Age - 25
Weight -170
Height 5-7

Been training for five years, but took a break for 3 months which was the worst mistake i ever made but ive been back in the gym for about two months now...

I am pretty lean upper bodywise, however i have some noticable fat around my waist, love handles, and my face. I thought anavar had some fat burning properties in i figured id try it.....anytime iv taken test iv gotten real swollen in my face and i hate it...i want to stay lean not puffy, but add some mass as well.......i overall want to gain some weight but cut down on my fatty areas as specified....not sure if anavar alone will cut it....please and advice is welcome!!!!!!!!!!!

Also for note...I have taken alot of different gear and i tend to get real sick anytime i take a test...flu-like symptoms, etc., however this also happened when i tried tren sucks cuz i never truly finish a cycle because i get too sick and cant even work out....Deca , EQ, etc., never had a problem with...., I am dyin to try tren again....i think it best suits the stack with anavar???I just cant deal with the flu shit....