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  1. #1
    Georgie's Avatar
    Georgie is offline Member
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    Sep 2004

    First time on clen please help

    So I have been on clen for one week now. I am using the 2 week on 2 weeks off method. I am up to 150mcg/day. I was shaking real bad when I started. I have one week to go now, but the shakes have stopped. Does this mean it is not working anymore? I take my temp everyday and it gets slighltly elevated. I don't really want to go at any higher of a dose. I know 150mcg is kind of a weird dose. But I have the tabs that "one lab" with the two initials out of china makes in ridiculous dosages. One pill is 200mcg. So I have to cut them in halfs and quarters.

  2. #2
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    Nov 2006

    I have the same problem...
    Im at 100mcg now, working my way up from 60mcg like in perfectbeast faq.
    In the begining i felt a little shaky but now i feel nothing.

    This is how im going.

    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg starting here tomorrow.

    I have a friend who also is running clen , the same as mine...bought from ar-r .
    He says he is shaking alot, hes in school and can't keep the pen steady... lol
    and he's only at 80mcg so far.

    Im using a oral syringe, he is using the spray...

    Anyone else who feels that the shakyness goes away when using this method ?

    I will not go higher then 120mcg. if im not shaking I'll just take a break...

  3. #3
    Georgie's Avatar
    Georgie is offline Member
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  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    if your temp is still up it is working, sometimes the sides effects will diminish as your body gets used to it. that is how mine went anyway. I wouldnt' go much higher than the 150, but thats just me, be careful, watch your temp

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    riding styles donkey
    the shakes are only a side effect, not a sign its working.
    as long as your temps up, alls good.

  6. #6
    Georgie's Avatar
    Georgie is offline Member
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    Sep 2004
    Thanks guys.

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