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  1. #1
    Catchez_Ton is offline New Member
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    newbie cutting cycle

    Please bare with me. I am a virgin. I have been researching gear for about 3 months now, exstensively. I still do not feel like I know anything. There is so much to absorb. Anyway, I am 5'9" at 200lbs. 27 years old. Not sure about bodyfat. But, I am somewhat lean, just a little stomach insulation. Been lifting for 8 years. Never have done any gear. Done a few sups(creatine, GHB). I run a pretty good diet, about 2500 cal/day. Good diet, not a fatty or carb filled diet.

    I am looking into trying a cycle which will help me cut. I am naturally muscular, but am lacking the energy I used to have. I know diet makes a big difference, but I still lack the energy. Between work and studying, I have empty tank alot. I will not lie, I am just looking to get mashed(cut). I do not want to gain mass. Just a little lean muscle. The main reason for the gear would be to give me the energy and push to achieve this goal. I've heard all the hype about winstrol and tren . I was wondering if i were to cycle one of these, what would be the side effects of doing it by itself. Will my libido crash. I need my dick. Will my testies shrink if I do not use some kinda test. Could someone please help me with a cycle that would help me cut, but not gain water wieght.

  2. #2
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you're a virgin you should be out there chasing girls. Just kidding.

    Let's take it from the top. You mentioned diet. This is what is going to make the difference if you're looking to get cut. The vast majority of steroids aren't going to "give you energy" or "cut you up". What they will do is help you gain muscle.

    The closest thing you're going to find to "giving you energy" is testosterone , which typically helps men with confidence and sense of well being. It'll also prevent libido crash. You can just run a low dose of an anti-estrogen to prevent water weight gain. It's the perfect first cycle.

    500mg/week for 12 weeks.
    .25 mg arimidex every other (or even every third) day. (you can always bump this up if you're experiencing estrogen related side effects, but I and many other people think that with anti-e's, the less you can get away with using the better.)

    Post cycle therapy according to the anthony roberts sticky in the PCT forum (I mention this because you should read that anyway to start to understand exactly what your body is going through, post cycle.)

  3. #3
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i agree with dude-man. im cutting with 500mg of test a wk right now. i lost 3 lbs last wk! so it is a great compound for all the things you are looking for. use the a-e's and you wont bloat and i think you can get what you are looking for, GL! ,BTW get a diet lined up and post it in the diet section. you need to do this as diet is more important than anything else IMO, seriously with the same compound you can gain alot of weight (lbm), or cut alot, all based on your diet.

  4. #4
    Catchez_Ton is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007
    Thanks for the info fellas. So, I gather that no matter what u choose, it is more important that u have a great diet. Gear will only increase muscle mass and not cut or speed up metabolism. This is what i needed to know.

  5. #5
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    actually i do believe you can cut weight faster with the test than without, someone correct me if im wrong.

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