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  1. #1
    musclefreak85 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007

    sust n deca???????

    I was wonderin how well a cycle of sust and deca would work, the side effects, the pros, cons, how long to run it and how much to take? Ive ben bodybuild for 2 years now and am thinking of trying a cycle of sust n deca. I also have winni n dbol are all available to me i just dont kno what and how to take it for best results?

  2. #2
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    sust deca and dbol would be great IMO.. i'm doing and dbol and sust cycle now.. but it's only second week so there for i can't give you too mch details.

    have you got an idea how you want to run the cycle? and have you got enough supply for a good cycle?

    also is this your first cycle?

  3. #3
    musclefreak85 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007

    yeah first time

    yeah its def my first cycle lol a lil nervous but wutever, but sust n dbol that 2 tests?, wouldnt you rather do deca and sust cycle...n another question how well do dbol pills work???

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    insane asylum
    Dbol is great as a kickstart to a cycle ran at a proper dose If its your first cycle I would say its a good one not great but good,your gains should be there up make sure you read up on pct

  5. #5
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    Test E for a first timer.. and you can use Dbol to kick start it...

    1-4 Dbol ( hard to say i prefer someone to give you a dosage on that)
    1-12 Test E 500mg
    followed By PCT

    use the deca and sust for a 2nd if you wish...

  6. #6
    pip_squeek is offline Associate Member
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    i am running exactly the same cycle off the d/bol ran it for 3 weeks at 40mg a day. now i am doing sust at 500mg/pw and decca/400mg pw

    1-3 dbol 40mb ed + legalon and proviron liver protector)
    1-10 sust 500mg pw
    1-9 decca400mg pw

    sides are acne and pissibly hair loss but i have proscar for the hair loss part.

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