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Thread: 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    67Camaro is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007

    2nd cycle

    Hey I'm looking into starting another cycle and had a question about what I'll be using. I finished my first cycle two months ago. For my first cycle I started with Andropen 275, which I used for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I stacked this with 30mg of Dianabol per day. After the andropen was gone I switched to tren ace and used that for about 3 weeks. This cycle took me from 144 up to 170. I lost about 6 pounds when I got off the cycle. So now I'm 5'8 162 pounds. I want to do another cycle and was wondering if it'd be a bad idea to do the same cycle again. I had barely any side effects and was happy with the results being it that Ive always had trouble gaining any weight and have barely any body fat. So can I do the same cycle again or should I switch it up? Thanks for any help or suggestions!

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 67Camaro
    Hey I'm looking into starting another cycle and had a question about what I'll be using. I finished my first cycle two months ago. For my first cycle I started with Andropen 275, which I used for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I stacked this with 30mg of Dianabol per day. After the andropen was gone I switched to tren ace and used that for about 3 weeks. This cycle took me from 144 up to 170. I lost about 6 pounds when I got off the cycle. So now I'm 5'8 162 pounds. I want to do another cycle and was wondering if it'd be a bad idea to do the same cycle again. I had barely any side effects and was happy with the results being it that Ive always had trouble gaining any weight and have barely any body fat. So can I do the same cycle again or should I switch it up? Thanks for any help or suggestions!
    Well was it 6 or 7 weeks? And did you run Dbol that entire time too?

    wow tren for a first cycle? And you started at 144 pounds? Did you run PCT?

    I think it is a bad idea to run another cycle and you need to focus a lot more on diet!

  3. #3
    67Camaro is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007
    It was 6 weeks, and yeah ran dbol the whole time. I know, I hear thats bad.

    Yeah and Tren for a first cycle.

    No pct except a liver cleanse. My gf's dad is a quite well known doctor who writes for medical journals, and though he told me he didnt want me doing what I was he atleast gave some advice, part of that was theres nothing you can take after a cycle thats gonna help you along any better and was telling me all the pct stuff was bs so I kinda skipped it. But hey, no side effects, nothing bad after the cycle. Although I used to be one of the horniest guys alive, and not so much anymore, kinda sad.

    I wanna do the same cycle again cus it had no side effects I noticed, and it worked great. But if I shouldn't do it again I'd like to know why. And what would be a good alternative. And not doing another isnt really an option cus without anything I only gain about a pound a month. And thats having a diet with 250 grams of protein a day, and over 4500 calories

  4. #4
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont think it is a good cycle and I would advise you to research more on diet and training before you start another one, and yes you need PCT.

    To be honest, a lot of people will disagree with what you want to do and by tomorrow you will see all their posts. You can do whatever you want but before you run another cycle just take what the other guys say into consideration and do some more research man.

  5. #5
    feloniness's Avatar
    feloniness is offline Junior Member
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    run some test or sust without a pct and when u have some bitch tits then go to ur doctor friend and tell him pct is still bs

  6. #6
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    my guess now is ur test is low cuz of no pct that is why ur libido went down,i'd get bloodwork done to see where u stand

  7. #7
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    No sides?? um, no sex drive is a side. A good indication that your natural test is low now. You might want to think about running a so called BS, PCT to get that sex drive back before you even start another cycle. There is alot of good pct info in the PCT forum and alot of medical reasoning on why it works. Plus what kind of doctor is he? Because not all doctors study or know the same amount of things relating to different fields of medicine. So he could be an awsome doctor of one thing but is hormone and hormone replacement his specialty? Here is a short list of different studies. Do your research dont take 1 persons advice.
    Allergy and Immunology
    Colon and Rectal Surgery
    Emergency Medicine
    Family Medicine
    General Preventive Medicine
    Internal Medicine
    Medical Genetics
    Neurological Surgery
    Nuclear Medicine
    Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Occupational Medicine
    Orthopaedic Surgery
    Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical
    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    Plastic Surgery
    Preventive Medicine
    Public Health
    Radiation Oncology
    Thoracic Surgery
    Vascular Surgery-Integrated

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