Just to say thanks to all you guys who have given me advice. Ive just finished a cycle of 750mg test e and 600mg deca e/w and ive had fantastic results. I gained 25 1bs in just 7 weeks and ive decided to stop the cycle at that. Im going to keep my protein high and im going to run HCG at 500iu for 10 days before starting my pct of 40/40/20/20 mg nolvadex and .50mg arimidex , to hopefully keep some of the gains. OK, My sex drive and erection problems are still a major factor but I have an appt with an endo at the end of March. See what he can do I guess. Thing is, this site and the guys on it have been a great help to me since I joined. So to any of you newbies out there,,,,,,take note of the advice,,these guys are here to help and know what they are talking about. No doubt I'll be posting more Qs about the ups and downs I experience. Thanks again guys. TOP SITE!!!!!!!