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  1. #1
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    coming off of Letro- what is best way?

    I have been on letro for the past 4 weeks at 2 - 3mg ed to fight some mild gyno that had started, dont know if it worked or not but the puffiness never got worse... The letro did however kill my sex drive dead and dried the hell out of my face and hair.... I know I need to gradually decrease the letro daily but when do I add adex or aromasin back in place of the letro?

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I taper , hoping not to have any estrogen rebound.

  3. #3
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Not sure on how quickly to taper...

    But once I was at .6mg EOD, I just stopped and started Aromasin . No problems.

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Not sure on how quickly to taper...

    But once I was at .6mg EOD, I just stopped and started Aromasin. No problems.
    I was running 2.5 one time (shitty letro I believe) , was killing my sex drive so I switched right to l-dex hoping to regain some of it back and for about 4 days I think the lump got so big and hurt so bad I couldnt train. I guess it has to do with how severe your gyno is and how much gear your using.

  5. #5
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    I believe my mild gyno was finasteride induced.... it came on in about a weeks time just after I bumped the finasteride up from .5mg to 1mg ed..... im on a Tbol (60mg ed) only cycle......

    I started letro immediately and ramped up to 2.5 - 3mg ed and it immediately killed my sex drive not mention dried the hell out of my body...... I cant handle not having a sex drive anymore, it was funny in the beginning when my girlfriend would come over and want to have sex with and I would rather watch tv but now she is getting pissed off at me and even tho I am not turned on I am getting pissed off at myself cuz I know I would want it.... I want my sex drive back......... is aromasin and adex active immediately so I can start taking now while I am reducing the letro or just stop letro cold...

  6. #6
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    I was running 2.5 one time (shitty letro I believe) , was killing my sex drive so I switched right to l-dex hoping to regain some of it back and for about 4 days I think the lump got so big and hurt so bad I couldnt train. I guess it has to do with how severe your gyno is and how much gear your using.
    How long would you taper then? 2.5 is pretty high.

    Like I said, I was at .6 or so when I started Aromasin . Actually it was PCT, with Nolva too....

    The other thing to consider is Aromasin is stronger than Arimidex . I haven't had much luch with Arimidex in the past.

  7. #7
    convalescence69's Avatar
    convalescence69 is offline Associate Member
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    I was reading that you should taper off the Letro and then use Nolva to block the estrogen rebound. If I am way off, correct me.

  8. #8
    stacked566's Avatar
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    I was on 2.5mg, then to taper I went down to 1.25 the next day, then 1.0 the next day, then 0.25 for the remainder of my cycle. Worked well. I started nolva when i was @ 1.0mg and ran it @ 40mg until i was off letro, then I ran it @ 20mg.

  9. #9
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    start nolva right now(20mg a/day) while you start to taper the letro with 0.5mg ed or eod, nolva will block an estrogen rebound from letro so your gyno wont progress. Stay on the nolva atleast 4 weeks after you have finnished the letro imo.

    Or you could do the same thing with aromasin instead of nolva if you want. Aromasin shoudnt mess with libido either.

  10. #10
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    My gyno isnt getting any better but its not getting any worse..... I recently reduced my letro to 1.25 ed and I had my blood taken recently and it came back with Estro at 17........ should I add nolva now to block any estro from attaching to my breast tissue... will that help reverse the gyno...

    Bottom line... should I go to arimidex .5mg ed with nolva should I continue with letro .5 to 1.25mg ed with nolva.....?

  11. #11
    odix's Avatar
    odix is offline Member
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    well what about proviron ?

  12. #12
    odix's Avatar
    odix is offline Member
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    use aromasin , it a different type of estrogen blocker, i think it actually deactives the cells and letro blocks them or vice versa...theres articles on it..imo aromasin is your best bet.

    for me it letro on cycle

    nolva,aromasin,hcg pct

  13. #13
    convalescence69's Avatar
    convalescence69 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, let us know how this works out for you, BTK.

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