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  1. #1
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Future Cutting Cycle

    I am currently running my first cycle of Test E at 500mg. per week. w/ proper PCT. I am seeing good gains but I want to plan on my future cuttin cycle after I have enough time off from this cycle. I want to run it for 12-14 weeks(I know its longer then normal but that what I want to do). My plan is to get ripped the F*** up. I want to preserve as much muscle as I can and try to gain some as well. I will have diet and cardio in check so to top things off will be my cycle. I guess I will have to run a longer ester b/c prop will be too many shots over that long of a cycle. I am def. gonna be using clen and prob. some T3. My question is what other compounds should I include with the test to aid with accomplishing my goals. I was thinking Winny and I have been told either Primo and Tren are possibilities(but not sure so I would like some feed back). Thank you guys for your help!

    *Note I will be running HCG and Arimidex throughout and have proper PCT as well*

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakinItHappen
    I am currently running my first cycle of Test E at 500mg. per week. w/ proper PCT. I am seeing good gains but I want to plan on my future cuttin cycle after I have enough time off from this cycle. I want to run it for 12-14 weeks(I know its longer then normal but that what I want to do). My plan is to get ripped the F*** up. I want to preserve as much muscle as I can and try to gain some as well. I will have diet and cardio in check so to top things off will be my cycle. I guess I will have to run a longer ester b/c prop will be too many shots over that long of a cycle. I am def. gonna be using clen and prob. some T3. My question is what other compounds should I include with the test to aid with accomplishing my goals. I was thinking Winny and I have been told either Primo and Tren are possibilities(but not sure so I would like some feed back). Thank you guys for your help!

    *Note I will be running HCG and Arimidex throughout and have proper PCT as well*
    Winny or Tren are awsome choices for cutting phases. Also EQ works well. I would lean more towards tren though just because it will help you get very lean but also make you strong as an Ox at the same time. Also it's a short Ester and extreamely strong so you can do short cycles with it.

    My .02$


  3. #3
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    What mgs would you recommend and how frequent should injections be? Also I have heard that is one steroid that has strong potential for sides, do you think it might be too much for a second cycle(but I def. like the idea of it helping me get ripped up). Thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakinItHappen
    What mgs would you recommend and how frequent should injections be? Also I have heard that is one steroid that has strong potential for sides, do you think it might be too much for a second cycle(but I def. like the idea of it helping me get ripped up). Thanks for your help!
    Sides effects would of course depend on how much you used. Also, dosing would be determined by your total body weight. For beginners with the drug, 75mg every other day should work well. I did 50mg/day and didn't have too many sides. Agression, high blood pressure and change in your cholesterol would be some of the worst side effects you would get at that dose (75mg/EOD). It does tend to cause impotence worst than Deca when taken alone but you said you are gonna run Test with it, right? So you shouldn't have that problem.

    It is proven to greatly effect the feed efficiency and lean muscle mass of Cattle preparing for slaughter....kinda gruesome I know but just using it as an example. Refer to the Steroid Profile section of this site to get a complete idea of how this drug works and will effect you.

    I can't stress enough how insainly strong this drug will make you. You will feel like you can move a house after 2 weeks.

  5. #5
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds like an amazing drug and I know alot of people love it. My only concern is the eod injections(reason why I am staying away from Prop) and the impotence fator. I will def. be running tets but I stay away from Decca for the reason that it has the potential to shut you down hard and if Tren can do that too then maybe I should stay away from it. IDK just whats running through my head. Thanks again for your help and any more suggestions are welcomed!

  6. #6
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone else?

  7. #7
    trenzbyotch's Avatar
    trenzbyotch is offline Associate Member
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    i would run tren 50mg/day and prop 50mg/day. that would be plenty to harden u up and prevent muscle loss during a cut. you can use higher gauge needles with this so not much pain at all. i prefer 25g pins and hit delts, tris, and quads.. bread and butter cutter for sure and the everyday jabs become like a ritual -its really not that bad at all. also you could throw in some winny at 50mg per day for the last 4-6 weeks if so preferred.. good luck

  8. #8
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Alright so lets say I go with the Test C and Tren for 12 weeks. Should I add anything else with it and if so what? Thanks guys!

  9. #9
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    a lot of guys say tren for a second cycle is too soon cuz of the sides,i decided i' gonna wait and run it at a later cycle,sux cuz i have like 6 bottles of it

  10. #10
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    I know I have heard/thought the same thing but everyone is recommending it to me on here so I thought maybe I should go with it. Anyone else have any suggestions? What about the Vets and MODS?

  11. #11
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    A good basic cutter is test prop/winny. You said you dont want to use prop so I would run

    Test E @ 500 mgs
    armosin(keep bloat way down)
    Winny 50-100 mgs ed for 6-8 weeks.

  12. #12
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    I was thinking about a basic Test and Winny cycle to begin with but now I am thinking that might not be extreme enought to help elicit the extreme gains I want. BTW would Winny pills or drinking winny be as effective as injecting(b/c I don't like the idea of ED injections)?

  13. #13
    Kristopher22's Avatar
    Kristopher22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakinItHappen
    or drinking winny

  14. #14
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakinItHappen
    Alright so lets say I go with the Test C and Tren for 12 weeks. Should I add anything else with it and if so what? Thanks guys!
    I don't think anyone would want to run Tren ED for 12 weeks....or even be on it for 12 weeks. I couldn't stand more than 4 weeks of it. Sides weren't bad, they were just annoying and I had gained way more than expected at that length of time.

  15. #15
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    I don't think anyone would want to run Tren ED for 12 weeks....or even be on it for 12 weeks. I couldn't stand more than 4 weeks of it. Sides weren't bad, they were just annoying and I had gained way more than expected at that length of time.
    my next cycle has tren for 10 weeks....but that might not actually happen

  16. #16
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    my next cycle has tren for 10 weeks....but that might not actually happen

    Haha, let us know how long you can last on that. Like I said earlier, I had to throw in the towel after about 4 weeks.


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