I have cycled with many types of drugs and I have also experienced some of the worst side effects that AS can cause.I have been stupid and done some very long cycles.All were test based.

I dont like the water retention and to be honest after about 8 weeks of enanthate or cyp. I get really fatigued and run down.Long cycles work good but they also really rough on your body and through it out of wack.

So I am trying to plan a cycle that will use fast acting AS along with ones that dont cause as much water retention.The reason behind the fast acting esters is that after a short 6 week cycle I want to immediatetly get on clomid and then get blood tests done to insure my natural test levels have returned and that everything else is fine.

The cycle I am thinking of using goes something like this.........
week 1-4 40 mg dbol
Week 1-6 100 prop ed
week 1-6 75 mg fina ed

I would like to use some eq but then I'd need to wait 3 weeks before starting clomid.The whole point of what I am trying to do is shorten the time my body needs to normalize.With the prop and fina I need only wait 3 days to start my clomid then another 21 days of clomid then I can move on to the next 6 week cycle.Provided my bloodtest come back good.

I would then move on to another cycle of .............

week 1-6 winny 50mg ed
week 1-6 test susp. 100mg ed
week 1-6 fina 75 mg ed

After this I would repeat clomid and if need be use some hcg .Than get blood tests and repeat with another cycle.

This may sound weird but I have done very long cycles and in my opinion after 6-8 weeks my body quits responding and I feel like shit.

My theory is that most gains are made right off the bat while natral test levels are high.If I can keep them high by taking a break and normalizing them and give my receptors a break It may be possible that my body will respond good again after.

Please give me some feedback.