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  1. #1
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    Cool Your responses should be INTERESTING!?!?

    OK lets say you want to run an oral cycle. Notice I didn't say oral only. If I am not mistaken, from what I read everyone here hates oral only cycles because...well many reasons. But most people who want to run oral only cycles HATE the needle. So, what if those people could stand 1 shot a week. Wouldn't 300mg of Test a week be PLENTY to replace your natural Test that is suppresed from the use of some oral steroids ? So, what about a cycle that would look something like this:

    Weeks 1-8: 300 mg of Test E/week
    Weeks 1-5: 40 mg of DBOL /Day
    Weeks 4-9: 50 mg of Winny/Day
    Weeks 6-10 60 mg of Anavar /Day
    Weeks 7-10 5000 iu HCG /Week
    Weeks 1-10 20 mg Nolva/day (If needed)

    Proper PCT

    So, wouldn't the 300 mg of Test be enough of a "Base"? You would only have to shoot ONCE a week. I think even those who hate the pin can stand once a week.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Snrf's Avatar
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    I think thats a worse idea than a dbol only cycle.

    4 compounds in a first cycle???

  3. #3
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Depends on what you want to gain. There are a lot of compounds there. I personally would drop a few of them.

  4. #4
    Snrf's Avatar
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    you probably wouldn't need hcg on that cycle anyway...and if ur gonna do one shot a week why not two? most people aren't scared of the amount of shots they're just manginas and can't do shots at all..

  5. #5
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    IMO... its a terrible cycle & a terrible idea for a first.

  6. #6
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    OK first no one said it was a first cycle and it was just an example. The oral cycle came from BIGCAT on another website all I did was add the Test for a base.

    Also, why is that worse than DBOL only?

  7. #7
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    I like oral only cycles.

    Whats your stats? Is this your first cycle?

    That cycle is alittle crazy. WAY to many compounds.

    Also what are your goals for this cycle?

  8. #8
    king6's Avatar
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    I just realized you are reffering to oral winny, which is the most hepatoxic of all oral steroids . Drop the winny and the dbol , and run var and test. That would be good for a first cycle. But frankly I think test doses below 400mg/week is a waste. You will still probably gain a little, but not as much as you could. You already have HCG , why not bumb the test up to 500mg/week.

  9. #9
    Snrf's Avatar
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    well I'd presume its a first cycle if they're wanting to do oral only...

    Its worse than oral only cuz its way too many compounds for a first cycle IMO, my first cycle I'm running is test e and dbol , so i know what causes what side effects, and I might throw var in at the end for 4 weeks...u got 3 compounds overlapping at a time. What happens if your hair falls out? you won't know for sure which compound causes hairloss and you won't know to avoid it next time

  10. #10
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeagles1
    OK first no one said it was a first cycle and it was just an example. The oral cycle came from BIGCAT on another website all I did was add the Test for a base.

    Also, why is that worse than DBOL only?
    I ran Dbol only. By mistake that is, my test was underdosed. Dbol only sucks IMO, it will leave you feeling depressed. You have awsome strength gains, and some decent size gains, but most of it goes away.

  11. #11
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    You dont wanna shoot anything once a week.

  12. #12
    MFT81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I just realized you are reffering to oral winny, which is the most hepatoxic of all oral steroids. Drop the winny and the dbol, and run var and test. That would be good for a first cycle. But frankly I think test doses below 400mg/week is a waste. You will still probably gain a little, but not as much as you could. You already have HCG, why not bumb the test up to 500mg/week.
    I agree, way to toxic on liver which when you think about it kinda defeats the purpose of the entire cycle in the first place.

    and yeah im squaking but thats because the only oral only ive seen that I would consider is 8 weeks of var.

  13. #13
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    This cycle isn't for me. This is for all of those people out there who post threads wanting an oral only cycle.

    The oral cycle came form BigCat on another board and from what I have read all aroud the boards he is well respected.

    I understand it is a lot of compounds.

    My question is, Is 300 mg of Test a good base IF someone wats to run a cycle that is mostly oral compunds and if not why not?

  14. #14
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeagles1
    This cycle isn't for me. This is for all of those people out there who post threads wanting an oral only cycle.

    The oral cycle came form BigCat on another board and from what I have read all aroud the boards he is well respected.

    I understand it is a lot of compounds.

    My question is, Is 300 mg of Test a good base IF someone wats to run a cycle that is mostly oral compunds and if not why not?
    300mg isn't much of a base. At one time in my life, I wanted to do nothing but oral only. That was because I couldn't get anything else. Now that I can get injectables, and have run an oral, I can say that from now on all I will do are injectables. If he wants to put that much stress on his liver, then bump the test up to 400 or 500, that will be where most of his gains come from. Dbol wont give you much to keep, neither will winny. He will see minor gains from the var, but the majority will be from the test, if he bumps up the dosage.

  15. #15
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    I think this is an interesting topic because everyone says you have to run atleast 500 mg of Test a week with any cycle you do. Let's say the gains you are looking for come from the other compunds you are taking NOT the Test. From everything I have read 300 mg of Test is equal to 1.5 to 2 times the natural Test in an adult male. So, wouldn't that be a good "base"?

  16. #16
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeagles1
    I think this is an interesting topic because everyone says you have to run atleast 500 mg of Test a week with any cycle you do. Let's say the gains you are looking for come from the other compunds you are taking NOT the Test. From everything I have read 300 mg of Test is equal to 1.5 to 2 times the natural Test in an adult male. So, wouldn't that be a good "base"?
    My test levels right now are over 2 times the maximum range of normal test, and I still have no strength or size gains. At 300mg/week, not only will you have to wait longer to see results, but those results will be minimal.

  17. #17
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    What if you want to run EQ and you are looking for the results that EQ gives you . You wouldn't run it alone right you would have to run some test with it but why do you have to run 500 mg of Test if the Test is just a base?

    I know I know eveyone is going to say what is the point of running the Test if you don't want to get anything from it. What if you don't want the bloat and sides that come with Test you want to see the results of the EQ. You wouldn't want to run 500 mg of Test than right? And in this case 300 mg "theoretically" would be enough for a base.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    My test levels right now are over 2 times the maximum range of normal test, and I still have no strength or size gains. At 300mg/week, not only will you have to wait longer to see results, but those results will be minimal.

    Test dosage depends on so many factors. Cycle experience, Age, Size...etc.

    I can still gain on 300mgs right now. That is what.....around 4x+ my average production...Hell I can gain size and strength naturally.

    Test doesn't always have to be the base compoundooooooooo.

    I've been running 400mgs and have been making some pretty good gains.

  19. #19
    GFLEXXX's Avatar
    GFLEXXX is offline Junior Member
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    running at those levels with higher levels of other gear works great. The single shot be be appropraitely timed for the test halflife, not necessarilly once a week...rely on your other compounds for all if not most of your gains (and not necessarily like you laid it out at top...)

    p.s. if your every 4 or 5 day single shot contains 1cc or less of test why wouldn't you fill the other 2cc with another injectable and only run 1 oral with them both...

  20. #20
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Just run test, deca and dbol to start.

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