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  1. #1
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    **Quick Bulker, then STRAIGHT into Cutter!!***

    like staited in the title, i'm looking to combine the to goals. looking to bulk for about 8wks, then go into a cutter without comming "OFF." stats: 6ft 200lbs 9% 3rd cycle. this is what my layout is:
    wk1-4 drol 50-100mgs ed
    wk1-8 test e 250mgs e3d (600mgs wk about)
    wk1-10 eq 600mgs wk (mostly for appitite increase)
    wk4-10 tren ace 350mgs
    wk8-13 test prop 150mgs eod
    wk8-13 winny 50mgs ed
    wk8-13 clen 2on 2off reginment
    HCG /A-dex/prov throughout
    glucosamine/milk thistle/cycle support throughout
    PCT: nolva, HCG, adex

    so, how's she look? pretty eh?!?! comments' welcome. thanks


  2. #2
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    this is where i'm at today:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails **Quick Bulker, then STRAIGHT into Cutter!!***-p1010436-2-.jpg   **Quick Bulker, then STRAIGHT into Cutter!!***-p1010217.jpg   **Quick Bulker, then STRAIGHT into Cutter!!***-p1010425.jpg  

  3. #3
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    why take eq for appitite just take B12 save some money
    this isnt a flame but from those pict i dont think your 9% more like 12% or so

  4. #4
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    why take eq for appitite just take B12 save some money
    this isnt a flame but from those pict i dont think your 9% more like 12% or so
    your right, the pic to the right is a lil old. i'm def a little leaner now. calipers are saying 9%. the mid pic is more recent, bout one month old, i'm about 10% there

  5. #5
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    nice, look big tho brother...well what i consider big

  6. #6
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    Some people support bulkers followed straight by cutters, but i personally think why not do one cylce with the goal of making lean clean gains instead of going al out mass and then switching goals/substances/diet 180 degrees right after??

    WHy not find a middle ground where you can reach your exact actual goal for the cycle?

  7. #7
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    Some people support bulkers followed straight by cutters, but i personally think why not do one cylce with the goal of making lean clean gains instead of going al out mass and then switching goals/substances/diet 180 degrees right after??

    WHy not find a middle ground where you can reach your exact actual goal for the cycle?
    well, iv found that switching compounds around wk 6-8, even if it's just the ester, boosts my gains. im a believer in recepters getting used to the certain androgen, wichis why most don't gain past 8wks. this is why i layed it out like that.


  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    When was your last cycle and what were your stats at the end of the cycle compared to now?

    Seems you rely a bit on the cycles before you make any progress at all Test..


  9. #9
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    When was your last cycle and what were your stats at the end of the cycle compared to now?

    Seems you rely a bit on the cycles before you make any progress at all Test..

    GOOD brotha, GOOD!! well to tell you the truth, this is all reliant to blood work that i'm waiting on. i feel great though, so i think it should be positive. but last cycle was about 6months ago and that ended at about 203lbs. i dropped some wieght sinnce, then bulked, then cut, blah blah blah. i have to admidt, once you see what you can gain while "on", it's hard to have the patience to gain natty. but like i said, iv been off for half a year now


  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Sooooo.. what are your current stats compared to your last cycle weight?
    opps saw above.. 200lbs. lemme look over the cycle

    btw, how haven't you made any gains in 6months of training?

  11. #11
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Sooooo.. what are your current stats compared to your last cycle weight?
    opps saw above.. 200lbs. lemme look over the cycle

    btw, how haven't you made any gains in 6months of training?
    iv made gains, i managed to keep 99% of my gains from last cycle, i think that takes massive work on it's own. like i said, i'm currnetly 200lbs, i got up too 203lbs on my last cycle. to me, that's gains, lol


  12. #12
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    lol I gotcha, but I don't consider staying at the same bodyweight for 6months gains by any means. Problem is ppl don't know how to make constant gains without anabolics, it's sad really. They spend hours and hours researching drugs and know little to nothing about proper diet and advanced training techniques.

    Anyhow, cycle looks o.k. but I think you're using too many compounds and overcomplicating it.. I think you'd grow fine off of Drol and Test Prop for 8-10wks depending on how you prep yourself dietwise before the cycle.
    See Marcus300's "priming theory", it really works well.

  13. #13
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    lol I gotcha, but I don't consider staying at the same bodyweight for 6months gains by any means. Problem is ppl don't know how to make constant gains without anabolics, it's sad really. They spend hours and hours researching drugs and know little to nothing about proper diet and advanced training techniques.

    Anyhow, cycle looks o.k. but I think you're using too many compounds and overcomplicating it.. I think you'd grow fine off of Drol and Test Prop for 8-10wks depending on how you prep yourself dietwise before the cycle.
    See Marcus300's "priming theory", it really works well.
    see if i can gain say 20lbs and keep 19lbs over the next 6 months during PCT, that's an acomplishment. it's hard to put on LBM in the months proceeding a cyclbe. so i**, your recomending test/drol? please layout your mental cycle on paper, thanks


  14. #14
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    You won't gain 20lbs of muscle in 6months, sorry bro.

    I'd do something like this, keep it simple: btw you can cut on drol too, just gotta manipulate the calories.

    1-4 Drol 100mg/day (you could go 150mg/day for 4wks or 100mg for 6wks IMO.)
    1-8 Test Prop 700mg/wk
    I'd personally keep the diet 300-500calories above maintenance and put on quality mass, watch your sodium intake and supplements to a minimum.
    Keep an AI on hand like L-dex incase of estrogen.

    4-6wks before cycle start cycling carbs a bit as marcus suggests 3low(40% below normal) 1high (15% above normal) but keep calories around maintenance as to avoid losing LBM(do this by adjusting prot/fat intake to compensate). 1wk prior to cycle go with 5-7days low carb and take 3-5days off training completely. When you begin your cycle up calories to the appropriate level and begin a HIT or DC routine. You should get quite a bit of growth the first few weeks or so, some of which will be glycogen rebound.

    Just another note: From the looks of your build it seems one of three things, you lack intense training sessions/your form is off causing your to not isolate the proper muscle group or slight overtraining/or you haven't been progressively challenging your lifts week to week. Not sure which but you lack any kind of density and maturity to your physique, for the amount of cycles that you've run and dosages. I'd look further into your training to solve these problems now while you're physique is still very proportionate.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 01-23-2007 at 12:54 AM.

  15. #15
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Personally, I would yust run your cycle like this:

    Prop:75 mg ed 1-8
    Tren :50-75 mg ed 1-8
    Winny:50-75 mg ed 1-8
    adex+proviron throughout

    After a good prime, you could bulk the first 5 weeks, and cut the nex 3, b/f Pct.

    Prop/tren/winny is a very good synergistically stack, so I would run them all at the same time to get the most benefit.

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