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  1. #1
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    Dutastride question

    i was thinking about starting a test e, Eq, and tbol cycle in a couple of months. I really want to avoid hairloss. I have a very good thick set of hair but it seems like my front hairline receded a little bit from my last cycle of test/deca . I dont want to risk any further hairloss. I am concerned and i want to look into using dutastride with my next cycle. My question is .... is it true once you start taking it for hairloss you have to take it for the rest of your life to maintain your hair, and if you stop taking it you will loose more hair then before using it? i just want something just for 3 months on and pct and then i wanna stop it.

  2. #2
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Duta mimics DHT.. it plugs up the receptors DHT would usually stick too..
    When u're on a TEST cycle, u will have an abnormal amount of DHT.. that causes expediated hairloss LOL..

    once you stop taking TEST... your DHT levels will drop back to normal.. at that point it should be safe to drop DUTA.

    DUTA will more than likely make u impotant for the first few weeks or something, lol it did to me.. i could not even get it up with Viagra.. it really made me freak! and really freak bad one time, where i ditched a chick in the middle of the night lol..

    anywayys.. Not sure how it reacts with DECA some speculate it will cause worse harloss when used together with deca..I did not use DECA last cycle so I did not look closely into that.

  3. #3
    Nate Dawg is offline New Member
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    Dutasteride shouldnt be used with nandrolone , it will actually increase the rate of hairloss when used with nandrolone. I used it during my past cycle at 1.5mg/day and it made a big difference.

  4. #4
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    Yeah my upcoming cycle is test e, eq, and tbol. so you guys are saying its safe to use duta while on and pct , and then discontinue it after and have no problems?

  5. #5
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes (i just did a little refresh research).. the stopping and losing hair.. that is regarding REGROWN Hair.

    Propecia is not marketed to steroid users, it is marketed for balding man, and in some cases it has shown that is regrows hair on the back of the head, and top.
    Well, any hairs that you regrow using propecia, which usually happens after 2 months of use.. Once u stop using propecia you will lose those hairs.

    Same goes for Dutasteride.

  6. #6
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    One thing about duta is that a lot of people shed on it around the 3 month line. It is a good sign, it means you are responding but people freak out and quit. It also can cause gyno. I had to take a-dex w/ it due to sore nips. It must be started no less than 1 month out to get levels up. you can load it for 10 days @ to speed this up. Do not run it more than .5mg/day. After that you are not helping anymore just ODing on it for no reason.

  7. #7
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    too many sides, first its impotance, now you shed more the first 3 months... i dont think im gona go that route... and anyway i remember reading it does nothing for a receding hairline, just for the back area. I guess im gona have to just stop using AAS until i can afford a hair transplant. :-D. maybe do tbol only with 2% nizoral.

  8. #8
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    You must read more. The shedding is GOOD. It comes back thicker and fuller. Test+duta=no balding. Duta is really a great drug. You have to know how to use it. I got a buddy who is regrowing hair very well on it.

  9. #9
    Kokaine is offline Junior Member
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    Dutasteride is the SH********************************T

    I'm running 750 test/week and 300 Deca

    I'm sorry but Deca doesn't turn into DHT so it's all BS.

    I'm actually re-groing my hair after 2 months of Duta with test..How about that...Yes, take it.

  10. #10
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    There's some things in this thread i'd like to address.

    One- Dutasteride does not 'mimic dht'. It inhibits both forms of the enzyme (5-alpha reductase) that convert testosterone to dht.

    Two- Dutasteride will make nandrolone more potent. This is correct. Dihydronandrolone binds less strongly to the androgen receptors in the scalp than regular nandrolone.

    Three- All of you are too worried about your hair. Honestly. It's starting to get irritating seeing every second or third thread being related to hairloss. If you're so concerned about hairloss, just do a test only cycle with dutasteride as a supplement. You will in all probability, regrow hair on this.
    Last edited by Dude-Man; 03-06-2007 at 06:27 PM.

  11. #11
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    There's some things in this thread i'd like to address.

    One- Dutasteride does not 'mimic dht'. It inhibits both forms of the enzyme (5-alpha reductase) that convert testosterone to dht.

    Two- Dutasteride will make nandrolone more potent. This is correct. Dihydronandrolone binds less strongly to the androgen receptors in the scalp than regular nandrolone.

    Three- All of you are too worried about your hair. Honestly. It's starting to get irritating seeing every second or third thread being related to hairloss. If you're so concerned about hairloss, just do a test only cycle with dutasteride as a supplement. You will in all probability, regrow hair on this.
    so your saying that you can prevent maybe even grow back some hair on dutasteride with a test cycle. and then stop taking it once your done with your cycle. I coulda sworn people told me that once you start taking it you cant stop or you would loose more hair then before... So that is not true? Its a good addition to a test only cycle to prevent hairloss. Correct?

  12. #12
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Randy, even with my impotence episode last time.
    I still got some for my next cycle.

    U lose the hair u regrow, if u stop using it.
    The hair u prevent from falling out, u dont lose that.

    Another NOTE:
    After 2-3 months of use, there is a shedding episode, which u have to be aware of, but that is a good sign...
    the way it works, it stimulates your follicules to grow new hair.
    for them to grow new hair, they have to drop the old hair. Some percent of them do that..
    now some follicles dont have any hair.. REGROWN HAIR
    some follicles have hair.. some of them will shed that hair after 2-3 months than regrow new hair.
    Last edited by Pooks; 03-07-2007 at 12:34 PM.

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