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  1. #1
    darkzide is offline Junior Member
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    Cyle for Keepable gains

    Could someone design and list components of a cycle that would yeild the most keepable gains, weight gain not neccasarily being tremendous, but 5-10 solid/keepable pounds of muscle and most of all keepable strength gain??

  2. #2
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    Keeping Gains are determined by these things. Genetics,Diet,PCT,Rest,Workout Routine.

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,we give advise...we cant design cycles for you how long that line would be???...Also what MASK just said.

  4. #4
    darkzide is offline Junior Member
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    I know, I was just curious as to why people who want quality muscle tend not to use dbol /anadrol /test. suspension etc. and use primo/VAR/winny/masteron etc.? And if anyone could design me one for quality mass

  5. #5
    darkzide is offline Junior Member
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    How about compounds to defintily use?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkzide
    I know, I was just curious as to why people who want quality muscle tend not to use dbol/anadrol/test. suspension etc. and use primo/VAR/winny/masteron etc.? And if anyone could design me one for quality mass

    Both those cycles you mentioned give LEAN MUSCLE.

    The first one typically gives bloat during, while the other doesn't.

    Some ppl consider bloat bad, thus after cycle when the water leaves they think some of there gains have gone.

    Like Bigmax said, we shouldnt be making cycles. To much info needed, past experience, stats, goals etc. Come up with your own cycle that fits your goals and we will tweak it.

  7. #7
    darkzide is offline Junior Member
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    Got it

  8. #8
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    If you really want 5-10 permanant lbm, than eat!

  9. #9
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkzide
    Could someone design and list components of a cycle that would yeild the most keepable gains, weight gain not neccasarily being tremendous, but 5-10 solid/keepable pounds of muscle and most of all keepable strength gain??
    If injectibles are used, no such a thing..Takes proper nutrition, Training and rest to help hold strength and size after a cycle..

  10. #10
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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    Here is the perfect cycle for you to get and keep 5-10 solid pounds of muscle.

    Egg whites
    Chicken breasts
    Whey protein
    Brown Rice

    Do this in any combination you like 6-8 times a day
    Train properly 5 days a week

    Guareented success within 3-4 months

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrWoody
    Here is the perfect cycle for you to get and keep 5-10 solid pounds of muscle.

    Egg whites
    Chicken breasts
    Whey protein
    Brown Rice

    Do this in any combination you like 6-8 times a day
    Train properly 5 days a week

    Guareented success within 3-4 months

    5-10lbs of muscle in 4 months from somebody thats been training & Dieting right for years is impossible naturally.
    Maybe on cycle that could happen.

  12. #12
    nathanlgd's Avatar
    nathanlgd is offline Associate Member
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    People on forums just love to be clever ass's and not give you the information you want

    This guy's asking about steroids , nothing else. What you guys have said "will" do just fine but he soly asked about steroids so why not answer his question?

    I'm no massive expert but I do know a little about steroids, enough to get me by anyway. Some steroids give great mass, strength with bloat, others tend to give lean mass not quite as much strength and no/little bloat. Coming off a cycle of (for example) Test Enth and Deca your going to lose lots of water weight, some strength and some muscle where as coming of a cycle of Test prop and winny your not going to gain quite as much but your more likely to hold onto more lean mass and more of your strength.

    Of course, what you keep depends greatly on the things mentioned by the other guys who've replied - especialy PCT, PCT is very important.

    Also, a cycle that won't shut you down too hard would be easier and quicker to come off and get your natural test back to normal - thus keeping more of the gains.

    For good lean gains of strength and size I without losing too much after and during PCT I would suggest a steady cycle of Test prop stacked with maybe Var or winny for a relatively short period of time. But, if this is your first cycle then maybe you should just consider Test Enth alone like everyone suggests.

  13. #13
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    [QUOTE=nathanlgd]People on forums just love to be clever ass's and not give you the information you want

    This guy's asking about steroids , nothing else. What you guys have said "will" do just fine but he soly asked about steroids so why not answer his question?


    He asked for a cycle to give "keepable gains".

    Every cycle can give keepable gains if you know what your doing.

    So should I list every AS there is then.

  14. #14
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by nathanlgd
    People on forums just love to be clever ass's and not give you the information you want

    This guy's asking about steroids, nothing else. What you guys have said "will" do just fine but he soly asked about steroids so why not answer his question?

    I'm no massive expert but I do know a little about steroids , enough to get me by anyway. Some steroids give great mass, strength with bloat, others tend to give lean mass not quite as much strength and no/little bloat. Coming off a cycle of (for example) Test Enth and Deca your going to lose lots of water weight, some strength and some muscle where as coming of a cycle of Test prop and winny your not going to gain quite as much but your more likely to hold onto more lean mass and more of your strength.

    Of course, what you keep depends greatly on the things mentioned by the other guys who've replied - especialy PCT, PCT is very important.

    Also, a cycle that won't shut you down too hard would be easier and quicker to come off and get your natural test back to normal - thus keeping more of the gains.

    For good lean gains of strength and size I without losing too much after and during PCT I would suggest a steady cycle of Test prop stacked with maybe Var or winny for a relatively short period of time. But, if this is your first cycle then maybe you should just consider Test Enth alone like everyone suggests.
    The problem with this is that you dont know who your giving steroid advice to. Way too often, new members come on this board looking for the big bulker without any clue to training or diet. More than not, many of these bros are way to young as well. So, when you have a low post count and know one knows who the hell you are, then it would be prudent to relay the basics of eating and training before handing them the easy way. blah blah blah thanks for your moral lessons.
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 02-12-2007 at 03:38 PM.

  15. #15
    nathanlgd's Avatar
    nathanlgd is offline Associate Member
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    He asked which cycle or steroid would leave him with the bigger percentage of gains once off cycle, not in those words but thats what hes saying. So stop trying to be clever and either help out and answer him or don't bother and do something better and more meaning full with your time for your own sake.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by nathanlgd
    He asked which cycle or steroid would leave him with the bigger percentage of gains once off cycle, not in those words but thats what hes saying. So stop trying to be clever and either help out and answer him or don't bother and do something better and more meaning full with your time for your own sake.

    There's no set AS for his question.

    You have no clue on what your talking about.

    One can't just say....Anavar and be correct.

    So , why dont you do "somthing better and more meaning full" and RESEARCH.

  17. #17
    nathanlgd's Avatar
    nathanlgd is offline Associate Member
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    Well why not ask his age and training experience before giving advice? instead of wasting his and your time?

  18. #18
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by nathanlgd
    He asked which cycle or steroid would leave him with the bigger percentage of gains once off cycle, not in those words but thats what hes saying. So stop trying to be clever and either help out and answer him or don't bother and do something better and more meaning full with your time for your own sake.
    Sorry dad. And youre not wasting your time?

  19. #19
    nathanlgd's Avatar
    nathanlgd is offline Associate Member
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    So your saying that I'm wrong? so when I stated that given the same instances in all respects, you'd walk away keeping a greater percentage of gains from a Test prop and var cycle over a Test enth and deca cycle? well if thats inaccurate then I give up.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by nathanlgd
    So your saying that I'm wrong? so when I stated that given the same instances in all respects, you'd walk away keeping a greater percentage of gains from a Test prop and var cycle over a Test enth and deca cycle? well if thats inaccurate then I give up.

    Like I said Before.... There is no set answer to his question.

    If you know what your doing, you can keep Almost all gains from every AS.

  21. #21
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    i agree with hellmask,its not the type of gear you use that determines keepability its a clean diet

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