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  1. #1
    Big Drez's Avatar
    Big Drez is offline Banned
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    Narrowed My Choices...

    I have narrowed my choices of the cycle I am looking at taking down to two. I am looking at something along the lines of Equipoise or Deca . I have a couple friends that stacked some Cypionate and some Ttokkyoo (Mexican brand) Enanthate for 8 weeks before, and they got HUGE. However, they're water retention level was insane, plus I don't think I want to stack anything for my first go of it, unless it is an anti-estrogen or something. I don't want anything that aromatizes very easily but is still androgenic . I have a diet in mind and my program is set. Basically the info I am asking is regarding any distinct differences between these two, and if anybody out there has tried either of these or both, I'd like to hear some personal input. Any and all help is appreciated.....

  2. #2
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    How many cycles have you done?

  3. #3
    Big Drez's Avatar
    Big Drez is offline Banned
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    Sorry I guess I left my post a little vague...

    I haven't done any to date. I have experience with some various over the counter testosterones back when androstene was popular. I know it's nowhere near the same thing, but I have done some research and consulted with quite a few people who take them personally. I am 21 years old, 6'0'' 232lbs with 17-18% BF. I have a friend who swears by Cypionate , but that just doesn't seem like something for me right at the moment. He got really swole with a bunch of water retention. I mean I want to pack on size, but I've heard that if you take like Deca or EQ with like a Winstrol Depot you'll cut up quite nicely and still increase your strength.

  4. #4
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    umm id stick with the test and take a AI like a-dex... that would definalty keep the water off of u and give you some really nice gains at 500mg/week... you really don't wana start with something like deca especially by itself, unless you dont' have a girlfriend and don't care if you have a soft noodle between your legs for a while... ive done EQ by itself before and its just not worth it... and make sure you have a proper PCT set up... JMO

  5. #5
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Read this post "reason why Eq is not recommended for 1st cycle?". I have been reading all day the past few weeks because I am looking to start my 3rd cycle. My first two I was under-educated and I wish I would have done a little bit more research. Every experienced user on these forums is gonna tell you Test is a must in your 1st cycle. Many will go even farther and say that Test is a must for any cycle. I'm not in a position to give you cycle advice because I am still trying to figure out what gear i'm going to use this time. I do know now that I am going incorporate Test into my cycle. If you take Deca by itself I can almost guarantee that you will get "deca dick," this is coming from experience. I had a steady girlfriend and we were going at it all the time. All of a sudden about 70% of the time I went to get lucky I couldn't get it up. It's embarassing for you and your girlfriend will think there is something wrong with her. Trust me it is a fvcking headache at best. Test can be used and you can still see lean muscle gains without bloating/water retention as long as you have a good plan for PCT. Just keep researching bro. Thats what i'm doing....

    Good Luck

  6. #6
    Big Drez's Avatar
    Big Drez is offline Banned
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    OK...thanks for the input fellas. So now my question is, if I take some of these things into concideration, which I will, would Sustanon 250 be a decent choice, or would it be better to stack something along the lines of Cypionate /Enanthate for 8-10 weeks along with an AI....? Would Sustanon 250 by itself be enough?

  7. #7
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes sustanon would be enough if you run it at 500mgs/week and split it into EOD injections... and with sust you should still use an AI like a-dex or l-dex at .25mgs/day, no matter what... good luck

  8. #8
    Titleist's Avatar
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    If it were me I would say Cyp or Enanth. I have read a lot of negative about Sust. 250. Don't get me wrong there are supporters as well. A friend of mine starting taking sust. a few days ago, waiting to see what results he sees from it. I'm thinking i'm going to go with either Cyp or Enanth as my test because it is a longer esther and only has to be taken 2x weekly, as compared with E.D. or E.O.D. with Prop...

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