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Thread: dbol at 5mg ?

  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    dbol at 5mg ?

    did anyone try the theory of taking 5mg or 10 mg of dbol am ,does it help in anyway??

  2. #2
    mpoumpou's Avatar
    mpoumpou is offline New Member
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    well yeah if you want a half ass cycle.

    for bodybuilding purposes such a low dose of dianabol , even for a very gifted athlete would be a) a waste of money b) have all the health risks associated with steroid use .

    it would supress your endogenous testosterone regardless of the circadian rythm for two reasons 1) methandrostenolone is not testosterone 2) it has a half life of several hours (8+ depending on individual metabolism) so dont believe that you will be able to "get away" with it.

    for excample, 5mg of anavar administered ed resulted in over 40% supression of endogenous testosterone in a few days time.

    so...not worth it.

    even if you are an athlete you sould treat it as a proper cycle, and even then i would prefer something else, like halo/anavar instead of dianabol at such low doses

  3. #3
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    D-Bol .5mg cycle..I'll past...Hey how about soime needles and some good old fashion test...

  4. #4
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    bump for more

  5. #5
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    wont work. just a waist of money

  6. #6
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpoumpou
    well yeah if you want a half ass cycle.

    for bodybuilding purposes such a low dose of dianabol , even for a very gifted athlete would be a) a waste of money b) have all the health risks associated with steroid use .

    it would supress your endogenous testosterone regardless of the circadian rythm for two reasons 1) methandrostenolone is not testosterone 2) it has a half life of several hours (8+ depending on individual metabolism) so dont believe that you will be able to "get away" with it.

    for excample, 5mg of anavar administered ed resulted in over 40% supression of endogenous testosterone in a few days time.

    so...not worth it.

    even if you are an athlete you sould treat it as a proper cycle, and even then i would prefer something else, like halo/anavar instead of dianabol at such low doses
    But dbol is a derivative of testosterone

  7. #7
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getdowntoit
    But dbol is a derivative of testosterone
    You really need more reseach lad...You can find it by searching the stickies....If you can't handle a needle, you need not be using anabolics at all...Bump all you want, but this is the simple truth. NO NEEDLE / NO GEAR

  8. #8
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    did anyone try the theory of taking 5mg or 10 mg of dbol am ,does it help in anyway??
    I've never heard of anyone doing just 5mgs of dbol for a cycle. Are you afraid? Seriously, maybe juice is not for you. IMO, there's no theory to it, it's just a waist, but not really of money LOL, because that is such a small dose. If it is your first cycle, I would do 500mgs of testosterone enanthate for 6-10 weeks and 50 mgs of dbol for the first 6 weeks. If you have a normal liver, the dbol won't do didly squat to it. Have blood tests done. Another important question though.......what kind of results are you looking for? I would not go below the doses I recommended, if this is your first cycle, and I would not go above them either. They should give you at lease what you want, and probably more. You will get much bigger and stronger than you were LOL. If you are afraid of needles, don't be. No big deal. If you have questions, pm me. These are my opinions.

  9. #9
    king6's Avatar
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    Maybe if you are a female, but I don't know too many females that take Dbol .

  10. #10
    Dr.primo is offline Junior Member
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    dude at that dose you'd be wasting your time, I wouldnt do it at any less than 30-40 ed with some test of course

  11. #11
    DecimaMAS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    did anyone try the theory of taking 5mg or 10 mg of dbol am ,does it help in anyway??
    I've tried Dianabol at a low dosage (15mg/day for 8 weeks) and had decent results for my goals, but anything below 25mg won't really be pressing your body into any serious growth. 5mg is a theraputic dosage, not for bodybuilding.

  12. #12
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    10mg is like a supplement lol, run it if you wish, I see no problem with it

  13. #13
    DecimaMAS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death
    10mg is like a supplement lol, run it if you wish, I see no problem with it
    I'm wondering if Dianabol 's usage as a "suppliment" could be achieved for off-cycle maintenance of size/strength.

    I suppose it's an expensive experiment but taking 10ml for 4 weeks straight and checking liver values might be an interesting trial.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    It would be no good for a cycle but there a dbol bridge which advices to take 10mg in the mornings,

  15. #15
    Jucinator2 is offline Associate Member
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    lots of old school builders used 10mgs of d- bol to bride it works well and 10mgs wont make you grow but you will stop mucsle atropyh , which is what your tring to do in between cycles .

  16. #16
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getdowntoit
    But dbol is a derivative of testosterone
    ALL steroids are dirivatives or synthetic versions of Testosterone .

    I remeber reading a book about the 1970's when they started using steroids in competitions and 5mg/day was considered a normal cycle and anything more was a heavy cycle....LOL!!!! Now people are taking up to 100mg/day Dbol and 2grams Test....funny how things change.

    Once upon a time, 5mg dbol was accepted. I usually take space out my doses of Drols where I can take one about a Half hour before I go to bed so I can be growing all night long....

    Last edited by Dizz28; 02-17-2007 at 05:37 AM.

  17. #17
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    You really need more reseach lad...You can find it by searching the stickies....If you can't handle a needle, you need not be using anabolics at all...Bump all you want, but this is the simple truth. NO NEEDLE / NO GEAR
    It's not the simple truth, it's YOU and other people that have been brainwashed, dbol is a begginers steroid , then they move onto injectables, BOY!!

  18. #18
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DecimaMAS
    I'm wondering if Dianabol 's usage as a "suppliment" could be achieved for off-cycle maintenance of size/strength.

    I suppose it's an expensive experiment but taking 10ml for 4 weeks straight and checking liver values might be an interesting trial.
    Expensive? dbol is cheaper than most supplements anyway, your liver's hardly gonna be in danger at those dosages. But I would advise against using it for off cycle maintenance as it is just an excuse to stay on gear all year round.

  19. #19
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i am talking about using it to help gaining slight mass or at least maintaning without inhibiting natural test.

  20. #20
    2.minutes's Avatar
    2.minutes is offline Member
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    as marcus300 stated its used for bridging and thats totally different than what ur seeking fitguy

  21. #21
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes but i have heard of one theory that using it at 5 mg or 10 mg in the am will prevent the body from being catabolic and doesnt suppress test production..

  22. #22
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    yes but i have heard of one theory that using it at 5 mg or 10 mg in the am will prevent the body from being catabolic and doesnt suppress test production..
    Yes after a cycle as a bridge, also different views on the not suppressing issue of test,

  23. #23
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    bottom line, you'll be taking gear all year round which is somthing you are not supposed to do, come off and use creatine. No matter how much or how little your dosages are, steroids need to be cycled, not "maintanance" all year round, that's just a cop out.

  24. #24
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    hes talking about this most would not reccomend it but here the info if your going to do it

    How to Cycle Dianabol
    To create a cycle for dianabol that is based around using it more as a supplement than a steroid , we first need to look at the current trend for cycling dianabol and analyse what is wrong with it. An average cycle of Dianabol is usually structured as 25-40mg split throughout each day for 4-6 weeks, either alone or stacked with other steroids .

    Firstly a dose of 25mg or more commonly causes water retention. It is well known that dianabol does aromatise quite easily, and most of the water retention is usually attributed to a build up of excess estrogen. However, it is my belief that initially water retention is caused by the body holding on to water due to the effects of dianabol on the body's mineral balance, in particular the potassium/sodium balance. This coupled with the fact that dianabol cause estrogenic side effects, leads to a lot of water build-up, and as there is little we can do about the change in the bodies mineral balance, the only other thing we can do is try to reduce aromatisation, usually with Nolvadex (tamoxifen ) or other anti-estrogens. This is not the only method though, by reducing the dose, less of the drug will aromatise, which leads to less estrogen and more importantly less water retention. Reducing the drug during a cycle would lead to estrogen levels dropping slowly, so we should start the cycle with a lower dose of 10-20mg each day.

    Splitting the dosage when you are using a low dose is virtually pointless, as you will get a much smaller peak of the drug. So in this case it is best to take it in a single dose in the morning (preferably with grapefruit juice). Although this will not prevent suppression of natural testosterone , it may lessen it to a certain degree, as your body will still have lengthy periods later in the day when there is little testosterone circulating, and so it may still produce some.

    Now if we look at cycle duration, 4-6 weeks seems too short to have any real effect at a low dose, but how can we use dianabol for longer without placing more risk on our liver? The solution is actually quite simple; by taking weekends off from the drug we will give our livers a break from processing the drug. Due to the short half-life any active substances will be out of our system within 24 hours of your last dose, now this may seem like it will cost you gains, but in actual fact it will cost you little or no losses in the long run as even though there is no active drug in the body the effects are still present i.e. extra intramuscular water, and a more anabolic mineral balance. These effects usually taper off over several days. This method will not however, help your natural testosterone to return from its inhibited state, as this process can take considerably longer. If we take weekends off and use a lower dose, we should in theory be able to use dianabol for 10 weeks with no problems. A simple bit of mathematics can show this point best:

    * 6 weeks @25mg each day = 1050mg of Dianabol in total
    * 10 weeks with weekends off @15mg each day = 750mg of Dianabol in total

    So as you can see, by using this system your liver will actually process less dianabol than in a conventional cycle, add this to the fact that you can make gains for 10 weeks instead of 6, and with fewer side effects, and you get a very solid cycle.

    This Cycle Theory can be applied in many different situations, for instance a beginner could use the dianabol on it's own for 10 weeks and gain very well. A more experienced steroid user could use this alongside an injectable cycle for very good gains too, getting the benefit of the initial quick gains of the Dianabol, with the slower but stronger gains of an injectable.

    This cycle may seem to go against many of the current trends of dianabol use, but I believe that by using dianabol as a supplement to good training and nutrition you can make very good gains.


    * Effects of methandrostenolone on liver morphology and enzymatic activity. Nesterin MF, Budik VM, Narodetskaia RV, Solov'eva GI, Stoianova VG.
    * An experimental study of the hepatoprotective properties of phytoecdysteroids and Nerobol in carbon tetrachloride induce liver lesions. Syrov VN, Khushbaktova ZA, Nabiev AN.
    * Effects of methanedienone (methandrostenolone) on energy processes and carbohydrate metabolism in rat liver cells. Serakovskii S, Mats'koviak Iu.
    * Calcium, vitamin D and anabolic steroid treatment of aged bones: double-blind placebo-controlled long-term clinical trial. Inkovaara J, Gothoni G, Halttula R, Heikinheimo R, Tokola O.
    * Changes in body composition following therapy of osteoporosis with methandrostenolone. Mann V, Benko AB, Kocsar LT.
    * Radiomodifying effect of methandrostenolone on laryngeal cancer cells. Bordiushkov IuN, Kucherova TI, Kisliakova ND, Vagner VP, Zubkova TV.

  25. #25
    Manpretty's Avatar
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