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Thread: Tbol Best Cycle

  1. #1
    Suworu~Nutsuki's Avatar
    Suworu~Nutsuki is offline Associate Member
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    Question Tbol Best Cycle

    Hi i have posted several times on tbol now and deff decided this is the best AS for me, i have managed to get hold 150x 10mg tabs pluss I have 35 x20mg Nolvadex , i did plan to do this:

    wk1: 30 wk 2: 40 wk3: 40 wk4: 50 wk5: 50

    then for PTC 1st Day 60mg then 6 days 40mg 10 days 20mg

    then keep 10x 20mg for jst in case for gyno on the cycle.... althougt again have heard this pretty much cant/ or does not happen.. but going to be safe rather than sorry, if i dont need them during cycle will add on to the end of cycle (if Needed)?

    what is the best was to structure this amount or would you recomend to wait and get some more? i have read alot of people have done 60mg/50mg for 6 -8 weeks but also heard after 5 the effectiveness subsides...

    after this cycle on the PCT to help keep the gains but also lose some body fat im going to run a cycle of clen ....

    One more quick question can i or should i use Glutamine through this cycle?

  2. #2
    drewman1551 is offline New Member
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    im just finishing up a t-bol cycle of 6 weeks i ran 50 mg a day for 2 weeks then 60mg a day for week 3 then 40mg a day for week 4 then 3 for the remainder did not run nolva

  3. #3
    Suworu~Nutsuki's Avatar
    Suworu~Nutsuki is offline Associate Member
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    How was it? good gains? any tips or sugestions? im jst worried it will jst start kicking in as i heard it takes bout 2- 3 weeks the my cycle will be over....

  4. #4
    drewman1551 is offline New Member
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    good solid gains...nothing amazing i gained about 12 pounds the first 4 weeks then i hit a plateu.....right around week 3 i notice less recovery and no soreness

  5. #5
    drewman1551 is offline New Member
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    less recovery TIME i meant

  6. #6
    Suworu~Nutsuki's Avatar
    Suworu~Nutsuki is offline Associate Member
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    when did you start to notice strength and size gains?

  7. #7
    Suworu~Nutsuki's Avatar
    Suworu~Nutsuki is offline Associate Member
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    any one have views on my original post?

  8. #8
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    i dont think its important to taper on or off doses. just do a steady 50mg ed, and for pct i dont think you need 40mg of nolva ed, try 20mg through pct.

  9. #9
    Suworu~Nutsuki's Avatar
    Suworu~Nutsuki is offline Associate Member
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    wasnt really tapering for a reason, was only due to the amount i have this way it last for 5 weeks!

  10. #10
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Random_J
    wasnt really tapering for a reason, was only due to the amount i have this way it last for 5 weeks!

    everyone time i ever ran a tbol only cycle i usually do 50mg ed, and i gain 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks. and after that i start having stomach problems and the sides start kicking in so i stop. so i can most of my weight the first 3 weeks... thats just me though u could be different.

  11. #11
    Suworu~Nutsuki's Avatar
    Suworu~Nutsuki is offline Associate Member
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    have you ever used clen ?

  12. #12
    Suworu~Nutsuki's Avatar
    Suworu~Nutsuki is offline Associate Member
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    any other help out there? Still unsure what i should do?

  13. #13
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Random_J
    have you ever used clen?

    No i never used that.

  14. #14
    drewman1551 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Random_J
    when did you start to notice strength and size gains?
    i noticed it mostly in the second and third week

  15. #15
    drewman1551 is offline New Member
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    i would get test and stack it with the tbol...that way you will maximize your results

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