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  1. #1
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Little confused about kick in times of Test.

    When I did my first cycle of Test E 500mg/week and EQ 400mg/week, the first week I noticed my stamina go up and by next week my strength went up in every muscle category. I would always get confused at why people would take d-bol to kick start the cycle. I would be thinking to myself you guys can't wait 1 week? How long does it take for you guys to notice the effects of your Test?

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Everyones is different and to different degrees one can feel the effects at different times
    most report Test E "fully" kicking in between the 4-8 week mark

  3. #3
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    For me EQ kicked at week 7-8.
    No test yet.

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