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  1. #1
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Need someone with experience in depression meds

    ok i am on 20mg of prozac and i take two lithium two times a day. after my break down they put me on 3mg of xanex 4x a day. i want to start my cycle but this one is a large and i dont want to waste it.
    i was on vicodin and percocet last year ran a cycle and i have no medical proof but i didnt get anywhere near where i should have been, and yes the stuff was legit.
    so my question is will this xanex impeed my progress?

    the cycle is 15 weeks
    1-3 50mg dbol
    3-7 100mg dbol
    1-15 1500mg sust
    1-13 1g decca

    then of course pct

    dont worry about my health booz im fine.

  2. #2
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    just curious, how many cycles you done? im new here and even i know thats a shit load of sus and deca ....

  3. #3
    ziinus is offline Associate Member
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    Yes Alprazolam may hinder your gain but not dramatically, it can cause your strength to decrease and increase your prolactin level.
    Last edited by ziinus; 01-15-2007 at 07:12 AM.

  4. #4
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    First of all, 3mg/ed x4 is an assload of alprazolam to take. You must be feeling like a f'cking zombie at that dose! Beware of sides when you come off that shit.
    Hell, the largest they dose that shit at is the 2mg bars and your taking 3mg 4x a day?! You must be seriously messed up in the head for a doctor to deemed it necessary to sedate you to that extent.

    I will form my own opinion here, and that is that you are not mentally stable enough to embark on a cycle of steroids if you are in need of alprazolam at that kind of dosing...and prozac on top of that...

    Secondly, someone should voice concern for your health here, regardless of what you state in your above post about booz not worrying about your health and that you're fine. Bullshit!
    Your health must not be that important to you if you feel it's necessary to start a cycle, especially as heavy as the one you have laid out, with the recent health issues you're obviously still going through.

    I vividly remember you posting this below post not too long ago..about a month ago to be exact:

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    Why i havent been around
    As some of you know i started my own business about 10 months ago. And wasnt prepaired for the stress that came along with it. so to make a long story short "side note none of this was AS related. my wife ame home from work and found me in bed with a puddle of blood on the sheets and floor and i was barely breathing. so she called the ambulance they admited me to UCU on life support and 300000 other things they gave me a 20% chance of living through the night. I was in full " href=" .com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=104">liver is doing on heart is still giving me a little trouble but they expect that to go away and the only damage i guess is to my CNS i am having to relearn to walk, write type ect. its comming back quick but its just really frustraiting.
    I went into a seizure monday, tuesday fell out of my shower hit my head and got a concusion.

    so there it is. this is why i havent been around but im going to start comming back more as i see alot of help needed around here.
    I love you guys
    And you think it is ok to run a cycle at this point in time???

    I think you need to either stop bullshitting the board or get your health prioritized before you even think about a cycle...unless, like I said, you don't value your health.
    If that's the case, go ahead and run the cycle, but don't cry to us when you're found half dead in a few months from now...again.

    Good luck,

  5. #5
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    First of all, 3mg/ed x4 is an assload of alprazolam to take. You must be feeling like a f'cking zombie at that dose! Beware of sides when you come off that shit.
    Hell, the largest they dose that shit at is the 2mg bars and your taking 3mg 4x a day?! You must be seriously messed up in the head for a doctor to deemed it necessary to sedate you to that extent.

    I will form my own opinion here, and that is that you are not mentally stable enough to embark on a cycle of steroids if you are in need of alprazolam at that kind of dosing...and prozac on top of that...

    Secondly, someone should voice concern for your health here, regardless of what you state in your above post about booz not worrying about your health and that you're fine. Bullshit!
    Your health must not be that important to you if you feel it's necessary to start a cycle, especially as heavy as the one you have laid out, with the recent health issues you're obviously still going through.
    Agreed. Deal with the issues first before adding anything else into the mix.

  6. #6
    armbar83's Avatar
    armbar83 is offline Senior Member
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    If youre not joking and you havent before, please go meet with a psychologist. You should talk to someone who will help you behaviorally and wont give you any more meds.

  7. #7
    Booz's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=tranzit]ok i am on 20mg of prozac and i take two lithium two times a day. after my break down they put me on 3mg of xanex 4x a day. i want to start my cycle but this one is a large and i dont want to waste it.
    i was on vicodin and percocet last year ran a cycle and i have no medical proof but i didnt get anywhere near where i should have been, and yes the stuff was legit.
    so my question is will this xanex impeed my progress?

    the cycle is 15 weeks
    1-3 50mg dbol
    3-7 100mg dbol
    1-15 1500mg sust
    1-13 1g decca

    then of course pct

    dont worry about my health booz im fine.[/QUOTE]

    you better bloody be fine or imma gonna havta cum on over and kick you great big ass..........................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  8. #8
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    I am 32 years old am 12-14 full cycles in with alot of cruising. Also i have ended many cycles early which i dont count becouse of agression or depression. i have two years of A&P under my belt 2 personal training certs. and quite a bit of common sense. The 3Mg 4 times a day is becouse i started out weigting almost 300 lbs at 6"5 since then i have dropped close to 50 lbs. i feel nothing when i take the xanex no sides unless i take a dose to late. Im not quite sure what qualifications you have to come to the conclusion that im "****ed up" but you dont know the whole story nore my current health situation. i Asked a question if this was going to impeed my progress becouse it is a CNS related compound. Not opinions on if i need to go talk to somone. That kinda shit pisses me off. I am a true vet not a green name internet vet but i have been playing this game for along time. the last part of my rehab was finished yesterday they did a stress ekg and i passed with flying colors liver and kidney values are like a new born baby and heart is beating pefrectly. As anyone who knows anything about xanex knows you have to ween off very slow or risk seizure. So we are weening at the end of the month and im getting off. I have been on prozac for 8 years lithium for 5 this isnt some med over dose shit where i went crazy and they doped me up. i dont even feel the xanex... at all zero.

    So seriously some of the shit in this thread i took as an insult i am asking for advice which i dont do very often and i get an AR monitor of all people bashing me? wtf is up with that bro?

  9. #9
    rafael is offline Associate Member
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    any bezo will impeed your progress....also it will work synergistically to elevate your liver vaules...not a good thing. And also you will experience some serious if not dangerous mood swings while using a benzo and gear. Rage and panic attacks are not uncommon. Im not trying to scare you...but you asked. PPl dont relize how powerfull these narcotics are.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    I am 32 years old am 12-14 full cycles in with alot of cruising. Also i have ended many cycles early which i dont count becouse of agression or depression. i have two years of A&P under my belt 2 personal training certs. and quite a bit of common sense. The 3Mg 4 times a day is becouse i started out weigting almost 300 lbs at 6"5 since then i have dropped close to 50 lbs. i feel nothing when i take the xanex no sides unless i take a dose to late. Im not quite sure what qualifications you have to come to the conclusion that im "****ed up" but you dont know the whole story nore my current health situation. i Asked a question if this was going to impeed my progress becouse it is a CNS related compound. Not opinions on if i need to go talk to somone. That kinda shit pisses me off. I am a true vet not a green name internet vet but i have been playing this game for along time. the last part of my rehab was finished yesterday they did a stress ekg and i passed with flying colors liver and kidney values are like a new born baby and heart is beating pefrectly. As anyone who knows anything about xanex knows you have to ween off very slow or risk seizure. So we are weening at the end of the month and im getting off. I have been on prozac for 8 years lithium for 5 this isnt some med over dose shit where i went crazy and they doped me up. i dont even feel the xanex... at all zero.

    So seriously some of the shit in this thread i took as an insult i am asking for advice which i dont do very often and i get an AR monitor of all people bashing me? wtf is up with that bro?

    Hey brutha, I've been on xanax & paxil for around 2-3 months so far, and I've been making bretty good gains. I don't think it will keep you from making gains on that cycle if that's what your asking lol. If you've got your shit together mentally, and are back to being physically healthy go for it. But if your still very depressed, crazy etc. then I would wait until you straighten that out first, adding those powerful hormones to your system will only make things worse.

    Shrpskin's a good bro tranzit, he has helped me out on a few things and always means for the best it seems, so I think you owe him a hug....

    Goodluck and be safe.

  11. #11
    Halfcenturian's Avatar
    Halfcenturian is offline Associate Member
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    I call BULLSHIT on the Benzo's

    Quote Originally Posted by rafael
    any bezo will impeed your progress....also it will work synergistically to elevate your liver vaules...not a good thing. And also you will experience some serious if not dangerous mood swings while using a benzo and gear. Rage and panic attacks are not uncommon. Im not trying to scare you...but you asked. PPl dont relize how powerfull these narcotics are.

    Benzodiazepines are OFTEN prescribed with SSRI's. They do not cause panic attacks, they stop them. They CAN increase the effect of an SSRI. I take Effexor plus 20 mg Valium/ ED, and have for 7 years.
    It has not impeded my growth at all. BW is perfect.

    This gentlemen, however, should be in a detox center. IMO

  12. #12
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    I am 32 years old am 12-14 full cycles in with alot of cruising. Also i have ended many cycles early which i dont count becouse of agression or depression. i have two years of A&P under my belt 2 personal training certs. and quite a bit of common sense. The 3Mg 4 times a day is becouse i started out weigting almost 300 lbs at 6"5 since then i have dropped close to 50 lbs. i feel nothing when i take the xanex no sides unless i take a dose to late. Im not quite sure what qualifications you have to come to the conclusion that im "****ed up" but you dont know the whole story nore my current health situation. i Asked a question if this was going to impeed my progress becouse it is a CNS related compound. Not opinions on if i need to go talk to somone. That kinda shit pisses me off. I am a true vet not a green name internet vet but i have been playing this game for along time. the last part of my rehab was finished yesterday they did a stress ekg and i passed with flying colors liver and kidney values are like a new born baby and heart is beating pefrectly. As anyone who knows anything about xanex knows you have to ween off very slow or risk seizure. So we are weening at the end of the month and im getting off. I have been on prozac for 8 years lithium for 5 this isnt some med over dose shit where i went crazy and they doped me up. i dont even feel the xanex... at all zero.

    So seriously some of the shit in this thread i took as an insult i am asking for advice which i dont do very often and i get an AR monitor of all people bashing me? wtf is up with that bro?

    3mgs 4x/day should put a horse into a coma. Possibly your wrong about the dosage.

    IMO, common sense should tell you that is going to hinder gains.

    Also, if you have a problem with agression and aas, I suggest you dont use at all.

  13. #13
    rafael is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halfcenturian
    Benzodiazepines are OFTEN prescribed with SSRI's. They do not cause panic attacks, they stop them. They CAN increase the effect of an SSRI. I take Effexor plus 20 mg Valium/ ED, and have for 7 years.
    It has not impeded my growth at all. BW is perfect.

    This gentlemen, however, should be in a detox center. IMO
    benzos mixed with hormones is what i was refering to..and paradoxial rage of their effects can lead to full blown psychosis and or panic attack...thou very rare.

  14. #14
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    well, just cuz one guy's labs are "perfect", doesn't mean yours will be, and yeah, mixing hormones with antidepressants is a serious risk...doesn't mean everyone will freak out and kill their entire family, but it ups the stakes severely IMO. i doubt it can be medically proven that they will hinder your gains, as i've heard anti-inflammatories can do (never seen here though), but what i do believe, is that the way they make you feel will likely snatch a bit 'o drive out yer ass, making your workouts a little less intense/or putting them off altogether...either way, i've taken zoloft, wellbutrin and xanax before, and you're supposed to be weaning off of these things at some point, regardless, please be careful with that cocktail brother...take care

  15. #15
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rafael
    any bezo will impeed your progress....also it will work synergistically to elevate your liver vaules...not a good thing. And also you will experience some serious if not dangerous mood swings while using a benzo and gear. Rage and panic attacks are not uncommon. Im not trying to scare you...but you asked. PPl dont relize how powerfull these narcotics are.

    Raf thanks my man thats what i was looking for.

    thankz fellas thats what i needed. i belive im going to wait till im off this xanex.

    Quote Originally Posted by Halfcenturian
    Benzodiazepines are OFTEN prescribed with SSRI's. They do not cause panic attacks, they stop them. They CAN increase the effect of an SSRI. I take Effexor plus 20 mg Valium/ ED, and have for 7 years.
    It has not impeded my growth at all. BW is perfect.

    This gentlemen, however, should be in a detox center. IMO

    What the **** is with the detox center comment you big ass bill walton looking mother ****er. a DETOX CENTER...... wow.. i had a stress induced episode that i am recovering from and just asking for advice and i have get a bunch of smart ass coments. thanks to those who added to the conversation with mature content.

    and roid attack i shit you not its 3 mg 4x a day. i have a documented high tolorance for certin medications. so we start off at 2 then went to three and three worked fine.

    i just dont like these accusations of being crazy and rediculas advice that i dont need. I asked a simple question. I manage to run my own buisness store front, online store, spend time with my wife and little girl and rehab. not sure a CRAZY person that needed mental help or somone that was stupid enough to run a cycle with a risk of ago. 1500 mg of test gives me no agro until i get to 2500 in week 7 i dont agro dbol has a short half life and i have self control. decca dosent agro me at all i just get a little puffy. im not new to this shit its not like im saying hey guys im going to run 3gs of test with 225mg of fina and cheq drops!

  16. #16
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    I am 32 years old am 12-14 full cycles in with alot of cruising. Also i have ended many cycles early which i dont count becouse of agression or depression. i have two years of A&P under my belt 2 personal training certs. and quite a bit of common sense. The 3Mg 4 times a day is becouse i started out weigting almost 300 lbs at 6"5 since then i have dropped close to 50 lbs. i feel nothing when i take the xanex no sides unless i take a dose to late. Im not quite sure what qualifications you have to come to the conclusion that im "****ed up" but you dont know the whole story nore my current health situation. i Asked a question if this was going to impeed my progress becouse it is a CNS related compound. Not opinions on if i need to go talk to somone. That kinda shit pisses me off. I am a true vet not a green name internet vet but i have been playing this game for along time. the last part of my rehab was finished yesterday they did a stress ekg and i passed with flying colors liver and kidney values are like a new born baby and heart is beating pefrectly. As anyone who knows anything about xanex knows you have to ween off very slow or risk seizure. So we are weening at the end of the month and im getting off. I have been on prozac for 8 years lithium for 5 this isnt some med over dose shit where i went crazy and they doped me up. i dont even feel the xanex... at all zero.

    So seriously some of the shit in this thread i took as an insult i am asking for advice which i dont do very often and i get an AR monitor of all people bashing me? wtf is up with that bro?

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    and roid attack i shit you not its 3 mg 4x a day. i have a documented high tolorance for certin medications. so we start off at 2 then went to three and three worked fine.

    i just dont like these accusations of being crazy and rediculas advice that i dont need. I asked a simple question. I manage to run my own buisness store front, online store, spend time with my wife and little girl and rehab. not sure a CRAZY person that needed mental help or somone that was stupid enough to run a cycle with a risk of ago. 1500 mg of test gives me no agro until i get to 2500 in week 7 i dont agro dbol has a short half life and i have self control. decca dosent agro me at all i just get a little puffy. im not new to this shit its not like im saying hey guys im going to run 3gs of test with 225mg of fina and cheq drops!
    Quote Originally Posted by rafael
    any bezo will impeed your progress....also it will work synergistically to elevate your liver vaules...not a good thing. And also you will experience some serious if not dangerous mood swings while using a benzo and gear. Rage and panic attacks are not uncommon. Im not trying to scare you...but you asked. PPl dont relize how powerfull these narcotics are.
    Benzos ARE NOT narcotics

  17. #17
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    The 3Mg 4 times a day is becouse i started out weigting almost 300 lbs at 6"5 since then i have dropped close to 50 lbs. i feel nothing when i take the xanex no sides unless i take a dose to late.
    Bodyweight has no impact on dosing of benzos...if you are on a recommended dose of 3mg/4x/ed, a doctor has clearly got you on that high of a dose for some serious mental health issues or because you've become so dependent on the medication that such a high dose is warranted to gain any therapeutic benefits form the medication. And FYI, weaning off of that high of a dose of Xanax is going to take a lot longer than you may think...

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    Im not quite sure what qualifications you have to come to the conclusion that im "****ed up" but you dont know the whole story nore my current health situation.
    I am quite familiar with the mental health field and on a personal level. I may not be accredited to any specific field, but based on personal knowledge and experience in the field, I feel I can give educated responses and opinions to questions acquainted with psychotropic medications and such associated therapies.

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    i Asked a question if this was going to impeed my progress becouse it is a CNS related compound. Not opinions on if i need to go talk to somone. That kinda shit pisses me off.
    Well then...the answer to your question is YES. At the dose you are at with the alprazolam, you can expect gains to be less than if you had a clean slate in your brain...IMO, I don't think anyone at that dose of Xanax everyday is going to be able to muster the training intensity desired in the gym to attain the goals/results desired by most when on a cycle of AAS.

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    I am a true vet not a green name internet vet but i have been playing this game for along time.
    So does that mean that you are at at level that is superior to the other vets on this board that happen to have their titles highlighted in green???

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    the last part of my rehab was finished yesterday they did a stress ekg and i passed with flying colors liver and kidney values are like a new born baby and heart is beating pefrectly.
    Have you made your doctors aware of your AAS use and your intent to run a cycle only weeks after you were found with only a 20% chance of surviving the night?

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    As anyone who knows anything about xanex knows you have to ween off very slow or risk seizure. So we are weening at the end of the month and im getting off. I have been on prozac for 8 years lithium for 5 this isnt some med over dose shit where i went crazy and they doped me up. I beg to differ.
    i dont even feel the xanex... at all zero.
    If anyone knows anything about Xanax, they will know that it is spelled Xanax, not xanex.

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    So seriously some of the shit in this thread i took as an insult i am asking for advice which i dont do very often and i get an AR monitor of all people bashing me? wtf is up with that bro?
    My initial reaction to your thread was not in any way meant to be an attack or insult toward you. And it most certainly was not what you call "bashing".

    My initial reaction to this thread was made by me as a member of this community looking out for another member.

    You very clearly have some health issues and my initial post was my way of stressing to you how important I think it is that an individual have every aspect of their health in check before they decide to run a cycle of AAS. We all know the risks associated with AAS use. Why would anyone want to compound that with pre-existing issues??

    So regardless of what you think my aim was here, all it was is me voicing concern for a fellow member that may be taking their life into their own hands by ignoring other issues in their life before they re-embark on another journey with AAS.

    You took it the wrong way and your response clearly shows to me the state of your mental health...or should I say unstable state?

    Last piece of advice I have for you here...

    Please get your life completely in order, especially your health, before you consider jumping on cycle again...or suffer the consequences down the road.

    Thank us later.

  18. #18
    armbar83's Avatar
    armbar83 is offline Senior Member
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    i know this thread is kind of dead but i thought id post this because its relevant in case he looks again...

    i know xanax isnt a benzodiazopene, but someone said they inhibit gains and i thought id put this up and show why aas and benzos are no bueno...

    Masonis AE, McCarthy MP.
    Department of Pharmacology, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ 08854, U.S.A.

    The peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) is a mitochondrial protein involved in regulating steroid synthesis and transport. We report here the effects of androgenic /anabolic steroids (AAS) on the binding of the PBR-specific ligand [3H] PK11195 to male rat brain cortical synaptoneurosomes. Two synthetic AAS, stanozolol and 17beta-testosterone cypionate (17beta-cyp), significantly inhibited 1 nM [3H] PK11195 binding at concentrations greater than 5 and 25 microM, respectively. Stanozolol was the most effective inhibitor, reducing [3H] PK11195 binding by up to 75%, compared to only 40% inhibition by 17beta-cyp, at 50 microM AAS concentration. Two other AAS, 17alpha-methyltestosterone and nortestosterone decanoate, were incapable of inhibiting [3H] PK11195 binding at concentrations up to 50 microM. On the basis of Scatchard/Rosenthal analysis, [3H] PK11195 binds to two classes of binding sites, and the inhibition of [3H] PK11195 binding by stanozolol appears to be allosteric, primarily reducing binding to the higher affinity [3H] PK11195 binding site. These results, in combination with earlier studies indicating the direct effects of AAS on the function of additional central nervous system receptor complexes, suggest that the behavioral and psychological effects of AAS result from the interactions of AAS with multiple regulatory systems in the brain.

    PMID: 8918981 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  19. #19
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by armbar83
    i know this thread is kind of dead but i thought id post this because its relevant in case he looks again...

    i know xanax isnt a benzodiazopene, but someone said they inhibit gains and i thought id put this up and show why aas and benzos are no bueno...
    Sorry bro, but Xanax is indeed a benzodiazapam...unless you made typo.

    If not, please show me where Xanax is not classified as a benzo.

  20. #20
    armbar83's Avatar
    armbar83 is offline Senior Member
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    "Alprazolam is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Alprazolam affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety."

    sorry about that, i thought it was an azaspirone. ill be less of a newb and recheck before i post. thanks!

  21. #21
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Bodyweight has no impact on dosing of benzos...if you are on a recommended dose of 3mg/4x/ed, a doctor has clearly got you on that high of a dose for some serious mental health issues or because you've become so dependent on the medication that such a high dose is warranted to gain any therapeutic benefits form the medication. And FYI, weaning off of that high of a dose of Xanax is going to take a lot longer than you may think...

    I am quite familiar with the mental health field and on a personal level. I may not be accredited to any specific field, but based on personal knowledge and experience in the field, I feel I can give educated responses and opinions to questions acquainted with psychotropic medications and such associated therapies.

    Well then...the answer to your question is YES. At the dose you are at with the alprazolam, you can expect gains to be less than if you had a clean slate in your brain...IMO, I don't think anyone at that dose of Xanax everyday is going to be able to muster the training intensity desired in the gym to attain the goals/results desired by most when on a cycle of AAS.

    So does that mean that you are at at level that is superior to the other vets on this board that happen to have their titles highlighted in green???

    Have you made your doctors aware of your AAS use and your intent to run a cycle only weeks after you were found with only a 20% chance of surviving the night?

    If anyone knows anything about Xanax, they will know that it is spelled Xanax, not xanex.

    My initial reaction to your thread was not in any way meant to be an attack or insult toward you. And it most certainly was not what you call "bashing".

    My initial reaction to this thread was made by me as a member of this community looking out for another member.

    You very clearly have some health issues and my initial post was my way of stressing to you how important I think it is that an individual have every aspect of their health in check before they decide to run a cycle of AAS. We all know the risks associated with AAS use. Why would anyone want to compound that with pre-existing issues??

    So regardless of what you think my aim was here, all it was is me voicing concern for a fellow member that may be taking their life into their own hands by ignoring other issues in their life before they re-embark on another journey with AAS.

    You took it the wrong way and your response clearly shows to me the state of your mental health...or should I say unstable state?

    Last piece of advice I have for you here...

    Please get your life completely in order, especially your health, before you consider jumping on cycle again...or suffer the consequences down the road.

    Thank us later.

    Well shortly after posting this i was also suspended so lets pick up where we left off shall we? I run my own business which can keep me here from 8-16 hours a day at times 6 days a week. i am very impatient when it comes to reaching a goal. "nothing to do with training i learned long ago too hard is not good"
    But in my real life i have a daughter who is growing up right before my eyes. I grew up poor and had a horrible childhood. I was a single parent only child living with a single mom. Going to bad schools watcing friends get murdered. Being shot and shot at myself for nothing other then being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I WILL have better for my daughter and if it kills me in the process and my little girl gets to have a life where money and violence are not an issue in her life day to day. Then so be it. That might sound rediculas and i can see where some would think that i am wrong for the way i am thinking about this. I have health problems i have always had health problems. This was all about me running myself till i was out of gas. I have alot of things that i have to take care of every month. 23k in bills a month. spending as much time as i can with my wife and my little girl. Trying to take care of little things at home. Building cars for display and race to premote my shop. Its very stressfull. But your take on my situation couldnt be more wrong. You know nothing about me. You can take 30 people give them the same drug and all might have diffrent reactions. Becouse i have been on a steady dose of lithium and prozac for 8 years??? i think... and the well over 10 years of using AAS. A shouder surgery that was put off for 6 months to the point where i was having to take 21 percocet or vicoden a day. Having three surgerys and laying on the operating table having a conversation while a crew of doctors and nurses try and figure out why i am not knocked out yet. Diffrent people have diffrent tolorances. some people go OHH MY GOD when i tell them im planning 1.5g of test in a cycle.. i have run 3g's. Your comments made me mad becouse you assume to know whats going on. When in reality its only your own experiences and others that you know and have seen that you base you opinion on. Which i dont think is fair. I have a chemical imbalance yes.. i know that. Me and half of the US. does that make me crazy?
    Well mabey a little bit. But id be willing to bet if we put it all out on the table and you knew me. You would have a diffrent opinion about me.

    I really dont see how you can read through your post and see where your coments would offend me.

    Also i am not jumping on cycle right away like you are making it sound. all blood, liver values, heart, ect.. everything will be checked. and FYI i have already started to ween myself off of the Xanex "couldnt give a shit less how you spell it" I have a guy with a 4 year degree who can spell anything working for me. So there goes that education is the key thing. Im not here to win a spelling bee im here to say... i asked a simple guestion and you and a few others turned me into the incredible hulk.

    so im done with this basicly you dont know me, so if you see my posts and are not going to answer directly about the question that was posed. please avoid the topic as you only get me off track.

    Thank you to everyone who posted. my plan was after everything was back to normal run the cycle i was running which might sound like alot to you but keep in mind two things. my normal weight at 15% body fat and not lifting much is 280-290 now take into consideration that i do thos every year. I bulk to 320-330 then i cut down to 280-290 and the mass lasts me even though i am not able to lift as often during baseball season as we have three games a week.

    so take a deep breath... im down to 2.5mg of x now every sunday i will drop half a mg. untill i am weened off. they suggested 1/4 but i like i piss my doctors off. =)

    Later brothers and sisters.

    BTW its midnight and i am at work.

  22. #22
    Booz's Avatar
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    peace M.....................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  23. #23
    cj1capp's Avatar
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    well i have been there an done that so to speak and when ever i said i was "fine" i was brought back to reality with this understanding of the word fine
    F - facked upped
    I - insecure
    N - neurotic
    E - emotional

    i hope you are better just rember with out your health you have nothing.

  24. #24
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    well i have been there an done that so to speak and when ever i said i was "fine" i was brought back to reality with this understanding of the word fine
    F - facked upped
    I - insecure
    N - neurotic
    E - emotional

    i hope you are better just rember with out your health you have nothing.

    Understood my brother. im not rushing anything. i havent been this thin in 10 years lol im actualy liking it the only shit part is i cant do any hard cardio or much cardio at all. as elevating my BP is bad bad bad on this. so it might be a gift in the end.. i have abs again haha. Im going to start a new infomercial.

    YOU TOO CAN DROP 55LBS IN 6 WEEKS! we almost kill you then put you on meds that kill your apitite and are catabolic as shit. and You too can be a skinny ass no energy having MF =) Who wants to invest in this idea?

  25. #25
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Im glad you decided to wait until you get off the xanax. Your results will be better and you will feel that much more of a sense of accomplishment. Keep a close eye on your BP and heart rate while youre on cycle. I epecially wouldnt run a very long cycle either, id go no more than 8 weeks if I were you. 15 weeks is a long time, especially with the health considerations you have had in the near past.

  26. #26
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Hey mal thanks bro. will do i am down to 1.5 mg 4x a day and im doing great. going half a mg at a time till the last 1mg then i will go 1/4 at a time so i dont rush it too much 1/2 is pushing it 1/4 is reccomended per week. but im doing great after 2 1/2 weeks of weening off i feel better little bit of moodyness but no signs of seizure and bp is doing good. i have also decided NOT NOW LATER WHEN I DO to change the cycle im on as i kind of like having a chin again.... i get so bloated from decca is rediculas so im thinking test, winst, eq and a 4 week dbol jump start with lots of Cranberry extract and Milk thistle. I have a customer who is a pathologist he gets some of my gear tested and will do blood workups for me for free. I just give him discounts on his car parts =) i dont want group health seeing my test levels ect while on cycle. so its just better when he can do it. Hes the one that tested those batchs of winstrol zambons i posted about before that were kenolog "sp" a cortison type compound they use for injurys.

  27. #27
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    bro thats so much xanax make sure u slowly pyramid the dose down before you get off I seen people seizure from that shit

  28. #28
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Aye, i know all about it i had a misshap in the begining of taking this stuff where i was under the impression i had enough for 10 days and it was really only seven days. but this stuff makes you retarded and you cant remeber anything so i get to about day five and look at my bottle and realize i dont have enough for 10 days im thinking i accidently took too much a few times so i drop the dosage by 1 mg then by day 10 i was down to 1/2 mg 2x a day i started to go into a seizure my mother was their as well as my wife. they opened the pharmacy early just to get me my medication. took about 45 min but i recovered i was in bad shape couldnt walk was shaking like a leaf chewing on my tounge untill it was bleeding eyes rolling back into my head. Yes make no mistake i view this medication like i view a hand gun. I respect the hell out of it. Im not going to do anything stupid. im staying stable at 1.5 mg 4x a day ill drop to 1mg next week 4x a day then from their go down 1/4 at a time untill i am at 1/4 mg 4x a day then i will drop down to 3x a day for four days then 2x a day 4 days then 1 time a day 4 days then i should be ok.

  29. #29
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    right on man! i'm glad yyour doin better! yeah, fvck that deca . makes you face look like south park. go w/ eq. that's what i'm doing. and you know if i'm doing it, it's gotta be cool ;_)


  30. #30
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
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    I feel for you, man. I was in a similar situation years ago. My "caring" "responsible" physicians had me so doped up on meds I was a friggin zombie. I naively went along with their recommendations and continued to deteriorate. Everytime I tried to go off of one of the meds I would have intense anxiety. I had become a DRUG ADDICT. Take away heroin from a street junkie and they will also have intense anxiety. The difference is all of my drugs were legally prescribed and I used them as directed. One day I snapped, I said enough is enough and I looked around for a psychiatrist (note a MEDICAL DOCTOR, not a psychologist) who had an unorthodox method of treatment ie psychoanalysis and NOT DOPING YOU UP UNTIL YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR NAME. He helped me tremendously and I am happy to say that I am happy and content with life and am TAKING ABSOLUTELY NO PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATIONS. It's gonna be a hard road, but remember you aren't having anxiety or depression because you have a deficiency of xanax or prozac or lithium or whatever other poison you are on. You need to do some soul searching with a trained competent medical doctor who wants to help you to get to the root of your problem. When you do, it is like the sun is shining on your face for the first time. Good luck to you. P.S. some of you guys talk about Deca dick, try Prozac dick (limp as Bill Clinton's cock around Hilary hahaha)
    Last edited by gorgorothsatanis; 02-04-2007 at 01:20 PM.

  31. #31
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Great post bro. I have the cure for prozak dick though after many year of use i now take it right before bed. it seems to work better. when i was taking it in the morning it was like a numb finger in the middle of my ball sack.

  32. #32
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    btw im steady at 1.5 mg but this last drop from 2 hit me pretty hard. so i am going 1/4 mg from now on at a time. I had blood taken everythings looking great right now. I just have no control over my CNS when my medicine wears off. i belive once i am off totaly this will not be a problem. my Weight has also stopped dropping. i am staying steady at 248. I have decided once im off of everything since my body is doing fine and i have been rehabbing at the gym. I have put a cycle together that has worked for me better then anything i have ever used and i have used it a few times.

    its a 15 week cycle

    1-15 1000mg Test E galenkia per week
    1-3 jump start 50 mg dbol ed
    1-8 150mg Finaplix eod
    7-14 50mg winstrol ed.

    Nolvadex for PCT and armi on hand incase my nipples start to feel all pretty.

    Lots of milk thistle , CB extract, CB Juice, Hydration and a very clean diet.
    I am really excited about this cycle but its gotta wait till i know everything is right on and their are no complications from the Xanex. I know this is a very toxic cycle but my kidneys and liver are perfect right now. And i know what color and smell to look for in my urine so im going to be very carefull anything past the normal darker color and cornflake smell and im dropping the fina. But i dont think i will have a problem its been almost a year since i ran a full cycle without injuring myself and having to PCT off early. So here we go again. Id take pictures but the last time i took precycle pictures of myself off cycle for 2 years and away from the gym for pretty much 2 years. I got hammered with insults hehe... Mabey ill snap some this time and release them with before and after so i dont get any shit. ehe

  33. #33
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    Glad to hear you are improving, man. Take it slow and easy, withdrawal is no joke. Just remember that it CANNOT last forever.

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