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  1. #1
    Live4thePump's Avatar
    Live4thePump is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Drug Testing at a Phase I clinic

    Hey guys...just wanted your opinion on something. A buddy and I were planning on trying medical testing. It's where you go in and they test investigational medication on you and pay you a couple grand. Anyways...I've been off my cycle for a while now and I'm okay, but my buddy is in the middle of a cycle. They do a drug test and take a lot of blood 20-30 blood draws to find out how much of the medication is still in you. you think there is any way he could get found out?

  2. #2
    ph34rsh4ck is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    if there was i wouldnt think they would careż

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