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Thread: Deca or Tren?

  1. #1
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Deca or Tren?

    I am going to be running my summer bulking cycle soon. I cant decide to run Tren or Deca in it. This is what its looking like so far.

    wk 1-10 Test E 500mg/wk
    wk 1-8 Tren or Deca not sure yet the deca I would run 300mg/wk and the tren I would run 100mg EOD.

    My question is will I benefit from running the Deca appose to the Tren? Im pretty much looking for something to help me keep most of my gains. I know I can make really good gains on the test alone but I just dont want to lose it all thats why Im running another compound. And how is everything else looking?
    Thanks, guys

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34
    I am going to be running my summer bulking cycle soon. I cant decide to run Tren or Deca in it. This is what its looking like so far.

    wk 1-10 Test E 500mg/wk
    wk 1-8 Tren or Deca not sure yet the deca I would run 300mg/wk and the tren I would run 100mg EOD.

    My question is will I benefit from running the Deca appose to the Tren? Im pretty much looking for something to help me keep most of my gains. I know I can make really good gains on the test alone but I just dont want to lose it all thats why Im running another compound. And how is everything else looking?
    Thanks, guys
    Deca for 8 weeks?
    not to be too rude but clearly u need to do far more researc before indulging aas.. but since im impatient and dont wanna wait for u to look around come back and say i couldnt find anything on what im asking im just going to throw out a few pointers...
    first the LOSE IT ALL idea is only a concern if u have NO IDEA how to diet.. and NO IDEA how to run a proper pct protocol.
    so tell me hows ur diet?
    whats it consist of?
    what are the macros?
    as well as...
    what is ur pct protocol?
    what ancillaries, how much and how long will u be running them?
    do u know how to revise ur diet and training for pct?

    and lastly wat are ur stats and cycle experience?
    and no.. its not i dont like you lol, just dont want you to be an r-tard when it comes to hormones

  3. #3
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Okay my stats are 5'9" 225lbs at 7%bf just got it checked. I have ran one cycle of test only kept about gained 30 kept 15. I have all the Pct I need. My diet is 5000 cals pretty clean diet. I wasent being serious when I said lose it all like keep not even a pound, I meant like lose half of it like my last cycle. I have clomid, nolva, liquidex, and HCG for PCT.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34
    Okay my stats are 5'9" 225lbs at 7%bf just got it checked. I have ran one cycle of test only kept about gained 30 kept 15. I have all the Pct I need. My diet is 5000 cals pretty clean diet. I wasent being serious when I said lose it all like keep not even a pound, I meant like lose half of it like my last cycle. I have clomid, nolva, liquidex, and HCG for PCT.
    225 @ 7% .. thats.. not to be rude.. but very unlikely for your age to say the least especialy at your height, since that is like a hella nice precomp physique, as for cycling i woulda waited till atleast 20+ for ur endocrine system to fully develope but hey not my body not my worry.

    anyways if ur doing for sports dont mess w/ tren .. it will completely annihilate ur stamina.. and i mean u wont have ANY.

  5. #5
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    225 @ 7% .. thats.. not to be rude.. but very unlikely for your age to say the least especialy at your height, since that is like a hella nice precomp physique, as for cycling i woulda waited till atleast 20+ for ur endocrine system to fully develope but hey not my body not my worry.

    anyways if ur doing for sports dont mess w/ tren.. it will completely annihilate ur stamina.. and i mean u wont have ANY.
    If those are your true stats at 19, why even mess with AAS? I mean at least not until you are at least 21. 5'9" with those stats is impressive. I agree that if you play a sport, football for example, Tren is not the way to go. You will have the lungs of a chain-smoker.

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGetBig13

    If those are your true stats at 19, why even mess with AAS? I mean at least not until you are at least 21. 5'9" with those stats is impressive. I agree that if you play a sport, football for example, Tren is not the way to go. You will have the lungs of a chain-smoker.
    a fat chain smoker could outlast a tren user any day

  7. #7
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    225 @ 7% .. thats.. not to be rude.. but very unlikely for your age to say the least especialy at your height, since that is like a hella nice precomp physique, as for cycling i woulda waited till atleast 20+ for ur endocrine system to fully develope but hey not my body not my worry.

    anyways if ur doing for sports dont mess w/ tren.. it will completely annihilate ur stamina.. and i mean u wont have ANY.
    225 @ 7% i need pic's..

  8. #8
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    a fat chain smoker could outlast a tren user any day

  9. #9
    mick-g's Avatar
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    If i were to use the Deca id run Npp instead, as it is faster acting and much less water retension if any and it is still 19nor. It will also make you physique hard looking. It is a hard call tho cause tren is like a higher androgen in effect then Npp, so it is really an individual choice. Depends to on how you react to tren. I only use Tren E and only side i get is hot flashes, especially at night. I don't have a prob with it as far as insomnia. In the summer tren will make you really hot tho, lol, where the Npp wont as much. Both will give you quality and keepable gains, but it is your diet, training, and proper pct that will keep that in check. Both are good imo.

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    If i were to use the Deca id run Npp instead, as it is faster acting and much less water retension if any and it is still 19nor. It will also make you physique hard looking. It is a hard call tho cause tren is like a higher androgen in effect then Npp, so it is really an individual choice. Depends to on how you react to tren. I only use Tren E and only side i get is hot flashes, especially at night. I don't have a prob with it as far as insomnia. In the summer tren will make you really hot tho, lol, where the Npp wont as much. Both will give you quality and keepable gains, but it is your diet, training, and proper pct that will keep that in check. Both are good imo.
    i have ran both deca and npp and i could not tell a diff in bloat on either

  11. #11
    Nickster#1's Avatar
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    Need to know basis.
    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34
    I am going to be running my summer bulking cycle soon. I cant decide to run Tren or Deca in it. This is what its looking like so far.

    wk 1-10 Test E 500mg/wk
    wk 1-8 Tren or Deca not sure yet the deca I would run 300mg/wk and the tren I would run 100mg EOD.

    My question is will I benefit from running the Deca appose to the Tren? Im pretty much looking for something to help me keep most of my gains. I know I can make really good gains on the test alone but I just dont want to lose it all thats why Im running another compound. And how is everything else looking?
    Thanks, guys
    Young man? You need to do alot more research on AS. First, your still a little bit too young, no offense, just fact. Second, it is obvious you dont know enough about AS if your debating whether to use deca or tren for a bulking cycle. Third, Hey, what the hell. Your eather going to listen to the good advice given to you, or your not. If your going to do a cycle anyways, test-e at 500mg/ml a week for 12 weeks will put a good 20 or so pounds on you.

  12. #12
    mick-g's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i have ran both deca and npp and i could not tell a diff in bloat on either
    Hmm...that is odd, cause most ppl that use the npp will get little to no water. Do you get water or bloat off regular deca? I guess there are always some that have dif reactions. If you have a higher metabo it could make a dif in that. Also, likewise if you have a higher bf% then say 14%, you may not tell a dif between the two, because your bf is too high. Example: If you are say 17-20% bf you are not going to see much dif and the same in strength gains off either one.
    Last edited by mick-g; 03-17-2007 at 07:40 PM.

  13. #13
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    Hmm...that is odd, cause most ppl that use the npp will get little to no water. Do you get water or bloat off regular deca? I guess there are always some that have dif reactions. If you have a higher metabo it could make a dif in that. Also, likewise if you have a higher bf% then say 14%, you may not tell a dif between the two, because your bf is too high. Example: If you are say 17-20% bf you are not going to see much dif and the same in strength gains off either one.
    nope only thing that makes me bloat is lots of estrogen... thats bout it.. im lucky like that i guess.. but wats odd is everyone i know in person taht uses aas are non responsive to bloat which is odd kuz everyone on the internet seems to hold water like hippo's.. beats me..

  14. #14
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Those are my true stats I can get pics later. But I wont be able to run tren then because thats a big part of football is conditioning. i might just end up running test only now.

  15. #15
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    O and I have natrually low BF I dont think I have ever been above 8% in my life.

  16. #16
    Fjock is offline Associate Member
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    hey now, its acceptable to be an under 20 y/o if you are involved in something as serious as football or competitive bodybuilding. Sorry folks but that is just what the level of competition has come to these days and its only going to get worse. (by worse i mean more drugs). Aside from that, it is still extremely important to educate yourself thoroughly before even getting involved with the stuff. I researched for a couple of years on boards such as this one before i began my first cycle at around his age.

    Atleast hes not comin on these boards asking for help on his "getting ready for spring break cycle". Take his football situation into account

  17. #17
    chest6's Avatar
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    5'9" 225 7% at 19 years old? I'll be waiting for those pics..

  18. #18
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    in all honestly with those stats and your age you done even need aas. Your a very good weight for your height. Im 6 ft and I had to work my ass off to hit 190. Then again if you still want to try it go ahead. :-D

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock
    hey now, its acceptable to be an under 20 y/o if you are involved in something as serious as football or competitive bodybuilding. Sorry folks but that is just what the level of competition has come to these days and its only going to get worse. (by worse i mean more drugs). Aside from that, it is still extremely important to educate yourself thoroughly before even getting involved with the stuff. I researched for a couple of years on boards such as this one before i began my first cycle at around his age.

    Atleast hes not comin on these boards asking for help on his "getting ready for spring break cycle". Take his football situation into account
    I agree. If it was the difference of being a good college player or a great college player that could make it to the NFL and make millions of dollars, why not take a few risks.

  20. #20
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock
    hey now, its acceptable to be an under 20 y/o if you are involved in something as serious as football or competitive bodybuilding. Sorry folks but that is just what the level of competition has come to these days and its only going to get worse. (by worse i mean more drugs). Aside from that, it is still extremely important to educate yourself thoroughly before even getting involved with the stuff. I researched for a couple of years on boards such as this one before i began my first cycle at around his age.

    Atleast hes not comin on these boards asking for help on his "getting ready for spring break cycle". Take his football situation into account
    Thanks for the support. I have reached my genetic potential I think. The reason I am so big for my age is cause my dad is a personal trainer and has a diet and workout set up for me. But I have ran one cycle I was about 212 before and gained 30lbs and kept about half.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
    mick-g's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    nope only thing that makes me bloat is lots of estrogen... thats bout it.. im lucky like that i guess.. but wats odd is everyone i know in person taht uses aas are non responsive to bloat which is odd kuz everyone on the internet seems to hold water like hippo's.. beats me..
    Well i can't speak for ppl on the internet, lol! All i can speak for is myself. I have tried both deca and npp and in my experience, with deca i got more puffy and water, but with Npp hardly nothing, quicker acting and def hardening of the muscle more so then with regular deca. Like i said tho, there are many variables in each person, that may change one persons experience from anothers. All in all, id say deca no matter what form is the bulking ester of choice for many, but i would rather use Tren E. It is all a personal decision and if hes tried both, he should know what works best for him in gains.
    Last edited by mick-g; 03-17-2007 at 10:01 PM.

  23. #23
    Fjock is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by getpaid
    hes posting them later, I dont find the stats hard to believe. I had very similar ones at 19, except 5'11

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock
    hes posting them later, I dont find the stats hard to believe. I had very similar ones at 19, except 5'11
    Oh, I'm sure he will.............

  25. #25
    Killzone's Avatar
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    You are always going to lose some. Anytime you can walk away from a cycle with a 15lbs gain, you should be pretty pleased. As far as football goes, your size should be plenty big and your natural test levels should be pretty good. I think you are making a huge mistake by using the juice. The risk of you getting caught and losing your education and being kicked out of college sports all together is too great. Don't ruin your life over gain a few extra lbs. It isn't worth it.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killzone
    You are always going to lose some. Anytime you can walk away from a cycle with a 15lbs gain, you should be pretty pleased. As far as football goes, your size should be plenty big and your natural test levels should be pretty good. I think you are making a huge mistake by using the juice. The risk of you getting caught and losing your education and being kicked out of college sports all together is too great. Don't ruin your life over gain a few extra lbs. It isn't worth it.

    Very True!!

  27. #27
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Killzone
    You are always going to lose some. Anytime you can walk away from a cycle with a 15lbs gain, you should be pretty pleased. As far as football goes, your size should be plenty big and your natural test levels should be pretty good. I think you are making a huge mistake by using the juice. The risk of you getting caught and losing your education and being kicked out of college sports all together is too great. Don't ruin your life over gain a few extra lbs. It isn't worth it.
    wow a 15lb gain is phanominal if you have any training experinece ta all since putting on 8lbs of LBM a year is considered good.. for most expierence lifters.

    i would kill for a 15lb gain...

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