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  1. #1
    CJN1717's Avatar
    CJN1717 is offline Junior Member
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    Dbol??? Longer and less or shorter and more??

    Quick question, I havent posted in a while but I know this is where I go to get some answers. My question pertains to Dbol . Right now I am on 40 mgs a day of D-bol and 750 mg's a week of sus. At the rate I am going with the dbol I have I will be doing 40 mgs a day including off days for a total of 7 weeks. I have heard before dont do Dbol for more than 4 or 5 as a kickstart to your cycle. Would it be more beneficial to me as far as mass gaining to go the 7 weeks at 40 mgs a day or lets just say 5 weeks at 50mgs a day. Basicaly what I am saying is it better to stay on longer for mass or to take more for a shorter time. Thanks for any help you can give me.

    5' 9"
    14 % Bodyfat
    Training for almost 3 years

  2. #2
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    kickstart should be run 3-5weeks and ED id try 30mg and see how that goes by week 2 you should know how you are reacting to it

  3. #3
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    yeah i read 4-5 weeks too... never thought of running a kickstarter that long

    what week are you up to??

  4. #4
    CJN1717's Avatar
    CJN1717 is offline Junior Member
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    I just finished my first week at 8 pills a day or 40mg's a day. I have about 335 left and I was just wondering if I should up my dosage to conform to the 5 week kickstart cycle or if it would be more beneficial to just stay at 40mgs a day for 7 weeks. My nolvadex is on the way. The dosages I have read about for Dbol have generaly been between 30 - 50 mgs a day so my dosage is already on the higher side according to that. I have done dbol once before but its been a while and I dont remember exactly how long or how much I took. Thanks for the quick replies.

  5. #5
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    7 is def overkill stick to 5

  6. #6
    DecimaMAS's Avatar
    DecimaMAS is offline Banned
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    You'll be fine for right now, but get to the doctor's soon and check your bilirubin levels to determine just how safe continuing the dosage for a longer period really is.

    You don't know what damage it causes without getting an accurate reading on your liver values. Start there.

  7. #7
    CJN1717's Avatar
    CJN1717 is offline Junior Member
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    So what I am getting is stick to the 5 week and just do the math on 335 pills left and up my dosage to conform to that. If thats wrong let me know, according to my math skills which arent the best I am from the public school system. For the next 4 weeks I can take just about 12 a day or 60 mgs a day. That number is up there from what I have seen with other people though, I just dont want to start growing tits. Thanks again for the help.

  8. #8
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    i'm going to do 40mg but i haven't done dbol before... causeyou have maybe 50mg but don't go over that imo.. what are you using for liver protection???

  9. #9
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    I know you have only been on cycle like a week or two but have have the gains been? Stregnth and mass?

  10. #10
    CJN1717's Avatar
    CJN1717 is offline Junior Member
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    I have been taking multi vitamins and milk thistle for my liver and that why I probaly wont go over 50mgs a day for the next 4 weeks, I might just save the few I have left. As far as gains, its been 6 days since I started and I have gone from 195 - 203 and that was yesterday. I have been eating crazy amounts of food though. Generally clean but not all. But I am bulking up so I am not to concerned with the cleanest possible diet, as long as I am getting the calories and enough protein.

  11. #11
    CJN1717's Avatar
    CJN1717 is offline Junior Member
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    Also to answer the 2nd part of your question, my bad. Strength has gone up but the thing that I have noticed the most is the pumps. They are unreal when I am leaving the gym. They get really bad in my back, lower to be more specific. Not bad enough to hurt but walking that line really close. I love the pumps it gives me.

  12. #12
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    good so far mate.. keep up the good work as i'm going to do the same cycle i get my stuff on wedensday... dbol sust and armidex.... keep us posted... i'm interested in how you go.. should get some before and after pics

  13. #13
    CJN1717's Avatar
    CJN1717 is offline Junior Member
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    I will try and get some posted tomorow and in 9 more weeks see what eating crazy amounts of calories, 750 mgs sus, and dbol do. This is my 4th cycle and one thing I have learned is if you are not eating then forget about it. Yeah I am sick of tuna and chicken and shakes but what I want is more important so I just sit there and chew and chew and chew when I cant, dont want to, feel sick. Only 9 weeks left of this shit. Gotta go get some tuna, its been 2 1/2 hours. Thanks for the help.

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