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  1. #1
    batlin's Avatar
    batlin is offline Associate Member
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    one of the 50 states....

    Time off.. planning next cycle...

    Ok, I was so happy and impressed with my gains that I cannot wait to get back on!
    I am on week 3 of PCT and have been doing great with only a little Bad thing like a little acne and haven't really lost any strength or gains yet...
    My last cycle turned into 13 weeks.. so i wanted to see How long i should take off..
    Is it ok to just take 13 weeks off and then go on again? Do I count from the last injection or end of PCT?
    If i count from my last injection it works out WONDERFULLY because on the day of my last injection for the next cycle is the day i get on a plan to go to Hawaii.. which would be perfect...


  2. #2
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2006

    PCT is still manipulated TEST production.. so u're not completely on your own test production until u end PCT and its out of your body. Than one should cruise for a while on natural production so body doesnt start using the cylcles and PCT as a cruch

  3. #3
    batlin's Avatar
    batlin is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006
    one of the 50 states....
    Alright cool, thanks man for the input!

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