly it is much easier to gain that weight back...

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