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  1. #1
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    How Bad Is It???

    how bad is it to just do deca without the test, if i find that i just dont want to deal with the prop that i have...i know all the bad effects of deca without using test...but how bad is it really? is it a huge deal?

  2. #2
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    (i know all the bad effects of deca without using test.)You answered you own question.

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Depending on how high you run the does you can lose interest in gettin' any... aka, Deca Dick. Also, coming off is a pain in the ass...

    From a physiology standpoint, shutting your system's T production down and replacing it with supraphysiological dose of a 19-Nor just doesn't make sense... it ain't natural... T is what made you a man and it has flown through your blood vessels since they were created by your mother in her womb...

  4. #4
    McQueen's Avatar
    McQueen is offline Junior Member
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    I think there`s far too many people saying "NO deca only cycles".I have a friend who has just done a 600mg per week cycle of deca only who has`nt have any issues with "deca dick" and told me that his libido was actually higher than normal.I think he ran some HCG at the end of his cycle and will do PCT using Tamoxifen .

    My next cycle will prolly be a 600 or 800 of deca only but i will have some Test E on hand just in case.

    He is also a AR member and have no doubt that he will post his results.

  5. #5
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    im not concerned with "decadick" anyways in the first not concerned with "coming off" either...the only thing that i am concerned with, is if there is a recongnizable difference in size gain, and most importantly, SIZE KEPT after the cycle and PCT is over...i dont want to lose the muscle i just gained because my testerone levels have dropped to nothing for 12 weeks and then i have nothing left when i get done to keep the muscle ive worked so hard to make

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by newconquest
    im not concerned with "decadick" anyways in the first not concerned with "coming off" either...the only thing that i am concerned with, is if there is a recongnizable difference in size gain, and most importantly, SIZE KEPT after the cycle and PCT is over...i dont want to lose the muscle i just gained because my testerone levels have dropped to nothing for 12 weeks and then i have nothing left when i get done to keep the muscle ive worked so hard to make
    Weekly steroid use would have to be configured for this comparison - such as: 800mg of Deca per week versus 500mg TE with 300mg Deca... both would be a total weekly steroid use of 800mg per week with similar ester weights (decanoate is little heavier than enanthate - if you want to really get accurate).

    I don't have such comparison but I have ran Deca with Eq in my early days... I gained well from it but I also gain nicely from Deca with testosterone ... so which is beter? With testosterone, in my opinion. Coming off that Deca/Eq stack I was an emotional wreck and dropped weight too easily... I was all f'ed up. Later I did do some tren with winstrol and it helped me cut up rather easily... but again, hard to come off and libido was shot... I was in college at the time and turned down a chick that wanted to go for a quicky in a bathroom stall inbetween classes... she was hot too... still can't believe I said, "na..."

  7. #7
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    there is far too much ranting about doing deca by go as far as to say it is a good idea but then i didnt suffer any it comes down to the individual,dont be affraid to experiment just cos people parrot talk.

    warriors post was constuctive and correct as usual,i just think deca is very mild as far as sides,and it comes with its own androgenicity which i beleive kept my labido elevated enough to perform no probs.but use test where possible.

  8. #8
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    i think im going to continue using the test prop that i have and had planned on taking with the deca ...its just that its such a bitch to take, i mean stuff really gets ya for the next 4 days or so, and thats even while cutting it with cottenseed oil and rotating different spots on my glutes (cant shoot it anywhere else, although i havent tried my delts yet)...just not something i want to deal with for another 10 weeks, but im gonna try

  9. #9
    natvtec1.8's Avatar
    natvtec1.8 is offline Associate Member
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    every body is diffrent and bodybuilding is about experimenting with ur body what works for me might not work for u

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