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Thread: Pct Help!!!

  1. #1
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Pct Help!!!

    I know this is the wrong section but last time I posted in the PCT Forum I did not get solid answers, so I'll try here.

    Most people when starting PCT will use Clomid at 300mg/3 days 100mg/2.5 weeks and 50mg for the rest.

    My question is what if I ran Clomid at 300mg for the like 4 weeks then taper off, would I stand a better chance at keeping my gains(training and diet still in check)?

  2. #2
    trenzbyotch's Avatar
    trenzbyotch is offline Associate Member
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    the STL
    yo, i wouldn't ever consider running clomid 300mg for 4 weeks. have you ever ran it?? man i couldn't imagine my vision would be all fvcked up, i'd be crying like a lil byotch all day. just stick to normal protocol and as long as you diet and training in check--you be allright

  3. #3
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    Oct 2006
    I know it has sides(but everything does) and anyways when you get off everything turns normal again.

    I was just wondering if it would give you a little more of an edge on keeping the gains?

  4. #4
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    Oct 2006
    I know it has sides(but everything does) and anyways when you get off everything turns normal again.

    I was just wondering if it would give you a little more of an edge on keeping the gains?

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