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  1. #1
    mkv213's Avatar
    mkv213 is offline Member
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    Extra gear??? What do you do with it

    Question...i was going through my gear sack today and I noticed I've compiled quite a few bottles of long estered gear. You know, the shit like deca and EQ that you stop before the test. I;'ve got about 5-6 bottles of stuff with about 5-10 mls left in them. You guys normally save for the next cycle or what? I don't really plan on running long ester gear anymore, as I prefer short esters.

    I was thinking about just using them up at the beginning of another cycle combined with the short estered gear. so by then it'll have lived it's life during the cycle. I'd hate to waste the stuff and chunk it.


  2. #2
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    maybe someone wants to buy it off you.. i wouldn't just through it away

  3. #3
    Homer 8 is offline Associate Member
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    Never ever waste good quality drugs.. you just never know when u might need them again

  4. #4
    pwerfll1's Avatar
    pwerfll1 is offline Banned
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    send them to me and i will dispose of it properly thank u

  5. #5
    bigdog81's Avatar
    bigdog81 is offline Member
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    holla town
    are you crazy bro... number one ...its $$$ plus.. its gear for later .. could give it to your local salvation army

  6. #6
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdog81
    are you crazy bro... number one ...its $$$ plus.. its gear for later .. could give it to your local salvation army
    That would be awsome to see a few juiced up homeless guys. But yeah save it, You never know what's around the bend.... you source could get busted.... or maybe just stop selling.

  7. #7
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCharger
    That would be awsome to see a few juiced up homeless guys. But yeah save it, You never know what's around the bend.... you source could get busted.... or maybe just stop selling.
    I can see it now BumFights ON JUICE!! The new movie.

  8. #8
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    Question...i was going through my gear sack today and I noticed I've compiled quite a few bottles of long estered gear. You know, the shit like deca and EQ that you stop before the test. I;'ve got about 5-6 bottles of stuff with about 5-10 mls left in them. You guys normally save for the next cycle or what? I don't really plan on running long ester gear anymore, as I prefer short esters.

    I was thinking about just using them up at the beginning of another cycle combined with the short estered gear. so by then it'll have lived it's life during the cycle. I'd hate to waste the stuff and chunk it.

    so you have between 25 and 50 ml of some long ester gear , combine it into one jug and put in to your next cycle. didnt your mother tell you there are bros in the world who dont have any gear at all. now use your gear!

  9. #9
    pip_squeek is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jdm95lude
    I can see it now BumFights ON JUICE!! The new movie.
    that will awesome bums on juice having a good brawl i can just imagine it

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